Author Topic: Newsletter 7  (Read 1804 times)

Offline Leviathan

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Newsletter 7
« on: February 13, 2006, 04:19:03 PM »
Newsletter 7

- Reunion
- Forum Accounts
- End

The reunion is coming up this Friday, February 17th and will run till Sunday, Feb. 19th! See you there on IRC!

- Reunion

To answer the question "What is an Outpost Universe reunion?" It is an event where we release a major update to Outpost 2 along with other people releasing new projects and updates. Also we play much more Outpost 2 than we normally do on IRC. So come along and have fun!

We have had 4 reunions before, our first one was in June 2004. The last one we had was in January 2005.

If you have any maps or projects you would like released, get them in as soon as possible. At this point, we cannot guarantee that maps submitted to us will make it into the update, but we will operate on a first come, first serve basis.

- Forum Accounts

We are going to be deleting inactive accounts at the reunion on the forum, so if you haven't shown up by then and posted on the forum your account will be deleted. This affects accounts who have 0 posts or are old inactive accounts.

- End

Well until next time, keep playing Outpost 2 and posting on the forums! See you on IRC! Check forums for latest news and updates!
Hope to see you at the reunion!

- The Outpost Universe Team
IRC: #Outpost2 @
Extinction is not an option.