Ok, first sign of any real progress has finally occurred.
Checked the Memory map whilst running Outpost 2 as an attached process. Whilst scanning through any modules used by Outpost 2, I found something relevant in .data
The data dump at 0054FC50 contains the beginning of the message history displayed in the communications tab.
I was quite happy to notice the following:
at 0054FCF0 fourth column was FE FF FF FF
at 0054FD00 FF FF FF FF | 3C 4E 3E 36 | 3A 20 3A 20 | 36 36 36 00
This translated into <N>6: : 666
Which is my message sent at mark 6.
Now, a message history is probably a very roundabout way of finding strings players enter.
But, this is the best I could find for now, since I am having serious trouble using OllyDbg to find any run time added/modified value.
EDIT: Relating to the message history dump, it seems to come up on a filled space at 00550FF0. So that's probably the end of said message history.
More EDIT:
I seem to have found the dump address for the last message entered.
Another EDIT:
This one came up after I decided to try and check for instructions relating cheat code verification again. At address 00586430 I notice an ESI := [param1] char * chatText instruction.
So far so good, it appears that OP2 uses a chatText char * type variable to handle text entered in that bottom text box.
I'm afraid this is about as far as I can go, since I see nothing I can do to follow a variable.
And another EDIT:
Now I found my way into the names of variables and functions mostly. I actually forgot how I got here, since I'm too tired. Apart from finding a reference to a Player.GetPlayerName() function (which would be a nice addition to the SDK), I located the following:
Names in Outpost2, item 2261
Name=Player.ProcessCommandPacket(CommandPacket *commandPacket):[ctChat]
Comment=[ctChat]: EBX := &cp.chatText
By the looks of its location, I have a feeling this will not help me in any way. Can't make much of it either.