Author Topic: Top 5 Rts Units  (Read 10293 times)

Offline Spikerocks101

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Top 5 Rts Units
« on: September 02, 2010, 01:51:44 PM »
This is just my opinion.

5: Knight - Stronghold
The knight, or it foot counter part the swordsman, are by far the strongest unit in Stronghold. Able to take tons of damage and keep on ticking, it is able to storm castles with ease. In Stronghold 1, with +5 morale added to the knight, it give it an additional 50% health, making it even stronger. It is so strong, that sometimes, the only thing that can kill it is a catapult or fire. In Stronghold 2, they made the knight extremely strong. 3-5 knights could defeat an entire castle.

4: Mammoth Tank - Command and Conquer
This monster of a tank has 4 tracks and 2 guns. The Mammoth tank appears in almost all C&C games, under several names like Apocalypse tank and Overlord tank. It can deal just as much damage as it can take, which is a lot. Some models even have missiles, that can fire at air units, making it effective everywhere. The strong model is the Emperor Overlord tank, found in C&C Generals: Zero Hour. The EO has a Gatling cannon, loud speaker, and, as well as the standard guns, has a BUNKER! Yes, it is so large, that it is a moving bunker.

3: Thor Tiger - Outpost 2
I'm pretty sure this one is self explained.

2: Battlecruiser - Starcraft
While the last three we ground units, this one is an air unit. The Battlecruiser is know as one of the icons for Starcraft. It comes into play late in the game, and can easily be a game ender. Having crazy fire power, the Battlecruiser is able to destroy bases with ease. Careful management of the BC can make it very effective.

1: Fatboy - Supreme Commander
Ripping bases apart has never been so fun. Supreme Commander had alot of powerful stuff, like nukes and 1000 pop cap, but nothing was as cool as the Fatboy. The Fatboy was a mobile factory, meaning it could make units and it could move. It  had 16 tracks, and 4 battleship size cannons on it, yet it was a land unit. It also had a helipad, shield, anti-air and could be submerged. It was a killer. There was no unit more powerful then it. In a 1v1 battle with any other unit, it could make units to help it defeat its foes.

So, any suggestions on any better units?

Offline Flashy

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Top 5 Rts Units
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 03:54:47 PM »
Does the Novalith cannon of Sins of a solar empire count as a unit? Anyway, it is a large really expensive space structure with a long expensive research path. It takes a lot of time to load(can be upgraded) but it fires a big nuke that is capable of phase jumping to other planets and depopulates the targetted planet if its not protected by a fortified infrastructure and shield generators, making colonising impossible for a certain amount of time because of radiation. I won alot of games with my sweet fast firing upgraded set of 2 cannons.
Praise the mighty light towers!!!

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Top 5 Rts Units
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2010, 05:34:58 PM »
1: Deathstar -- starwars galacticbattlegrounds saga (yes it's real.)

2: Stardestroyer -- (where do ya think?)

3: Mo  the juggernaut-- battle forge

4: blight's raven heart -- battle forge (no not the blight from op2.)

5: tutunic knight -- age of empires II

btw the death star would infact own aprox 90% of all rts units cuzz it can destroy planets XD beat that!
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(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline CK9

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Top 5 Rts Units
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2010, 01:17:41 AM »
*jumps in an X-wing and blows up the death star*

lol, anyway, here's mine for strategy in general (some have aspects of both rts and tbs in them, so it's not really fair to leave them out):

5) Archer - Lords of the Realm 2:
While the second weakest unit in the game (peasants being the weakest), the combination of cheap production and long-range firing allows for a swarm of archers that can easily take out an equal number of Knight units, bringing devistation to your opponents' economy

4) Scout -Outpost 2:
No one suspects an innocent little scout can be devistating...until they're victimized by the scout rush.  This cheap and nimble units can bring an early victory to those who know how to harness the technique, or a devistating blow to those who don't.

3) Supernova lynx - Outpost 2:
Being a one-time-use unit, this can be a costly tactic, but a highly efficient one.  With the ability to quickly manuever around enemy army groupings, this unit can deliver a devistating blow straight to your opponent's command center.

2)Thor's Hammer Tiger - Outpost 2:
fast firing and high damage make this a ,oral-shattering weapon to see on the battlefield.  On an open plain, this unit can easily take down several units before being destroyed.

1)HERC chassis Apocalypse - Missionforce: Cyberstorm
I think the people at say it best about this one:
The Juggernaut is a walking fortress with long-range weapons capabilities. When this Herc arrives at its target, the battle is pretty much over. Standard Equipment: Crystal Matrix Sensor, a Ion 420 reactor, Lock-On 100 targeting computer, Shield 1500 shield class, Chemical 390 battery, Integrated Environment Life Support, Didrate 35cm armor, and a Pre-Flexive drive system. The Juggernaut is unlimited in regard to weapon upgrades.
{note: Juggernaut is a specific configuration of the chassis.}
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Offline Spikerocks101

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Top 5 Rts Units
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2010, 01:40:35 AM »
Flashy: Thou I loved that building (won me several games... kinda cheep thou), I classify that as a Super Weapon over a standard unit. Also, I was going to choose the Marza Dreadnought as one, but not every one agrees that its the best in Sins.

LOP: The Death Star is more of a Super Weapon then a unit. Thou, in Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption, the Executor should probably be on my list, as it is pretty much invincible, but it's pretty hard to get against a decent player.

CK9: Scouts? Really? In the top 5 best RTS units? 5 lynxs can quickly kill and scout rush, and even faster as Plymouth.

Offline Freeza-CII

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Top 5 Rts Units
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2010, 05:26:32 AM »
nice choice with the herc. havent played cyber storm in years.

RTS games hmmm

SVC/Drone/Probe : Star Craft

Convec : Outpost 2

Harvester : C&C

Artillery : C&C

Santawalking : Outpost 2

reasons for choosing these

your basic and cheapest unit that you start out with is so important that you keep them alive at all costs. your gatherers the things that let you build your armies of cool units there for they are the most important and the best units ever.  with them you are nothing and nothing will be making pretty explosions.  the artiller in C&C was just awesome and you couldnt always get it but if you could you could make a slow moving wall and destroy any thing.  Santawalking because its a unit in op2 and santa as a unit is just awesome.

Offline CK9

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Top 5 Rts Units
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 02:56:54 PM »
CK9: Scouts? Really? In the top 5 best RTS units? 5 lynxs can quickly kill and scout rush, and even faster as Plymouth.
let me point you to a specific part of what I said:

can bring an early victory to those who know how to harness the technique, or a devistating blow to those who don't.

If you're good with a scout rush, you can blow up a vital building before your opponent has the chance to get weapons.  If you're not, you wasted time and resources.  Not to mention that the scout is faster than the lynx
CK9 in outpost
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srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
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