Author Topic: Newbie Questions Regarding Op1  (Read 6567 times)

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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Newbie Questions Regarding Op1
« on: May 26, 2007, 01:26:28 PM »
Okay, i'm new to Outpost 1, and I have great difficulty trying to understand how the game works, because there's a lack of useful walkthroughs, insufficient documentation, and strange game design. So I thought i'd ask some questions here, hoping someone has the answers to them:

I'll highlight questions that have been answered in BOLD, as I update.

1. What does the 'Education Level' of a University mean? Does it mean when it reaches 100, the University becomes useless?
Also is there a way to check the level?
Is there any extra effect when more than 1 University is present?

2. Does research that increase efficiency of certain buildings (like the Factory upon discovery of Mathematics) affect the equivalent Seed buildings as well?

3. Is research lost when a topic is abandoned for awhile? Not that I would do that though.
Progress is kept.

4. What does a Medical Facility actually do? Does it prevent people from dying so often (like in OP2), or is it just a Morale boost? If it increases health, does it have a radius (i.e. max 5 tiles from it)?
It's supposed to delay the spread of the alien plague or something like that, but is this true?
Is there any extra effect by building more?

5. Does an RLD increase the local crime rate? I never build it though; just curious.

6. Does a DIRT actually help in preventing Hot Lab and Nanotech Facility explosions? If so, by how much?

7. Do Tubes require a contiguous connection?
I.e. ('+' for tube, 'O' for ground, 'X' for building)


Or can I use buildings as connectors in between each pipe section?


Seems that I can...
Also, it seems that buildings don't need a tube once it's built; just a building, so:


is perfectly legal. However this would lead to upgrading problems.
Also, the smelter doesn't require any tube connection and can be built next to nothing, as long as it is within the 30-tile Command Center radius.

8. When a building has a radius of effect, is this counted in the same way as the radius of building limits of the Command Center? That is, every diagonal counts as 2 instead of 1, producing a diamond-shaped design?
Like this: (Assume Radius 5, such as DIRT and Police Stations, 'O' represents no effect, '+' effect, and 'X' the building that radiates the effect)


And an example of a UG Admin building's effect, only affecting 3 UG Labs/UG Factories after deducting the necessary pipe connection:


Are these interpretations correct?

9. Do radius effects have any bonus should there be an overlap? And does the effect of the radius become weaker the further the tile from the building? Tell me if they apply to all the radius buildings.

10. Does it cost additional resources to produce things at Factories, compared to an idle Factory?
Nope, but you have to pay for the Factory's operational costs, which essentially is paying for the production, as producing nothing requires no maintenance costs from the Factory in question.

11. Does it still cost resources to maintain idle buildings? If so, do Labs researching 'Pause' or 'None' still demand resources? And for Factories, does it require resources to produce 'Pause'?
They stop demanding resources and workers if idled or paused.

12. How do I use Fuel Cells? Is it automatically used in Robots whose lifespan has ended? Is it even worth producing (maybe lower cost than recreating a Robot), considering it takes 10 turns to make 1 (without enhancing research such as Mathematics)?
Is it only for use in Robot Workers, or will they function for RoboDozers, RoboDiggers, RoboMiners, Trucks, etc. as well? If so, if the lifespan of these vehicles run out while on a task, will the Fuel Cells be used on them to prolong their lifespans?

13. When Self-Destructing a RoboDigger, how deep a depth does the 8-tile damage affect?

14. Trucks don't seem to work on their own with Auto Trucking. They still have to be assigned to the Mine itself to function. Am I right about this?
I think more Trucks seem to affect the rate in which the ores are collected from the Mine. Am I right about this?
Also, does Auto Trucking choose Routes smartly, or do they try to cut across the terrain?
Based on my games, I think Auto Trucking is pathetic, and you should manually assign Trucks even if you selected Auto Trucking, or your mined ore will be stuck in the mine for a long, long time while your colony erodes...

15. When assigning Trucks, do they jump straight to the location they are assigned to, or do they have to travel to the location from their current position? If they have to do so, do they do so smartly?

