No, it doesn't. But I think that I'm going to do some of what Sierra had originally intended: Patch up OP1 in regular intervals to add new functionality.
I may add combat to OP1 in a turn-based manner much like is found in Civ/CivII. However, while not particularly difficult to implement, I don't know if this would add to the game or take away from it.
It I did add it into the game, I plan on using the same chassis/weapon turrets as those found in OP2. The problem here would be integrating Plymouth/Eden units... which player gets what? This can probably be easily figured out by a player checking of wether or not they are going to be the primary or rebel colony.
And, if I did add combat, I think I will take DM-Horus's suggestions of three levels of combat vehicles. Essentially the levels determine their defensive (armor) capabilities, speed and weapons fire rate (OP2's vehicle upgrades). Also, vehicles will not automatically be upgraded. They will need to return to a robot facility of some sort (warehouse, Robot CC or Garage?) to be refitted.
I'm definatly glad that there is still interest in OP1 despite the fact that OP2 was, overall, a better game. OP:MIA's original release will not include combat units but I am considering it and will likely add it in a later revision.