Author Topic: Mapper Suggestions  (Read 10443 times)

Offline Leviathan

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Mapper Suggestions
« on: November 13, 2005, 02:30:56 PM »
Wrote some suggestions down that i thought of then me and hacker had a talk about em:

[ 19:56:32 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] Mapper improvments
[ 19:56:34 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] yes
[ 19:56:42 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] side bar- a pro one which id like to design
[ 19:56:58 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so dont worry about that for now
[ 19:56:58 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] change all (or select object one at a time) player objects to another player.
[ 19:57:01 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] wut do u mean? instead of those thigns like the tool windows
[ 19:57:18 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] just have a bar with te editing tool?
[ 19:57:26 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] dont worry about side bar atm
[ 19:57:32 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] k
[ 19:57:37 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] change all player objects to another player
[ 19:57:41 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] or select object one at a time and change it
[ 19:57:52 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] could do change all objects v easy
[ 19:57:57 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] export minimap as image
[ 19:58:18 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] even do that auto every time u save, to a bmp in the map folder
[ 19:58:40 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] place any mine type, all 18.
[ 19:58:45 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] there is export to image atm
[ 19:58:49 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] right clikc the mini map
[ 19:58:56 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] oh ya
[ 19:58:59 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] and as for mine type its easy to add that urself if u need it quick
[ 19:59:02 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] edit objects.ctl
[ 19:59:04 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] in the mapper dir
[ 19:59:24 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] well should be there by default
[ 19:59:27 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya
[ 19:59:30 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] selet objects and c info and edit values
[ 19:59:38 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya
[ 19:59:42 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] thts something i do want to do
[ 19:59:53 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] eg select object edit it, change player, change what the object is, change its cords
[ 20:00:03 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u got all the info of the object wen u select it
[ 20:00:09 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya
[ 20:00:12 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] complete log for each map, mapname.log with all the edits with time stamps
[ 20:00:23 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] hm
[ 20:00:23 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] like Map loaded at
[ 20:00:25 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] edits
[ 20:00:28 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] Map closed
[ 20:00:31 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] could b done proly
[ 20:00:38 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] just extend the undo system
[ 20:01:01 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] ya, like photoshop maybe have a list box listing all the things done and wen u undo it removes from list
[ 20:01:03 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya
[ 20:01:05 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] a actions log list box
[ 20:01:15 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] o btw if u need that beacon fix rite now
[ 20:01:21 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] open objects.ctl and find
[ 20:01:22 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] 81,"Common Beacon 1",0,1749,0,2,-1
[ 20:01:23 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] no
[ 20:01:27 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] just copy it and change the -1 and name
[ 20:01:34 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] set current working map, if u do undo and u havent got a map selected it undos on the current map ur working on, the current map name should show in the status bar.
[ 20:01:55 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] currently if u press undo and u not got a map selected it wont do anything
[ 20:01:59 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah rite
[ 20:02:08 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] got it?
[ 20:02:14 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya that makes sense
[ 20:02:18 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] export and inmport objects, eg export all objects for a player, export all gaia objects etc
[ 20:02:37 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] export as in like save a .dat file?
[ 20:02:39 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] or code
[ 20:02:42 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] export to a file to be imported to another map
[ 20:02:45 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah ok
[ 20:02:48 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] a dat to be imported in another map
[ 20:02:53 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u can move objects thru maps easy
[ 20:02:58 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] and save base templates
[ 20:03:11 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] etc
[ 20:03:25 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] base templates ?
[ 20:03:30 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] base - colony
[ 20:03:41 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] o like so u can load a file at begining of editing
[ 20:03:43 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] and have ur stuff placed?
[ 20:03:44 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u can build a base
[ 20:03:50 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] then import it into a new map
[ 20:03:54 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah
[ 20:03:57 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] and the bases r done
[ 20:03:59 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] and u can do map
[ 20:04:00 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] etc
[ 20:04:15 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] ppl can share base desgins etc
