Finally, here is the rewritten 'intro' for the Outpost 3.
WARNING: Because the story is not-linear, read very careful to not get lost
Outpost 3: NeoGenesis Theory prologue
Dawn of Sorrows'He had only time to see a huge explosion exterminating the last humans before fainting'
Phoenix Voyager orbiting New Terra
Command Module“IS SHE MAD?!”-Yelled the ship's commander at the comm linked to the Plymouth Command Center-”Do whatever you can, but STOP HER! Unless you want a colony ship without any colonists.”-He brutally hung the comm and turned the operator in charged with the sensors arrays-”I want visual, show me what that Echo is doing. Show me our home colony.”
The main panel flickered and a monstrous battle was seen: hundreds of vehicles, hiding and firing, defending and destroying. Explosions everywhere.
“Sir, an incoming Eden SULV. It is asking for docking, reports four injured civilians.”-Said the sensor's operator.
“Provide it's location as target to our new weapons system and fire at will. DAMN, fire at it's engines and let them die.”-Answered the commander as quickly as possible without taking the eyes out of the going battle.
The sensor's operator seemed shocked. “But sir, they're civilians...”
Now everyone was paying attention at the discussion.
No one had ever seen the commander like that, he has a strong temperament, but nothing compared to cold blooded murder.
“Sorry, I'm under lot of stress. What's your name son?”
The pale operator answered: “Hudson sir, my name is Hudson”
“Well Hudson, I want you to charge our weapons and blow them to hell. Don't misunderstand me, it's my job to protect the remains of the human kind and this ship. And it's your job to follow my orders. Fire it now!”
The comm started ringing at the same time that the alarm went on.
~We're under fire... Heavy losses... Starting to send extra payload~
“Sir! 2... 3 Eden SULVs detected. It seems like they're armed. Confirmed by Savant Priest, laser weapons.”-Said someone
The commander was giving orders fastest as possible-“Load RPG bays 1 through 5. FIRE! And someone shut off those damn alarms.”-The commander was surprised. He was working on space since the Skydock was built and was used to critical situations, but nothing compared to that. It was becoming a nightmare, no, worse that that.
“An unidentified object detected, well, sir... You'll need to see it for your self.”
The ground battle was replaced by a huge ship descending it's orbit. It was the unfinished Eden's version of their Phoenix Voyager.
“What?!”-It took a few seconds for the commander to understand the scenario.-”s***. Use Savant Saber and pinpoint that ship's crash location.”
“Savant Saber reports that the Eden's ship crash location will be exactly the main Plymouth Command Center.”
"Savant Priest reports that all Eden SULVs were destroyed."
"Hell, s***. I need... No... f***!"-The commander paused-"It's the only option..."-Now he was very silent-"... Alber, take the bridge. I have to visit a friend..."-And started to run.
"Sir? Where are you going?"-Yelled Alber, but the commander was too far away.
The commander was sweting, but that was an emergecy. He'd use his new toy.
End of Prologue