I want an objective to be "destroy all waves of incoming enemy units" but sadly OP2 has no "EnemyGroupDestroyed" trigger.
Any suggestions?
Edit 3: I'm going to try using a Set Trigger to combine a Time Trigger with a Vehicle Count Trigger. I'll let you know if it works.
Edit: Unrelated to the above problem, but part of the same project.
Unit Unit1;
for (short s = 23; s < 39; s++)
TethysGame::CreateUnit(Unit1, mapScorpion, LOCATION(s+31, 1-1), 1, mapEnergyCannon, 2);
Any idea why that only spawns 2 Scorpions (or sometimes none at all)? I have nearly identical code that works, which makes it even more confusing...
Edit 2: Problem solved due to Arklon. Apparently, OP2 deletes units if you try to put them in a full attack group...