Author Topic: Locomotion  (Read 16561 times)

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #50 on: October 09, 2007, 10:16:35 PM »
Legs and Wings are the only other.  Types that could work but We have all come to the conclusion that the only things that will fly are SULV/RLV/EMP missile.

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2007, 10:19:39 AM »
It kinda depends on the gravity and air density,etc... of the planet. At a certain low gravity, you could get some of your units to fly, by strapping some form of wings and propulsion on them.

But like I said, it all comes down to the conditions on that planet...  
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Offline Zegian

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« Reply #52 on: October 21, 2007, 09:31:24 AM »
jest asking but if underground tracks wouldent work why do tubes work? what stops them from geting blown up by supernova's or starflare's or w\e els? puting the tracks underground and useing magnets would probly work and if its not worth it then why are tubes underground? i think a train would be possbil but only able to be pull'ed off in lateish games where u have enuff ore to build it and maybe multipil bases so u have a reason to get it? + youed need w\e tech that it needs and you could be put futher up the tech tree  it might work nice as a unit transport for multipil bases   about cuting the tracks? jest have weapons on the train and send it over and blow the earthworker or w\e up b4 it can cut it  then try to escape b4 the escort blows the train up or something?  maybe haveing the cars on the train have spots that u can put diffrent things on? like a spot to put turrets or a spot to carry units or a spot thats like a cargo truck? maybe jest equip the train with a mass of turrets and have it move by shooting at enemeys? but it would take up more slots so it would be less of a transport cause insted of spots to put junk it has turrets on it   it would be more deffensive then because you need tracks to run it on + if thay cut the track then jest move the way thats not cut maybe?(if there is 1) but it wouldent be over powered cause it would get killed vs a mass of units if there were enuff of them or the right types and it would be expensive enuff to make it worth sending some starflares or supernovas or a force of units  to reduce the spaming of it make it take up alot of power to run it because the magnets need to be powerfull enuff to lift it + say u can only have so many trains per w\e     then again what do i know? im jest a newb and im imangineing it in op2  op3 will probly be alot diffrent.   heck am i even supost to be posting this?  over all i like the idea of a train unit and even if its not able to be used in multi player maybe it could be used in the campain or something? then again im not a programmer and this would probly be to much work to pull off  this is jest my idea for how the train might be able to fit and i doubt anything i spent time typeing down here is going to be worth anything

Offline Nynx

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« Reply #53 on: October 21, 2007, 08:52:59 PM »
...could you restructure that so people can read it please i got about a sentence in before i was lost :blink:

the tubes are underground, and technically they arent visible if the game was real: in the in-game movies when it shows the aerial views of the colonies; you dont see the tunnels.

you see the tunnels in the game so to help you see where each building connects to others, its a gameplay option which works.

That explains why tunnels are impervious to weapons fire: because techically they arent there  B)  

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #54 on: October 21, 2007, 10:06:11 PM »
but why do they slow movement? If they're underground, the surface could be bulldozed to speed units up...
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Offline Psudomorph

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« Reply #55 on: October 22, 2007, 04:53:39 AM »
but why do they slow movement? If they're underground, the surface could be bulldozed to speed units up...
[Runs some quick tests]

Wow, tubes slow movement. :blink: You learn something new every day.
I have no clue why that might happen... I wonder if it is intentional or not?

Anyway, I think the programmers kind of "cheated" in making tubes indestructible for the sake of simplicity.

I imagine the reason that train tracks couldn't be made similarly invincible is that they have too big a strategic value, and are such a big factor in war that it would be stupid to make the enemy unable to affect them.

I personally would love to see some implementation of monorails/trains/etc. just out of sheer curiosity, but most of the community seems opposed to the idea, so, whatever...

Offline Nynx

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« Reply #56 on: October 22, 2007, 09:48:12 AM »
but why do they slow movement? If they're underground, the surface could be bulldozed to speed units up...
they do speed up unit movement, as much as if the unit was on bulldozed ground, because if you look closely, the tube is surrounded by bulldozed ground

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #57 on: October 22, 2007, 10:44:46 AM »
Er... no it doesn't... I personally checked that.

Tube tiles slow your units if they pass from a bulldozed area to a tubed area.
That also explains why your units will avoid running over the tube is you have a bulldozed area next to that tube when you have an RCC.
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