The locations might vary depending on difficulty setting. Maybe the locations listed in the manual are for easy or normal. I'll take a quick peak at the DLL file.
Edit: They do. The locations are fixed for two difficulty settings, and random for the third. They are fixed in sets of 3 though, so once you find one, you can use that to find the others. It looks like on hard, the 3 locations could be at either of the 3 easy locations, the 3 normal locations, or at 3 new hard locations.
Provided I haven't made an errors (reading the hex values placed into the right registers, converting hex to decimal, and adding the proper offsets), the possible locations are:
Easy (or Hard)
(31, 2)
(90, 9)
(116, 52)
Normal (or Hard)
(7, 7)
(90, 30)
(114, 35)
Hard (only)
(41, 11)
(67, 58)
(119, 24)
Remember that on hard it selects one of the sets with a 1/3 probability.
Curiously enough, I didn't find your second coordinate anywhere in my list.