16. Do Trucks have any other purpose aside from ferrying ores from Mines to Smelters? If so, what else can they do?

17. Can Trucks pass through Buildings or Tubes? If so, what is the travelling speed? If not, can ores pass through them? If so, how fast, and how smart is the pathing for that?

18. How much ore can a smelter process at a time? Should I have more than 1 smelter? And should they be as close as possible to a mine to quicken the ferrying of resources?
Smelters process 1000 ore at a time at most according to the manual. The closer they are to the mine, the better.

19. Does distance affect the time it takes for smelted ores in the Smelter to reach a Storage Tank, or for a Product to reach a Warehouse?

20. It seems that Products have to be sent to a Warehouse for 1 turn before they are able to be used. Is my observation correct?

21. My Idle Vehicles losing their Fuel Cell capacity! Is it possible to preserve their Fuel Cell capacity if not used?

22. Assuming equal distance from a smelter, is it more productive to use RoboMiners to acquire more Mines, or is it more productive to dig deeper in existing Mines first?
Digging deeper is better, as you don't need extra manpower to man the additional mines, and you don't need extra trucks if the mine is very near your smelter, and it's faster to expand your shaft rather than build a new mine.
The only exception I can think of is if you're short on resources and can't afford the drop in productivity when you expand a shaft (when you place a robominer on a shaft to expand it, the mine produces ore as if it were 1 level shallower, till the RoboMiner finishes its work).

23. Does anyone have a Tech Tree describing what advantages each technology gives when discovered?

24. What the heck does Basic Research do anyway? And why can I continue researching it even after discovered?
Partial Answer: It's supposed to increase your research rate, but the extent in which it helps and whether continuing to research it helps, is questionable.

25. Does researching the same thing in many labs improve the rate of research of that tech? If so, how much improvement is granted? Is it 1+1=2, or is there a loss or gain of efficiency?
It is suspected that the efficiency doesn't improve.

26. Does morale affect the rate of research?
Nope. Even if it does, the effect is negligible.

27. Suppose if the Rebels have abandoned their colony and I am granted control. If I use their RoboDozers to scrap their buildings, do the MPGs go to their SPEW (probably), or mine? What if I use the RoboDozers from my colony instead?

28. Does bulldozing the Rebel Colony to the ground incur any morale penalty?
Answer: Probably not, but can't confirm it yet.

29. When packing the Starship at the start of the game, what exactly will the Rebels steal half of? Also, do they round up or down when stealing half of the goods?
Answer: They at least steal half your Colonists and Colonist & Cargo Landers, rounded down. Other items have yet to be confirmed. In Easy mode, they get duplicates of your Solar Power Arrays.

30. Can colonies overlap? If so, how is the Command Center jurisdiction determined for buildings within this overlap?

31. Is there a way to see how many smelted ores you have other than clicking on every single Storage Tank and adding the stockpiled resources up? Selecting the Transfer Assets from the Command Center right-click menu doesn't seem to be useful at all, since it only shows the assets stored within the Command Center...
Have fun clicking every Storage Tank and counting, because they're not displayed conveniently in one screen.

32. Is there a way to see the total number of each smelted ore consumed every turn? Is there also some sort of Balance Sheet of stockpiled ores against consumed smelted ore?
Since there is no display for the total ores you have, there's also no resource Balance Sheet. :(

33. What ores can MPG replace? Can it also replace ores used to maintain structures, or is it restricted for construction purposes?
It seems to replace anything, and can be used for maintenance purposes as well.

34. Do I lose morale when buildings explode? If so, do tubes count?

35. There seems to be a 'burning' rubble and another regular rubble graphic. Does this affect the game in any way, or is the 'burning' rubble there just for flavour?
Burning rubble just means that the building just exploded, and doesn't carry any significance to gamplay.

36. Is it better to bulldoze obsolete buildings and rebuilding their upgraded version, or to keep the obsolete building while building the new one (assuming there is ample space)?
What if i'm short on resources? Can the MPG generated from the bulldoze make up for the lack of ores to rebuild the building?

