Author Topic: Eden Mission 6 Hard  (Read 2911 times)

Offline Psudomorph

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Eden Mission 6 Hard
« on: March 31, 2007, 03:11:42 PM »
The short version of my question:

Are the wreckage locations in the downloadable game supposed to be different from the original CD version? Where are they?

The long version:

I'm playing hard for the first time using your downloadable Outpost 2 because I love being able to use it at the higher resolutions.

I have located two wreckage pieces thus far, one at 119,24 (Near the small volcano) and another at 79,57 (in the long valley on the western side of the map).

I have destroyed every enemy unit on the map, and run my scouts over every vaguely wreckage-textured tile that I could find, sometimes several times, but that last piece of wreckage just refuses to appear.

I checked the strategy guide provided on the CD and your website, but amazingly enough the locations of the wreckage I have already picked up do not correspond to any of the possibilities listed in the guides. I checked each of the listed locations anyway, but nothing there.

I normally don't like to ask questions in forums, since it usually turns out to be an unnecessary waste of other people's time, but this has me completely stumped. I've searched the forums and the wiki for all mentions of mission 6, but there is no mention of this problem, I've even looked in the .dll file as a last resort, but obviously that was to no avail.

Has anybody else played this mission on hard who can give me at least a general idea of where these things are?

EDIT: VVV Holy cow, I was expecting to wait days for a response not minutes.  :o  
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 03:47:42 PM by Psudomorph »

Offline Tellaris

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Eden Mission 6 Hard
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2007, 03:37:00 PM »
Hmm.   You might have to restart it.   The problem you've listed has never occured on me, even on hard.   Might just be one of those rare bugs we find with OP2.   It may have failed to place the other wreckages.
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Offline Hooman

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Eden Mission 6 Hard
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2007, 04:30:30 PM »
The locations might vary depending on difficulty setting. Maybe the locations listed in the manual are for easy or normal. I'll take a quick peak at the DLL file.

Edit: They do. The locations are fixed for two difficulty settings, and random for the third. They are fixed in sets of 3 though, so once you find one, you can use that to find the others. It looks like on hard, the 3 locations could be at either of the 3 easy locations, the 3 normal locations, or at 3 new hard locations.

Provided I haven't made an errors (reading the hex values placed into the right registers, converting hex to decimal, and adding the proper offsets), the possible locations are:

Easy (or Hard)
(31, 2)
(90, 9)
(116, 52)

Normal (or Hard)
(7, 7)
(90, 30)
(114, 35)

Hard (only)
(41, 11)
(67, 58)
(119, 24)

Remember that on hard it selects one of the sets with a 1/3 probability.

Curiously enough, I didn't find your second coordinate anywhere in my list.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 04:54:03 PM by Hooman »

Offline Psudomorph

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Eden Mission 6 Hard
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2007, 08:14:20 PM »
That's weird, so the strategy guide is inconsistent with the .dll which is inconsistent with the game....  :heh:

I seem to have a special talent for attracting these kind of weird problems.

I guess I'll try again and hope for better coordinates.

I'll post any more anomalous ones I find.

Also, just for quick reference, these are the ones listed in the Sierra guide:

           Piece 1-----Piece 2-----Piece 3
Group I---------31,2-----90,9-----116,52
Group II--------7,7-----90,30-----114,35
Group III-------62,2-----64,52-----26,8

(I don't think I will ever understand why BBC doesn't accept tabs or consecutive spaces... (thumbsdown) )


EDIT: Solved I guess, I tried it again and they were back to normal.

Now I'm realizing that the locations in the glitched mission were both offset diagonally downward from set I of normal locations.

31,2 ----> 119,24
90,9 ----> 79,57

I'm not sure if there is some mathematical relation there, but I'm betting that the new coordinates of the 3rd piece must have been just a few tiles off the map border.


I'm just going to hope that this kind of thing doesn't happen in any of the really hard levels ahead. I'm not sure there are any left that I would be willing to replay.  :unsure:

Thanks for the help. I look forward to seeing more of this community, as soon as I get over the crippling feeling of overwhelmed awe that I get whenever I try to think about the projects you people are attempting...  :blink:  
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 08:44:05 PM by Psudomorph »

Offline Tellaris

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Eden Mission 6 Hard
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2007, 02:59:57 AM »
You should try multiplayer.   Its a whole new kind of challenge.   And it doesn't necessairily have to be by simple rushing either.
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Offline Hooman

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Eden Mission 6 Hard
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2007, 04:39:26 AM »
Hmm, I do find your coordinates a bit puzzling. Any chance you've got a typo? The DLL shouldn't give a different value from the game, since the DLL essentially is the game. It's executable code, and it controls the creation of the wreckage, specifying the location when it does so. I also don't think that DLL would likely have changed either. Unless maybe you have some nonstandard CD install that was released in a different country? ... but it sounds like you're using the downloaded version.

Well, from your first coordinate, I would guess the 3 pieces are found in some order at the following coordinates:
(41, 11)
(67, 58)
(119, 24)

That's the only way I see the first coordinate you gave matching one in the list. I can only assume the next one was a typo? 67 <-> 79 maybe? Or the coordinate of some other event that occured?

Offline Psudomorph

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Eden Mission 6 Hard
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2007, 07:32:13 PM »
[no emoticon to express feeling of idiocy]

The coordinate 79,57 was copied incorrectly, and apparently I never bothered to double-check it until you asked.

I went back and found the piece just where the dll said it would be, a place that I didn't think to run my scout across because I was too busy running it past the larger piece nearby...

So the locations in the strategy guide on the CD are wrong, but other that that, it turns out to be nothing more than me overlooking something.

Sigh... This is why I normally try not to ask questions on forums; they always seem to end in the conclusion "OP did something stupid/overlooked something and doesn't realize it".  :CK9's:

Hubris thy name is...  :P