Simple fix using the op2mod system to make outpost2 scroll only when it is the focused window. Is really annoying when developing a dll with a sub-window like mine uses and op2 is scrolling all over the place when i am trying to hit buttons...
I put lots of comments in the source, if you need an example of how to go about using op2mod stuff. "Hooman has looked over this and determined it is not a hazard to one's health"
another edit: more comments, plus can read from the ini.
Readme follows ~~~
OP2 Scroll Fix
(gotta love originality)
12/23/08 by ZigZagJoe, with extensive help from Hooman
Fixes Outpost2 scrolling when it is not the focused window.
LoadAddons = "OP2ScrollFix"
Dll = "OP2ScrollFix.dll"
Enabled = 1
All that is needed! The old mod system should work (but i can't remember how to make it load something) - it relys on DllMain as opposed to mod_load, etc.
you can still use netfix with this - just add a space and then OP2ScrollFix, thus getting LoadAddons = "NetFix OP2ScrollFix"
"Enabled" can be set to 2 in the ini to disable ALL mouse scrolling
If there is no enabled field in the ini, it defaults to enabled (1)
0 preserves the old function (scroll regardless)
GPL Open source, etc, etc.
Download below (14kb)