37. What buildings increase morale? I know of Residences, Medical Facilities, RLDs, Benevolent Police, Recreational, Universities, UG Factorys (with UG Commercials), and Parks/Resevoirs. Did I miss out anything? Also do these effects stack with themselves (e.g. having more than 1 of each)?

38. When I switch production in a Factory, do I lose all the progress that has been made, or is it carried over to the new product, or is the incomplete product kept for future completion?
Answer: Progress is lost, but i'm not certain if it takes a turn to switch to a different product as well.

39. Which buildings cause an increase in crime?

40. Does high morale reduce crime?

41. Trucking paths need only be set from the Mine tile to the Smelter to work properly. Is this correct, or otherwise?

42. What are RepairBots and AirBots for?

43. Do the attributes of a planet other than the # of mining sites or maximum digging depth (i.e. gravity, temp., rotation, atmosphere, solar energy received etc.) affect gameplay? If so, in what way?

44. Is an effect radius of a building affected by the way tubes are built around it? For example, the DIRT team has to travel along tubes to service a destination, and can't do so otherwise.

45.  How much is rubble worth? Does it depend on what the rubble used to be?

46. Does crime affect anything other than the spawning of RLDs?

47. Is the ore extraction operation affected when using a RoboMiner on an existing Mine to drill deeper?
- Answer:
Apparently. While a RoboMiner is drilling, the mine produces as if it were 1 level shallower. For example, a Level 1-depth mine that a RoboMiner is working on to drill to Level 2 will produce nothing, and a Level 2-depth mine with a RoboMiner on it produces as if it were a Level 1-depth mine, and so forth.

48. Do Admins even help with the research rate? I don't seem to notice any difference in my research pace.
If they do, is the effect higher if I have more than 1 Admin next to my Labs?

49. Do building effect radii affect buildings on different levels as well?

50. Why don't I see any benefit from replacing the standard Residences with the upgraded Residences? They don't seem to be able to contain more people.

51. Is it harder to increase morale as your colony grows?

52. Can I still get the 'Product: Magical Elixir of Everything' text from the SPEW report in Outpost 1.5? :D

53. Is the Rebel Colony cheating like crazy? Because it sure looks like it. They still lose quickly though.  (thumbsdown)
- Answer:
yeah, they sure do.

I may have more questions as I encounter more issues that I can't find much information on, or as I remember the other questions i've been meaning to ask.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 11:03:28 AM by Flameoftheabyss »

Offline Mez

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Newbie Questions Regarding Op1
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2007, 06:24:26 AM »
Lots of questions there, don't be surprised if there isn't anyone who can answer them all!

First off as you know OP1 was never properly finished even with the 1.5 patch, so there will be a few bugs and things that don't work at all.

And I can't answer any of those questions, a select few may be able to answer a few of them.

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2007, 06:40:16 AM »
Heh, I don't expect anyone to answer them all. I'm just hoping someone could answer one or two at least. :)

Offline acid101

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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2007, 09:39:50 AM »
Im not much into op1 so i wouldnt no, gl on finding the answers

Offline Galciv12

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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2007, 09:22:06 AM »
I do know the answera ot some of your questions

1) no it just means that the university has maxed out theeducation of your colony currently

2)no it only affects the ones that you build

3) I don't know becuase I havent tried it, but I wouldnt try it

4) from what I know, a medical facility does give a morale boost whic his very helpful, and multiple facilities just increase the effect

5) yeah, but it does increase morale by a large percent, so its a trade off

6) i have never had an accident so I wouldnt know

7) yes you cannot build buildings next to each other, so a base would look like this


8) dont know

9) yes they act as multipliers

10) yes

whew, that should answer some of your questions, I will post more answers as I find them.
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Offline druid65

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« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2007, 08:16:03 PM »
7.  You have to have a tube to create a building, but once it is built, you can doze the tube and put in another building, provided there is another tube next to it to build the building next to.  This is the limitation of the system, it requires you build next to a tube, but then you can doze the tube and put in another building.

37.  Red Light Districts also improve moral.  Just keep them from multiplying.

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2007, 12:34:39 AM »
Can 1., 4., 9., 10. be confirmed?
Also, regarding 7., you can build buildings next to each other, just that you need at least 1 tube connection.

