Scout Sensor Readouts
Related ideas:
- not sure
The scout could have a button on it that would open a list of what all the sensors are reading. These would change depending on conditions. Example: a temperature gauge that would rise during the day, drop at night, lower as elevation got higher, raise in a desert climate, spike up, then drop back down when hit with certain weapons, etc. There could be temperature, Number of Enemy Units Detected, Magnetic Anomalies (would help sense nearby ore deposits, but not say exactly where), and so on and so forth.
In the Options, there could be an option that would turn on and off "Scout Jargon". These would be additional readouts that can be useful, if you have any idea what it's talking about.
You could have a similar option on the RoboSurveyor (if you keep it in), except it would be more specialized towards mining.
This is a good idea, because:
- Makes the Scout more like a Scout
This is a bad idea, because:
- May get too complicated to code?