Author Topic: Spring Engine  (Read 1997 times)

Offline dm-horus

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Spring Engine
« on: April 29, 2007, 09:14:27 AM »
I am attempting to bring whatever info I have on making RTS games to the forums. One of the game engines I drool over is Spring.

Some Info
Spring started out as a free (open-source) way to make Total Annihilation a modern, 3D game before Supreme Commander began development. Originally it was designed specifically for this purpose and the resource pipeline for game content still reflects this. Getting unit models, stats and scripts into the game are still accomplished using Total Annihilation (TA) filetypes and formats but this is slowly changing. Over time TASpring has become a more generalized RTS engine and not one focused specifically on Total Annihilation, making mod tools for importing other file types more abundant and mature. Due to its evolution, the project has been renamed simply "Spring" to make it more attractive to unique game designers.

Eye Candy
Take a look at what Spring can do...

A long battle with tons of units on screen
An extended air and sea battle
Spring Engine screenshots

Links and Info
As you can see from the above, Spring offers alot of power for anyone wanting to create a game. Below are some links you may find helpful...

Spring mod dev starting page - To find out what you need to get started, look here.

Spring Wiki - Portal to all the major pieces of info you need to use and mod Spring and a vast dev info repository.

Spring download page - Look here to download the engine, source and other utilities.

Spring Mod forum - The main Spring Modding forum, contains useful info, tools, tutorials and recent mods.

Spring Modeling forum - Lots of goodies for you to try out as well as Spring modeling info, tutorials and resources.

I hope this gets you on your way to making your game! As always, let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or just want to talk shop.

Offline dm-horus

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Spring Engine
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2007, 09:19:24 AM »
Spring did exactly what I would like to do, and is in my opinion the best option: create an engine and release the (copyrighted) game data as a separate mod pack.

This lets other people make use of your engine as well as play the game using the original content and keep the devs free from litigation.