Yeah, regarding the tubing, does that mean that the buildings can still function even without a tube connection? Or even without a building connection? So tubes don't have any significance apart from allowing construction? I know this seems to be the case for Smelters, at least.

Regarding the RLDs, is it even necessary, considering that my morale is is stable at 1000 without building them?

Offline druid65

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« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2007, 08:11:27 PM »
Yeah, regarding the tubing, does that mean that the buildings can still function even without a tube connection? Or even without a building connection? So tubes don't have any significance apart from allowing construction? I know this seems to be the case for Smelters, at least.

Regarding the RLDs, is it even necessary, considering that my morale is is stable at 1000 without building them?
The buildings will continue to function without a tube connection.  When I begin underground, I build a lot of tubes and bulldoze them in order replacing them with residentials so that I don't have to spend the time digging out space.  I also build groups of tubes and build tubes every 3 tiles on the surface, filling in the 2 in the middle with buildings, then dozing the tubes one at a time replacing them with buildings.  When I'm done there is just a space of buildings.

RLDs help boost moral when it is low (according to the original book), but they don't do much when it is high that I've seen.  I think that's one of the reasons there are so many in the rebel colony, trying to artificially boost the moral of that colony.

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2007, 11:08:11 PM »
The buildings will continue to function without a tube connection.  When I begin underground, I build a lot of tubes and bulldoze them in order replacing them with residentials so that I don't have to spend the time digging out space.  I also build groups of tubes and build tubes every 3 tiles on the surface, filling in the 2 in the middle with buildings, then dozing the tubes one at a time replacing them with buildings.  When I'm done there is just a space of buildings.
How about if the building is surrounded by no buildings and tubes in the 8 tiles surrounding it? Does it still work?
Also, smelters can be placed anywhere within 30 tiles of the CC, right?

Offline druid65

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« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2007, 11:25:06 PM »
The buildings will continue to function without a tube connection.  When I begin underground, I build a lot of tubes and bulldoze them in order replacing them with residentials so that I don't have to spend the time digging out space.  I also build groups of tubes and build tubes every 3 tiles on the surface, filling in the 2 in the middle with buildings, then dozing the tubes one at a time replacing them with buildings.  When I'm done there is just a space of buildings.
How about if the building is surrounded by no buildings and tubes in the 8 tiles surrounding it? Does it still work?
Also, smelters can be placed anywhere within 30 tiles of the CC, right?
As far as I can tell it stops if it  is not attached to anything.  There are a few exceptions, but very few buildings can survive without people which require air and power....

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2007, 03:43:32 AM »
Got it.
I guess one exception would be the smelter, since my smelter's performing perfectly fine in the middle of nowhere. :)

Offline Hawk

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« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2007, 04:32:55 AM »
Okay, lots of good questions here, many I'd like to know myself but I don't really play the game anymore.  I'll answer what I can.

24. (geez, I know a lot starting this far down) Basic research increases the rate of other research.  Not sure if you need to keep researching it after it's completed, but that's what I got from the old manual.

25. I tested this probably 15 years ago and concluded that research only goes at a certain speed, unless of course you upgrade your labs.

26. No.

28. Not to my knowledge.

29. Rounded down.  I usually packed 3 landers. :)

30. Colonies can overlap, but I'm not sure about specific rules.  I did it once.  The real question is can one colony use another colonies tubes.  Now I'm wondering about the crime rate and dirt protection...

37. I do believe they stack based on me having a large colony once and having a level dedicated to UG Parks.  Didn't have any police or commerce either.

39. RLD's.  Not sure about other buildings.

42. According to the manual, they repair other bots that "broke down". (why bother? at that point in the game, you should have more than enough resources to simply construct new ones)

43. Never seen those attributes change my gameplay.  Knowing the atmosphere MIGHT make terraforming faster.

Lots of good questions here.  I might have been more help if I had played the updated version of it.  When I played this game, I couldn't get the updates to work.  Eventually, after I stopped playing it, I did get it to work, and the damn game seemed to get harder.