[ 20:04:18 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] can u write this stuff down in topic etc?
[ 20:04:26 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] ya
[ 20:04:29 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] kthx
[ 20:04:32 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] .mod instead of a .dat, mod meaning mapper object data file.
[ 20:05:11 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] hm ya
[ 20:05:11 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] makes more sence imo
[ 20:05:13 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] could b done
[ 20:05:14 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] map data entry, author, notes etc. saved in another file in the map folder
[ 20:05:27 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] perhaps i could save the data rite into the map file
[ 20:05:36 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] cuz op2 doesnt care if u put crap at the end
[ 20:05:36 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] nah seprate files is good!
[ 20:05:41 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] k
[ 20:05:44 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u can export/import
[ 20:05:52 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah ya
[ 20:05:57 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] what u think of that last idea?
[ 20:06:05 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] what notes etc?
[ 20:06:10 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] yea
[ 20:06:16 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya and thatd be easy to do proly
[ 20:06:18 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] just make another tool
[ 20:06:24 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] that sends data
[ 20:06:26 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] saved
[ 20:06:28 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] saves
[ 20:06:28 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] etcdafda
[ 20:06:31 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] like a text pad
[ 20:06:32 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] saves and opens ya
[ 20:06:38 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] could make it rtf 2 ya
[ 20:06:41 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] u can give map a name there etc
[ 20:06:43 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] nah
[ 20:06:49 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] ini prolly
[ 20:06:49 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] also
[ 20:06:53 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] i mite put zoom
[ 20:07:00 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] so u can see tiles at 16x16 size
[ 20:07:01 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] mayb not ini cuz notes would be long
[ 20:07:09 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya proly just text file or something
[ 20:07:11 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] zoom would f***ing own. like kevs editor had
[ 20:07:12 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] or maybe special format
[ 20:07:18 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] zoom wouldnt be 2 hard
[ 20:07:24 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] it looks quality
[ 20:07:37 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] i dont think it would b at least
[ 20:07:40 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] ok next..
[ 20:07:47 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] option to set one map, tile selector, objects window for all maps instead of one for each map.
[ 20:08:05 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] hm
[ 20:08:08 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] currently each map has its own selector
[ 20:08:13 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] thats what i meant with the sidebar
[ 20:08:14 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] that id proly do with the side bar idea
[ 20:08:14 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya
[ 20:08:22 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] the sidebar would have the tile selector
[ 20:08:25 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] object selector
[ 20:08:26 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] cuz to do the side bar i wouldnt have to change the current structure
[ 20:08:44 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] to make it so its a sep wnd but for all maps
[ 20:08:48 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] would need lots of re coding
[ 20:08:52 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] u could keep the buttons on the map, tile mode, obj mode etc. but also have thos buttons on the sidebar above the selector.
[ 20:09:32 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] - does that look good for a notes system?
[ 20:09:41 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] could b like a notes / to do system
[ 20:09:56 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] notes would be just 1 data entry
[ 20:10:08 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] others would be author, map name, file name, scn type etc
[ 20:10:37 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] notes is where any other info the creator could put
[ 20:10:47 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] o ya and for stuff like the zooming
[ 20:10:48 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ]
[ 20:10:51 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] proly use something like that
[ 20:11:09 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] i c i c
[ 20:11:10 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] next
[ 20:11:16 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] option to set colors of objects on the map, the NW etc.
[ 20:11:26 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah ya
[ 20:11:27 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] use the common dialog
[ 20:11:30 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] for colors
[ 20:11:33 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u can pick
[ 20:11:40 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] but theres only like 7 colors
[ 20:11:44 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] which it reads from color.bmp
[ 20:11:53 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] nono
[ 20:11:59 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] the NW
[ 20:12:01 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] is cyan
[ 20:12:06 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] oh ok
[ 20:12:09 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] option to change that color to what u want
[ 20:12:18 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] better yet
[ 20:12:24 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] i mite make it so it draws a wall from the terrain data
