I like the idea, but unless someone with enough knowledge and time volunteers to work on this, I don't see it getting done. Even what exactly it would be or how it would work is quite unclear. It anyone wants to contribute code for such a project, or even work on a design document, I would glady accept such a project into the SVN. Although, anything to be deployed on the web site, or that accesses the web site's database will need to pass a security audit before being deployed.
I was on a BBS once (like a dial-up forum before the Internet was popular), and when you posted there you got gold. They had a games section, where each game cost some amount of gold (usually equivalent to one post) to enter and play your turns for that day. That might make for an interesting system to implement, although, you'd need some fun games for people to play. From a technical perspective, such a setup would allow a game to be developed almost independently of forum software as the only interaction is the point/ore checking during "login".
But, I don't suppose too many people here have an idea how to make such games? I'm assuming web browser based games here. (Which is perhaps an unwarranted assumption?)