Author Topic: Recreation Facilities And Morale  (Read 3853 times)

Offline Flashy

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« on: July 30, 2010, 07:53:31 AM »
When i searched the forums for something new about op2 i found this topic: . Does that mean i only have to build one recreation facility/forum to get the morale bonus or do i get it even if i don't build one?
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Offline Sirbomber

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 01:57:53 PM »
Never research Rec Centers/Forums.  If you don't have them researched you don't lose morale.  If you do research them and demand is met you don't get any bonus.
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Offline Hidiot

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 02:16:08 PM »
You get +1 to the morale modifier each morale calculating cycle, which might be each mark, if demand is met. You get -1 if demand is not met.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 02:16:17 PM by Hidiot »
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Offline Flashy

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 04:12:33 PM »
So the morale.txt is wrong?
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Offline Kayedon

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 06:33:18 PM »
If you're going to research it, never do so in the campaign. If you research it in a colony mission, do it early enough so that you don't have a thousand people in a 35-or-whatever person building, but late enough so that you're not wasting precious scientists.
If you research it in multiplayer, you fail. :D
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Offline Arklon

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2010, 07:39:11 PM »
Forums might be worth it since they can hold 100 colonists after the upgrade. Assuming the morale formula is set up so that rec centers/forums actually do boost it.
If you're Eden, don't even bother with rec centers. In fact, with the consumer goods factory, you don't have to worry that much about morale at all as long as you can keep spamming impulse items.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 07:39:19 PM by Arklon »

Offline Hidiot

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2010, 01:31:26 AM »
Who knows how they made the system work, if they put a - instead of a + and compensated in morale.txt. The same can be seen for Medical Centres in morale. txt and we know for sure you lose morale if you don't have enough, and gain if you do.

I stand by my previous statement. Whether anyone finds that +1 to morale per mark useful is their own opinion.
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Offline evecolonycamander

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2010, 04:57:59 AM »
So the morale.txt is wrong?
no it is not wrong. it is just inacurute and/or missleaeding
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Offline Hidiot

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2010, 05:36:59 AM »
ecc, you sound like you don't know what you're talking about...

morale.txt is one of the files the game uses. What it contains is accurate. How it is used is not clear.
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Offline Hooman

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2010, 08:46:11 PM »
Sirbomber is right. There is no benefit to researching rec. centers.

It's like taking a pie, and slicing it up into more pieces that are now smaller. The size of the pie doesn't change. You're overall morale will be the same, provided you meet demand for everything. In fact, it's detrimental to research those buildings, because demand will NOT be met between the time the research completes, and you'd built a kit, or rather a sufficient number of kits, and deployed them. The only use, is if for some reason you can not maintain another aspect of colony morale, and you need the minus from that other aspect to now account for a smaller percentage of your overall morale. Maybe in custom scenarios that might be the case, but in usual practice, if another aspect is bringing morale down, you should fix that rather than attempt a partial fix by distracting your colonists with rec. centers.

My conclusion is, never research rec. centers, if you can possibly avoid it.

The only time you should research morale affecting techs is if they're required to finish the mission (campaign?), or if you're using a tech tree where another tech you want depends on that tech (like the GORF, which affects morale, and later on better metals processing). Or if you've come to the end of a colony game, and feel some sort of requirement to complete every research, and you're not worried about the negative consequences.


Offline Zhall

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Recreation Facilities And Morale
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2010, 08:05:44 PM »
All those resources... WASTED... FOR SO MANY YEARS!!

Just another example of the rush job sierra did to Outpost 2.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 08:06:11 PM by Zhall »
Pumping out awsome.