Now to those of you who have it or want it:
(which im sadly doubting that includes anyone)would anyone like to play a game or two on multiplayer? it works just like op2 with tcp/internet IPs and stuff. If any of you are interested in haveing a game of AOE II conqueror's exspansion or the regular age of empires II or age of empires one (if im desperate) then come on irc and join the lobby!!!

You can buy this game at wallmart, mires (i know thats spell wrong

dont remind me) or target in the computer games iles. They are usually only in a cd case with no box. If your at the right place the price should be around 12.00 US dollars worth
(not much for a video game these days; xbox 360 games go for at least 50.00).
please post your active times (USA Eastern coast) of when youll be available to play.
My active times are week ends between 11:00 am - 8:00 pm but it veries on week ends for me; i take breaks and do other stuff in between too.
on week days im available monday-thursday 5:20 pm - 7:00 pm
(Note that im not always on durring these times though i'll try my best to come).
-Remember DO NOT discuss this game in any irc channel except for the lobby.
-If you want to participate please post the notification on this topic.
-No lagging that freezes game play for over 5mins aloud
-Please do not use cheats or ask for them enabled; the game would end within 5 secounds!
-You are encouraged to help teamates out (e.g. sombody is low on wood and your low on food, you both then trade for eachother's resources).
-If you are the host pleaed do not kick people unless you have a good reason. (E.G. spamming, rude, or laaging player)
-Please try to tribute all resources to allied players if your about to leave.(Food wood gold stone).
-Game types and maps will be decided on votes so that everyone is happy.

this includes all other settings that effect gameplay.
-Cheats should NEVER be enabled even when requested (unless EVERYBODY wants to mess around and does not care about rules).
Now any questions, comments?