[ 20:12:31 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] like uses the pics of wall tiles etc
[ 20:12:34 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] nah wait till later for that
[ 20:14:10 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so pick custom colors for the letter thigns which get placed/shown
[ 20:14:14 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] k
[ 20:14:15 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] the tube, wall etc
[ 20:14:25 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] and also,all the cell types
[ 20:14:31 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] that whole units system should b redone some time
[ 20:14:38 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] the way it draws the NW etc stuff is a big hack
[ 20:14:51 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] reason i say this is because i want to bring back the orignal shaded effect
[ 20:14:59 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] impassble = red shaded tile
[ 20:15:02 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah
[ 20:15:06 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] and if u could change the colors
[ 20:15:11 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] i could do that with the brighter text on top
[ 20:15:22 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] u can hav a diff color for each cell type for instance.
[ 20:15:29 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] wut do u mean?
[ 20:15:44 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah ya that could be done in the future lev
[ 20:16:50 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] continue w ur ideas
[ 20:16:59 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so bringing back the option to use shadeing
[ 20:17:04 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya
[ 20:17:09 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] there should be option
[ 20:17:13 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] to select what u want
[ 20:17:14 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] shading
[ 20:17:15 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] or text
[ 20:17:21 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] for cell types
[ 20:17:25 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] k
[ 20:17:28 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] and for wall/tubes
[ 20:17:33 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya
[ 20:17:34 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] also
[ 20:17:39 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] i need to add editing funcs for
[ 20:17:41 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] blight, lava possible
[ 20:17:52 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] on each tile
[ 20:17:54 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] eg. so u could set wall tiles to show blue shaded square
[ 20:18:09 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] or wutevea color u like
[ 20:18:26 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] ok
[ 20:18:28 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] obption to show the objects while edditing map/tiles
[ 20:18:35 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u can c the base like in game
[ 20:18:40 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] base, objects *
[ 20:18:53 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah
[ 20:19:12 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u can c where u should be puting clif and where u shoudlnt, eg not over a object
[ 20:19:22 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] instead of swtiching between the 2
[ 20:19:42 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah
[ 20:19:51 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so on tile view
[ 20:19:56 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] a on/off to show objects
[ 20:20:29 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] last one i got writen down
[ 20:20:29 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] backup of files in the maps folder, like a autosave but for that back.
[ 20:20:37 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] that map *
[ 20:20:37 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah
[ 20:20:40 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] like wen u save
[ 20:20:44 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] it keeps the last save?
[ 20:20:52 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] ya
[ 20:21:10 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] a backup of the map, the text data, the .dat (.mod) files
[ 20:21:35 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] btw ill proly name it something diff than .mod cuz thats a music file type ;p
[ 20:21:39 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] proly somethg like
[ 20:21:42 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] also like i said AGES ago about layers, i think multi object files for one map would be good
[ 20:21:47 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ah
[ 20:21:49 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] hm
[ 20:21:53 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] so u could go create new layer
[ 20:21:53 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] explain
[ 20:21:59 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] and put all mines on one layer
[ 20:22:10 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] one layer being one mapper object data file (.mod) ;p
[ 20:22:14 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] hehe
[ 20:22:28 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] that would make importing and exporting even easyer
[ 20:23:14 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] hm
[ 20:23:15 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] u could have two desgins for a base on top of each other
[ 20:23:34 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] well that may not happen 4 a long time
[ 20:23:34 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] cuz
[ 20:23:38 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ill have to rewrite the whole mapper
[ 20:23:47 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] to make some of it work
[ 20:23:56 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] i c
[ 20:24:04 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ive thought about even maybe writing it in C++ totally and no VB
[ 20:24:04 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] well as long as u understand what im saying
[ 20:24:11 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] ya i get wut u mean
[ 20:24:20 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] there would be optinos to show on/off each layer
[ 20:24:23 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] like in photoshop
[ 20:25:04 ]  [ @OPU|hacker ] hm
[ 20:26:13 ]  [ @OPU|Leviathan`` ] all for now i think

