This is just how it is redfox.
Short mark game: Eden < Plymouth.
Long mark game: Eden > Plymouth
There is no problem with going 1 vs 1/Eden vs Plymouth. You just have to consider the AM you apply. And above you see the balance as it stands now.
Still, what you propose wouldn't solve the problem. It isn't Plymouth's early micro which is the whole problem, it is the early long range/disabling weapon: The Stickyfoam.
Give Eden an early powerup with their lasers, you still get killed by a Plymouth player early on..
So, if you managed to balance the early game, you still haven't solved the long games.
Eden firepower rules in the long games, and it is little to nothing Plymouth can do to defend, much less start any successful attacks.
"EMP/Spiders, Stickyfoam, EMP Missiles, ESG and Supernovas." doesn't balance out Acids and Thors