Hello All...
I was once known as the person ¤ÅM¤ Leviathan, or later known as {PÅ}Shady.
At one point in time I created a clan, it was called the Årcane Mystics.
Within 2 weeks of indoctrination, the Arcane Mystics were the 3rd most powerful clan, at the time, compared to Panthers and Shadows.
After many good games, and many fuedal arguments in WON, I decided to disband the AM along with fellow founder Atma.
I decided to create a guild of gamers well known to all of WON. I talked with a few of my friends, Falcon and Stalking Panther, and we decided (after a long conversation with falcon) we would call it the Patriarch Alliance. Not a clan, but an order of clans. Or as some would see, a training ground to get into a clan.
Original Founders: Atma Arcane, Falcon (Freelance), Stalking Panther, Shady Panther.
Now it's almost 2 years later, and I have no contact with Stalk, or Falcon
Would like to get back in touch with all my old friend and enemies!
Paco, Riledo, Rondt, Norad, etc...
Later Later