Post suggestions etc.

Offline dm-horus

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Mapper Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2005, 06:29:14 AM »
The ability to copy and paste selected tiles between cascaded mapper project windows. lots of people want this so that we can make use of pre-assembled terrain pieces by copying and pasting them into a new map.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2005, 11:57:54 AM »
if hooman ever finishes the program that auto-places terrain, integrate it into the mapper and have it so that it only uses the terrain type you specify in an area
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 06:09:37 PM »
I'd just like to point out that copy and paste with OP2 maps is a real pain in the ass. Certainly doable, and worth doing, but keeping track of all the data structures, and making sure they get properly updated is an unbelievable pain. Especially considering all the possible error conditions. And they're quite likely to happen, so if they're not properly handled, you can really screw over someone's map.

CK9's suggestion is definately something I want to spend some more time on. But, finals will soon be over for me, and that project is near the top of my list.

Suggestion: For the open dialog box, could it allow you to just type the name of a map that resides in a .vol file, and just load it without having to make the user deal with the .vol file at all? I can understand not having any autosaving back to a .vol file, but it'd be a nice way to open maps.

It'd also be nice if you could browse the contents of .vol files like they were directories in the open dialog box, but I suspect that's a much harder problem to solve.

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2005, 07:37:13 AM »
Id like to see some kind of "project" manager that allows you to view project resources (tilesets, .vol files, contents) in a cascade menu or tree so opening loads of folders and windows isnt necessary.

I must reiterate that copy and paste in mapper is desired by pretty much the entire mapping community. i think it would be worth the effort.

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2005, 12:17:35 PM »
I want the ability to make my own programs that let me play around with building placement and such

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2005, 01:15:10 PM »
get coding then :o

Offline Mcshay

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« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2006, 09:30:05 AM »
I'd like a tool that creates the north and south polls. It shouldn't be that hard to randomly place a few ice patterns along the edges.

The option to start a new map with either all blue tiles, a patern of gray tiles, a patern of black tiles, or a patern of orange tiles would be nice also.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2006, 03:00:55 PM »
wen u click save minimap it should get the mapname and put it in the save field.

also there should be a save all button which redraws the minimap then saves the current minimap bmp to the dir of the map etc.

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2006, 07:48:20 AM »
needs code to place tubes useing a for loop the many units is anoying and nearly impossible to modiify effeciently

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2006, 12:33:49 PM »
wen u click place tile, place tile group, place object mass edit should be turned off if it is on

wen u do a mass edit the first tile u click, the top left one a icon should go over it so u know where u first clicked, then wen u click the bottom right one the icon should go on that one also then go away after a few seconds.

also there should be debounceing on the mass edit first click like keyboard buttons have. what i mean is wen u click the top left tile to mass edit a timer should start and u cant click the bottom right tile till after a few seconds. this will stop u being able to double click on the top left tile, this is very anoying wen this happens.

should have copy and paste buttons on the map window, and they should be disabled wen ur in object or cell edit mode.

should make backup files of the files. eg .dat.backup, .map.backup

u need to be able to copy and paste cell type sections like u could in old mapper wen u copyed tiles.

option to view objects on off wen in other editing modes

the tubes/walls need to be tied to a player, so they dont spawn wen that player is not playing

bug fix: when u resize tile set window it needs to resize tile selection and not just give u black in the resized part of the window at the bottom

u need to be able to place all 18 variants of mines.

need to be able to create basedata.h style code

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2006, 10:13:19 PM »
I've suggested these before, just putting them here again:
- Ability to draw tube and wall lines (using CreateTubeOrWallLine())
- Terrain generator (generates a map's basic terrain from an image)
- Better unit placer (ability to place units facing any direction, walls and tubes being player-ownable as well as gaia-ownable, fix scorpions so that they have their energy beam weapons, organize it better)
- Creating your own tile groups, and new maps start with the default tile groups

New suggestions:
- Auto cell type setter, tile groups set cell types, copied and pasted terrain transfers cell types.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2006, 09:00:08 PM »
export whole map as bmp

then we could resize the image and post for ppl to c the map. much better than the minimap. and also less time-consuming than print screening the whole map and putting the sections together.

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2006, 11:21:31 PM »
and also less time-consuming than print screening the whole map and putting the sections together.

You're kidding right?

I think there was plans to do the multi zoom level minimaps in the editor, but I don't remember if it was ever finished. I don't think it was. But yeah, exporting bitmaps of the map files could be kinda of cool.

Offline Highlander

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« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2006, 07:35:43 AM »
I'm to n00b with either the mapper itself, or doing stuff on the computer. Just pick the one who gives you the best laught ;)

However, has anyone of you played the old "Heroes of Might and Magic 3" ?
I'd just to point out, that this game has a great editor which I find it extremely easy to use. It's probably really complicated and difficult to reproduce that one, but I just felt like voicing my opinion.

So, if you haven't look at that game and it's map editor Hacker, I think you should take a look at it. Like I said, I have no grasp of the difficulty of reproducing it, but personally I'd like a mapper for OP2 to be like this.
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