<PÅ>Hawk "Birds of Prey"

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2007, 07:33:45 AM »
Okay, lots of good questions here, many I'd like to know myself but I don't really play the game anymore.  I'll answer what I can.

24. (geez, I know a lot starting this far down) Basic research increases the rate of other research.  Not sure if you need to keep researching it after it's completed, but that's what I got from the old manual.

25. I tested this probably 15 years ago and concluded that research only goes at a certain speed, unless of course you upgrade your labs.

26. No.

28. Not to my knowledge.

29. Rounded down.  I usually packed 3 landers. :)

30. Colonies can overlap, but I'm not sure about specific rules.  I did it once.  The real question is can one colony use another colonies tubes.  Now I'm wondering about the crime rate and dirt protection...

37. I do believe they stack based on me having a large colony once and having a level dedicated to UG Parks.  Didn't have any police or commerce either.

39. RLD's.  Not sure about other buildings.

42. According to the manual, they repair other bots that "broke down". (why bother? at that point in the game, you should have more than enough resources to simply construct new ones)

43. Never seen those attributes change my gameplay.  Knowing the atmosphere MIGHT make terraforming faster.

Lots of good questions here.  I might have been more help if I had played the updated version of it.  When I played this game, I couldn't get the updates to work.  Eventually, after I stopped playing it, I did get it to work, and the damn game seemed to get harder.
Ok, thanks for the information.

About #29...
Does this apply to other items such as the Food, Life Support, Tokamak and Solar Arrays?

On #37, it seems that I can't see much effect from building extra Parks and Recreationals. Maybe it's because my morale is always around 999 and 1000 most of the time... Or does it take more than 1 extra to raise the morale by 1/turn?

Regarding #25, yeah, I arrived at the same conclusion when I tested this just a few days ago. Just that I wasn't sure if each rat in the research meter represented an equal amount of research effort.

Offline Hawk

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« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2007, 01:06:35 AM »
It says it does take half of everything.  Try the tokamack, see how many you get.  I know it doesn't count on solar arrays.

Morale on Outpost 1 is just like it is on Outpost 2 except x 10.  Morale of 1000 is perfect morale.  If that's your morale, don't worry about UG Parks anymore.
<PÅ>Hawk "Birds of Prey"

Offline Falciform

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« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2007, 06:50:45 PM »
52)  Don't know, I never got that message.

51)  Morale is so easy to build, it isn't even funny.  Theoretically it should be harder but it isn't.

50)  A lot of the upgraded buildings seem to just have a neater looking appearance.  Then again, it may have a morale boosting effect (wouldn't know because morale is always maxed by this point).

49)  No.  Even an exploding tokamak won't take out the underground buildings around it.

48)  They're supposed to, but I've never done a study to see if they actually do.  With that being said, it's kinda hard to figure out if having two with overlapping radii double the increase.

46)  That's all I've ever been able to figure out.  I don't usually have a crime problem though.

45)  Good question.  I've never looked to see because you'd have to figure in the amount of MPG being made through residence waste and anything else you bulldozed minus the amount of MPG being used by buildings for that turn.

44)  No.  It's 5 tiles and that's it.

43)  I always wondered if the distance to the star or the average temperature would effect the production of your agridomes, but I don't think it does.

42)  Repairbots are supposedly supposed to go out and replace the dead fuel cells in your dozed, etc out in the field.  I think they actually do perform this job because if you don't have any, your robots just start dying even if you have spare fuel cells.

41)  If not on auto, correct.  Although, you may have to tell the truck to return to the mine, so that it goes in a cycle.

40)  Yes.

39)  Red light districts and loads of residences.

38)  I think you lose the progress.

37)  I think you got them all.

36)  I tend to doze any obsolete buildings, but I always make sure I've got enough in the meantime to make up for it.  I think I heard someone say that you get as much MPG out of a building as material you put into it.  Not sure, though.

35)  The "burning" rubble just means that something blew up.  The other rubble just means that it...died.  Or something.

34)  Nope.  Unless the explosion takes out your CHAP or something.

33)  It replaces everything.  Thus the "multi-purpose" part of the name. :)

32)  No.  You have to do all of that yourself.  I've clicked through my stupid storage tanks many a time trying to figure out how many turns I had left before everything came to a halt.

