The basic premise would be: Buildings that change as the colony develops, or can have add-ons like starcraft. Take the residences instead of having to build 2 different types which wastes money and building space:
like there really doesnt need be two residence types when one could simply "advance" or "upgrade" into the other.
Now imagine this:
Weapon Combination: say ... SuperNova + EMP = Take out six building then disable the rest! Or Thor's Hammer + EMP = well cause one would assume that if it didnt kill you it would shut you down.
Or units that comendeer others without outside aid like the spiders. There would certainly be a unit cap for these to avoid comeplete and total humiliation, but imagine:
Lynx + EMP + Sticky Foam + Spider Reprograming Ability = Lynx Brain Washer...or something.
Now lets add something that looks like a "Flying Saucer", that well... flies, we give it the speed of a scout, add twin lasers or microwaves on it that shoot independent of eachother. Then add a carpet bomb thunder storm: when the bombs are dropped, the initial splash damage is relativly week, but after about 6 seconds an electrical storm appears and goes insane over the enemy base.
OR imagine planet to planet warfare! I'm certain after Eden left, they would have liked to see what happend to Pymouth. So they do and of course Plymouth, like an ex-wife, goes nuts at the sight of them and attempts to shoot them out of the sky. In retaliation a full scale interstelar ware insues! Super Artillery - Light-speed transports - Teleportation Bombs - after a crap load of research - "DEATH STARS!!!!"
A little off the wall I'll admit, but I think it would work.
And when the hell is OP3 supposed to come out anyway?