Author Topic: Monorail Tracks  (Read 1759 times)

Offline omagaalpha

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Monorail Tracks
« on: March 24, 2006, 08:25:07 AM »
Monorail Tracks
Part master concept Monorail /Maglift

Please do post anything untill I completely work all part master concept
Related ideas:

- n/a


Ususal Monorail needs track to ride on to be able go any where.
Track is use to conected station together.
Also when imaging it up off ground with track visible to all over.
When you build it you place one rail on there at time.

Straight track- is piece that does not curve at all .

Curved track
Unlike outpost 1 we well not make track like + for to turn. It be more arch type shape that has more then one size radius. that also if train go to fast it will derail.

Track well section units so that you can take section thrus stop route keep going.

When track first comes out it will very vulnerable to lot different diastors.

Click here to go to train yard part of the idea-come soon
This is a good idea, because:

- n/a

This is a bad idea, because:

« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 08:33:49 AM by omagaalpha »
Sorry if my grammar and spelling is bad, but I have disablity with it.
Yes, English is the first and only language that I know.