Author Topic: Agri-station  (Read 8651 times)

Offline Rags

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« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2006, 05:40:41 AM »
Yes, much more practical to produce the food on the ground.  

Offline Skydock Command

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« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2006, 04:12:52 PM »
Yes but this would last longer then those. And it would provide the needs of 10 agridomes.  
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2006, 09:32:30 PM »
When dealing with People that are on the ground the Food must be near them.  They dont have a Mc donalds in the middle of the desert do they?  No they dont because there going to have one where the people are.  Not to mention that Space stations are not cheap and always have to be mantained to the dont fall out of orbit.  So they constantly need fuel food water and staff changes because a person cant not spend prolonged time in space.  To also have the ability to produce 10 times the ammount of a agridome it would have to be Huge.  The ammount of water it would use is immence and there would always be ships coming and going to it because the food have to leave the station and more water has to come back up.  The plants will use up the water and you will slowly run out.  Now for the cost of this station which also has a power plant living quaters and some kind of CC would huge i would say you could build a small colony with what you you spend on it.  At very least you could build dozens of agridomes for the price of one your going to put on in space and the price of all the rockets your going to need to supply the colony and the station with the needed materials.  Logistically this idea is pointless  Game wise its pointless space as never been much in the game just for starship construction to leave and Sats (of the non orbital end all weapons) other then that there is nothing to do with space.  If this station is only to help you in a game like multi player or single player build the agridomes when needed keep track dont just give a solution that would set it up for every one to be lazy about the game.