I'm in guys

I can't wait to get started on this. No braggin intentional, (I rarely brag) but I've won a few writing contests and guess I'm a "good writer". That being said, if the rule is that the next chapter writer in the queue HAS to continue the previous chapter, then what's going to happen is there will be NO plot twists or real scene changes from what had gone on previously. I suggest the writers choose what happens next in their chapter, however if we have constant change from one chapter to another that will create too much inconsistency.
My proposal: Make it so that if there was a 'scene change' two chapters previously, the next writer in the queue has the option of a new change. If there has been a change in the chapter flow one chapter or less ago, then the next writer in the queue MUST continue the current scene and/or location. Lemme give an example to clarify this a bit;
Chapter 2, such and such happens, so and so dies. Such and such gets destroyed.
Chapter 3, (next writer) continues the current story.
Chapter 4, (next writer) continues current story and/or location.
Chapter 5, (next writer) has option of changing scenes. I.E., setting new stage. So...such and such happens, so and so changes occur, so and so location change.
I hope that wasn't too confusing. If it was or you have a question just quote me and ask.