Author Topic: Multiple Unit Production  (Read 2712 times)

Offline op2rules

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Multiple Unit Production
« on: February 04, 2006, 05:50:48 PM »
Hey, anyone ever got annoyed having to click [][][]/Tiger? Has anyone here cinsidered making it possible to have an order, sorta like: Age of empires, Rise of nations, etc. Like when you double click the unit you want to build, instead of bringing you to a page where you see the unit and it's production, it would bring you to a page that the production was there, and it would have the unit list on top, so if you click another unit, it would build that one next, and a 3rd one...etc

Does this even exist? Anyone made it?
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Offline Ritz Grimarren

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Multiple Unit Production
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2006, 06:13:17 PM »
I had the same thought the other day before I signed up, but you beat me to posting the question.

Personally, I think a building "quene" to vehicles would be a nice addition.  While I think that implimenting one for the structure factory wouldn't be needed, mass unit production would really ease up on the "scramble" feel of the game.

On a similar note, has anyone ever considered producing a patch so that a vehicle factory can be assigned to produce units that are automatically assigned to a group number (cntr #).  By adding in a little pull down bar within the factory's information pane, a player could set the vehicles produced to be automatically added into the current group that the player assigns.  This function could also be disabled by inserting the option of "No Group" into the pull-down list.

I suppose a better question to ask would be if this is even possible to for any of the programmers upon this forum.  :heh:  

Offline Arklon

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Multiple Unit Production
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2006, 06:38:05 PM »
A complete rewrite of OP2 would be required for this...

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2006, 02:27:56 AM »
having a queue setup for unit production would also have to be applied to other production fascilities, including structure factory and starport. gameplay would change considerably as a result. there would also have to be somesort of progress indicator, probably something similar to research progress or scientist training progress that could be displayed in the multiple unit queue. besides that, a new menu system would have to be introduced so that someone could view current queues to see whats being built and how many have been set for production. it would require a definate rewrite of the game, as stated.

i think having unit production how it is keeps players on their toes. having multiple queues would take out a large element of gameplay and create long periods of the player simply sitting around waiting for his army to build up enough to attack and either the attack is a success or a failure. having to multitask and monitor multiple points around your base affects base structure arrangement, defenses and assault posture. if your vehicle production was automated and you could set a waypoint for outgoing units, you could build your vehicle factories anywhere around your base because they would find their own way to a staging area. whereas is often in games, vehicle factories are arranged in groups and are on the side of the base closest or facing the enemy so that newly created vehicles can immediately attack.

building the starship would basically be completely automated except for rocket launches which take no time at all. part of the fun of OP2 is in the tension the game creates and adding queues would only remove that element of focus. if queues were introducted, the unit cap would have to be greatly increased to even out the gameplay. if you built 4 vehicle factories and set them all to build beyond the unit max, any game would be determined by whoever reached the unit max first. you might as well make a game called "first once to click their mouse 100 times wins" and name it OP2.

in games like total annihilation, everything can have an infinite queue due to the large numbers of units and structures involved and the rapid pace of play. a game like starcraft for example allows for less units and requires slightly more micromanagement and thus its queues are more basic and only allow for a certain amount to be in a queue at any time. in op2, the gameplay is based more around whoever manages their base and economy best, will win. this involves MUCH more micromanagement than total annihilation offers and alot more detail than SC has room for. because of the need for the player to play public servant (keeps colonists happy and productive), civil engineer (base design and defenses) and military general (attacker) all at once, the game isnt geared toward streamlining unit production to the point that a tomato in a persistant vegitative state could easily make war on an enemy. instead, the focus of the game is on the tenacity of the strategist within to plan out their actions 200-500 mark in advance and in how well the player keeps their colony productive and viable. as i said before, removing this important factor in op2 would reduce many levels of gameplay to a game of galaga - either your units get through or they dont. having things how they are open up many options for players and opponents in terms of gameplay.

(has anyone else noticed that most of my posts turn into mini essays?)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2006, 02:28:28 AM by dm-horus »

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2006, 06:08:50 AM »
Yeah, you really should work on getting these into smaller pieces. Basically you could've said "OP2's engine can't support this, we'd have to completely recreate OP2 and mod it's engine for this. And then we'd have to recreate the engine too because we don't have it's engine to mod. Plus we don't have any of the stuff we need for either of those."
« Last Edit: February 05, 2006, 06:09:33 AM by Sirbomber »
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Offline TH300

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« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2006, 08:06:01 AM »
Thanks for summarizing it for me, Sirbomber.

Yea, it can hardly be done in Outpost2, but we will most certainly include such a feature in OP3.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2006, 08:22:58 AM »
You need to use hot keys on ur fac's so u can build (macro) fast.

Like this:

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2006, 11:56:52 PM »
The hot keys make it faster yes but not every one is overly concerned with uber speed levi :P.   A queing system would be nice but not going to happen.  Hope for on in OP3.

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2006, 05:59:40 PM »
The hot keys make it faster yes but not every one is overly concerned with uber speed levi :P.   A queing system would be nice but not going to happen.  Hope for on in OP3.
Don't make it like AOE II where unit production was almost automated. @_@ (That, and that game's extremely slow pace, make it boring.)

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2006, 06:44:08 PM »
in TA you can que like unlimted amout of units to build lol.

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2006, 11:31:00 PM »
Yea, I don't think there was a cap for TA (I got it into the thousands before I got bored and gave up)
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