Biological warfare... Hmmm...
This could be very interesting...
Anyways, I've got a basic start, don't know what people will think of it though.
The black/neutral/whatever player starts with a big base with a command cetner, factories, labs, nurseries, unis, reses, etc. (IE the main Eden colony) Then there are the human players, mining outposts in relative proximity (not too close, not too far) to the main base.
Player's Base/Resources Setup:
Command Center
Structure Factory
Common Ore Smelter and Mine
2000 Food/Metal
No Research
Easy/High Resources:
Extra Agridome
3000 Extra Metal/Food
ConVecs already loaded with most (if not all) structure kits needed for evac
Two Residences
Extra Earthworker
Two extra miners
20 Kids, 20 Workers, 15 Scientists
Medium/Medium Resources
CC, Struct Factory, Common Ore Smelter already loaded in Convec
1000 extra Food/Metal
One extra miner
15 Kids, 15 Workers, 15 Scientists
Hard/Low Resources
Minimum number of vehicles required to evacuate six structure kits (cc, sfac,comsmelt,tok,agri,basic lab), 2000 common metals, and 2000 units of food
15 Kids, 15 Workers, 10 Scientists
Extra: Possible Low Resources Set-up
Your initial base (before meteor owns the adv lab) starts in convecs. Metals are in trucks, food in storage so you don't starve. Not sure about this one though, since then you could just flee at the start. But then you'd probably starve to death.
At mark (X), a huge meteor hits the lone Advanced Lab in the main base, it blows up, "Blight is approaching!", "New mission objective", relocate and establish a new colony site. At mark (Y), minor earthquakes happen, and small volcanoes begin to errupt. At mark (Z), quakes/erruptions get worse/more frequent, blight spread increases, storms/vortexes. Everything continues to worsen until Mark (A), when you get the Starship Objectives and the Space Program research. From that point on, everything gets much worse until you either escape the planet or melt into a puddle of goo. Don't let this happen to you. (rhyme all the time
