Oh man. I'm such a liar

. You guys got me thinking (and smoke started coming out my ears, but that's a different story)...
I realized that I used to subscribe to PC gamer. So I started going through my old junk and found out that I had not thrown out all my old computer crap. I was like a star trek nerd in my dead uncle's basement. Not only did I find the "Outpost 2" demo on my July 1997 PC Gamer Disk 3.4, it is in mint condition. B)
And as an added bonus, I had not thrown out my old game manuals either

. I found my OP2 :op2: original manual in near mint condition (one of the corners has a slight bend about a centimeter long). I was afraid to touch it with my bare hands.
So, what does the bidding start at?