31)  Same as 32.

30)  No idea.  I played back when you couldn't start a new colony and when I played recently I didn't bother.

29)  They steal half of your colonists and "cargo."  One tokamak.  And apparently all of the technology you brought from Earth. ;)

28)  No.

27)  If you use their dozers, the MPG is made in their SPEW.  If you doze with your dozers, it goes to your SPEW.  Also, if you doze with their dozers, you can't build with your colony on that spot.  Likewise, if you doze with your dozers, the rebel colony can't build on that spot.

25)  I believe you research faster with multiple labs assigned to the same topic.

24)  Right, it's supposed to increase your overall efficiency.  Whether it does or not, who knows.  I always have a lab researching it, though.

The Biology - Medicine - Pharmacology etc tree leads to the cure for the alien virus, which can be pretty useful later in the game.

Only do the Theoretical Physics branches (except Quantum Physics) when you're ready to build a monorail or build your spaceship.

Physics - Electrical Engineering - Robotics 2
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Robotics 1 - Humanoid Workers
Those are the branches you need for humanoid workers. Humanoid Workers, Repair Robots and Airborne Robots only become available after you research Robotics 1 AND Robotics 2

Computer Science - Systems Analysis - Efficiency Studies 1 gets you your building upgrade for everything. Or vice versa with below.

Computer Science - Systems Analysis - Efficiency Studies 2 lets you build an Underground Administration building. Or vice versa with above.

Biology - Plant Biology - Agriculture 1 leads to a second improved Agridome.

Physics - Theoretical Physics - Quantum Physics gets you the second upgrade to your Underground Laboratories.

One of the Social Sciences branches leads to the second upgrade for your Underground Residences. I can't remember which.

Biology - Ecology - Alien - etc leads to the result "New food source" whatever that is. Maybe it increases your Agridome output?

Those are about all the interesting ones I can think of.

22)  Dig deeper.  You do the digging and building of the underground portion faster than digging on the surface and building the surface mine.  Plus you have to have a person man the new mine, whereas you don't have to have someone man the underground shaft.

21)  Nope.  The fuel cell has a 150 turn lifespan (right?) regardless.

20)  Yes.  You have to have a warehouse in order to make use of the stuff you produce.  Otherwise it piles up in your factory until it runs out of room.

19)  No.  It gets there that turn or the next turn, not sure which.

17)  As far as I know trucks pass straight through with no time delay.

16)  They can transfer stuff from a warehouse in one colony to a warehouse in another colony.  Or from storage tank to storage tank.  Or warehouse to warehouse.

15)  I think they have to travel there from the warehouse to begin with.

14)  Auto trucking only assigns one truck per mine, so it can only carry one truck's worth of ore at a time.  You can manually assign more trucks, though.  I think this is what you're experiencing, not that the auto trucking sucks, but that it only assigns one truck.

13)  No idea.  Never made use of this feature.  Always picked nice terrain to build in.

12)  I think you have to have repair bots to take the fuel cell to the dead dozer/digger/miner.  Otherwise, they die and the spare fuel cells sit in your warehouse.  And, yes, it is worth it to be able to replace a fuel cell rather than rebuild your fleet of dozers.

11)  No.  Idle buildings do not require resources.  This is why they have the "pause" option, so that you can conserve your precious A, B or C when the crap hits the fan. ;)

10)  Yes.  Refer to 11.

9)  I never thought they had an effect like that, although some of the others seem to think they do.

8)  I always just counted five tiles out in the cardinal directions and then made a rough straight line between the ends to make the diamond you're talking about.

6)  Don't think so.  They tend to blow up pretty well with or without the DIRTs.

5)  Yes.  You see this by it multplying.

4)  I think it's more of a morale boost than an actual death preventer.

3)  No, your progress is kept.

2)  No, the seed factory always stays the same.  And then it dies.

1)  100 means that the education is fabulous.  I kinda sorta somewhat maybe think that as your population increases, you need more universities to keep the education at a high level.  Otherwise you start churning out workers instead of scientists.
