Author Topic: Super Special Awesome Sexy Introduction Sequence G  (Read 1789 times)

Offline ZombifiedToast

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Super Special Awesome Sexy Introduction Sequence G
« on: August 05, 2009, 09:42:05 AM »
Hi I am ZombifiedToast alias MasterSephiroth(essentially my most used name before I came up with ZombifiedToast) alias LSSJ_Sephiroth(Gamefaqs, learn it, live it, love it) alias Leprosy(one of my lesser used names).

>.> Usually when I post an introduction topic to a new forum I have joined, I usually just repost my original introduction to my TF2 clan forums, BUT that's a little vulgar and I don't want to alienate any of you.... yet.

I suppose the point of these introduction things is to tell about my personal self, but since I prefer the aspect of anonymity on the internet, I don't believe I am going to.

Lets just say that I'm your regular everyday internet traveler, seeking interesting, new, exciting, shocking, graphic stuff that would normally cause a person to go into a mental breakdown, ya know... normal internet stuff.

Though I can't say Outpost 2 was my FIRST PC game persay (MIG 29 on an old Hewlett Packard FTW, though I never learned to land the plane >.>), I would say it's one of the first that I ever played significantly. I've never played the game online because... well lets be honest, I'm not a very fast RTS player. I get thrashed on starcraft for christ's sake.

Anywho, I decided I wanted to get into the Outpost 2 community when I actually heard there was a community :P. If I come off as an asshole in some of my posts, its probably because I'm generally an asshole. Try not to take what I say serious most of the time.  I enjoy getting a rise out of others by holding a different opinion than them.

So that's about it, I don't feel like posting more, so cool story bro.

Ja Ne!
Rule 36: I am Legend, you are Beowulf, we are Marshal, and this is Sparta