Author Topic: Op2mapper 2.0.13 Released  (Read 3253 times)

Offline BlackBox

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Op2mapper 2.0.13 Released
« on: August 10, 2005, 07:15:10 PM »
OP2Mapper version 2.0.13 has now been released.

This update includes a bunch of fixes and features, including:

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed close bug where when trying to exit the main window, tool windows stayed open. (Thanks Lev, TH300, and almost everyone else who pointed this out)
- Fixed bug which prevented copy and paste from working properly. (Thanks Lev)
- Fixed bug with opening multiple new maps at the same time, only one could be opened (got error about Non modal form being displayed) (Thanks zigzagjoe)

Potential problems fixed:
- Copy and paste (or any other tools using selections) screw up if you set the "lower right" corner of the selection up and to the left of the upper left corner. This is now prevented (the command aborts if you click in that area, and does nothing)
- Bounds checking of the map allowed cursor to move past the bottom edge of the map on maps that were wider than they are tall. (Or couldn't move cursor far enough down on maps taller than they are wide) This is now fixed.
- Tileset selector window could scroll even if the tileset didnt fill up the whole window. (So some odd image bugs with certain tilesets) This has been fixed.

Cosmetic changes:
- Fixed some missing or wrong icons.
- Removed cut command from edit menu and toolbar (you can't exactly "cut" data out of a map)
- Added "Tile Set" to File>New menu. Although it doesn't work yet it will serve in later versions to create tilesets directly within the editor.
- You can now specify a different default location to save files in, separate from the directory with the VOL files and OP2, all the open/save boxes use this setting.

New features:
- Added mass edit for tile picker and celltype editor. You can activate mass mode with a toolbar button and set a rectangle which you want to fill with a certain tile or cell type instead of placing tiles or celltypes one by one.
- Added grid button to toolbar and right click menu on map and tileset window. You can enable/disable grid independently for all map windows and tilesets. (The default setting for new/opened maps is set in View>options still)
- Added Replace Celltypes in map right click. This lets you set, for example, all tiles with celltype F1 to celltype I1 (or any other combination). This operation doesn't support undo however.
- Added "eyedropper" tool to map right click, selects the tile under the cursor into the tile selector.
- Added Consecutive tiles features to tileset tool, this is useful for new tileset makers who want an easy way to insert consecutive tiles in a tileset into a rectangle in their map. A better way to describe it:
(In Tileset) ABCD -->
AB(In Map)
So it fills a rectangle row by row on the map with consecutive tiles.
- Added Start OP2 toolbar and menu selection, launches your OP2 EXE.
- And probably more I forgot about. :)

You can download version 2.0.13 here (570KB)

Again same rules apply. Use mappersetup.bat before running if you are doing a new install, mapperupgrade.bat if you are updating!
If you are updating from 2.0.10 (alpha 2) you can simply replace Mapper2.exe, that's the only changed file in this update.

Note for some users on install. If you get errors about Bad command in the registering files part, go to C:\windows, C:\windows\system or C:\windows\system32 and find a file called regsvr32.exe. Copy this to your mapper folder, and run the setup bat again. (make sure you are logged on as admin under NT, 2k, or XP).

Have fun with the mapper!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 07:31:54 AM by Leviathan »

Offline Leviathan

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Op2mapper 2.0.13 Released
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 07:26:19 PM »
Great work :D

New features making it easyer.


Offline Stormy

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Op2mapper 2.0.13 Released
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 12:02:27 PM »
nice ^_^

It runs  :D  
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 12:06:51 PM by Stormy »
3D artist in Blender, MS3D, and Terragen.
Trying to get good with Scene composition and lighting.

Offline TH300

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Op2mapper 2.0.13 Released
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 04:03:33 PM »
I found another two bugs.
- It cannot save maps. neither new maps nor loaded maps. The savedialog shows up, but when I click on save it does nothing, but close the save-dialog. no .map-file created nor modified.
- I cannot create new maps with the Greenworld tileset. When maps04.vol is selected as the .vol-file and I create a new map it crashes after the map-size dialog.

Offline zigzagjoe

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Op2mapper 2.0.13 Released
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2005, 07:26:18 PM »
good work as always hacker

i suppose this is a bit of a feature request, but oh well. could you set it up to allow opening of maps on startup, ex if you passed a comandline arg, file asociation, etc.

Offline BlackBox

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Op2mapper 2.0.13 Released
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2005, 12:02:00 PM »
Thanks for the input on both bugs and feature requests.

(and no, I don't get mad when people submit bugs. It's good to catch them all, and I need the feedback, since I don't have a win9x machine to test on).

As for the save bug TH300 had, I think that again is a Win9x only problem. My guess is the save function is calling CreateFileW (which only works on unicode systems) so I'll have to light a fire under Hooman to get that working (since that's in the backend part). :heh:

The new map bug with greenworld unveiled another bug - I forgot to put code that would catch a standard error. Anyway, the reason this isn't working, is because the greenworld tileset doesn't use the standard tileset names, well0000 - well0012.bmp. The simple (well, maybe not all that simple) fix for now, is to do the following:

1. Create a 32x32 well0000.bmp along the .VOL file that contains the greenworld tileset (maps04.vol), in the same directory. You could, if you wanted, extract well0000.bmp from maps.vol. It's not critical, you just need this file so the mapper won't crash when creating a new map.
2. Start up the mapper, with the override feature turned on.
3. Create a new map as usual, picking your desired map size. In the dialog where you pick the desired map size, tick the box "Start with no tilesets." (This is important, if you fail to do this the mapper will crash after you click OK)
4. You'll start with a map containing only one tileset: well0000. (This is the dummy well0000 that you put into the folder)
5. Click the Advanced Edit button on the toolbar of the map window (looks like a pencil writing into a grid). Wait a couple seconds for it to load.
6. Select well0000 in the tree at left. (But do not click the + next to it) Click Add, select Tile Set (Replace Existing).
7. At this point a box will pop up asking for the new tileset name. You'll need to know the naming system for the new tilesets, for Greenworld they are grnwld00 - grnwld12.bmp. (You can figure this out by opening the tileset VOL file in the VOLExtractor program on the website, and look at the names of the BMP files)
8. In the box with the text field, enter grnwld00 and press OK. (Do not add .bmp to the end)
9. You've replaced the existing well0000 tileset with the grnwld00 set. Now you need to add the rest of the grnwldXX tilesets. To do this, click Add, goto Add Tileset (first thing in menu).
10. Another box will pop up, asking for the tileset name. Enter the next tileset name, grnwld01, without any .bmp on the end. Press OK.
11. A prompt will ask if you want to create initial mappings. Press Yes. A dialog will appear saying how many mappings were created (in other words, the number of tiles in the tileset)
12. Repeat Steps 9-11 for the remaining tilesets.
13. Close the Advanced Edit window. Your new map now contains all the tilesets which are necessary for greenworld editing. Save the map before beginning editing. (These instructions can be adapted for other new tilesets, as well)

Soon, I'll have a way for the tileset VOL to specify what the default tilesets are for new maps. (This way the above steps will be handled automatically by the mapper)

Hopefully that helps. Any other features or bugs you guys have found?

-- op2hacker
« Last Edit: August 15, 2005, 12:02:34 PM by op2hacker »