Flash game, you can find it at
http://goo.gl/V954Figured it's better to discuss here than the shoutbox.
First, let me state that there is nothing really similar to OP2. It's a flash knockoff of Command and Conquer, only way way worse (and the only good C&C games were the first ones).
First, the water is visibly tiled. Wtf?
Second, units move in a straight line and are too stupid to all follow an attack command, changing a line of 20 tanks into a one-at-a-time follow the leader game unless you manually move them all around. It's NOT that hard to give them pathfinding in Flash.
I haven't found any other complaints, other than the horrendous sound.
Overall, not a very special or noteworthy game.
EDIT: To continue my rant... animation is sub-par. All attacks come from the top-most corner of your unit, and half the time they won't face their target, meaning bullets come out of their ass and fly towards their target.
Enemies won't defend their base unless the unit itself is attacked.
Your guys often forget they were even told to shoot.