OP:MIA has continued development and is still slowly on its way to a complete demo.
I had made promises of a demonstration game earlier this year but produced nothing. This was due to several reasons:
- I moved to a new apartment
- I had little free time
- Lack of inspiration
- Health emergency with one of my birds
- Development machine died
Yeah, the machine that OP:MIA was being developed on died. Sort of... the optical drives failed, the on-board sound failed, the network failed and I think the processor is on its last legs (this has been a problem since the PSU caught fire). There was an electrical storm... not much more needs to be said.
The HDD's are fine it's now just a matter of finding the time to remove them and rebuild the machine.
However, in the mean time, I have this computer which is out in the living room. Works very well, has a flat-panel screen, great video card and has a whole lot of room for development.
Getting to the point, I want to release a demo of OP:MIA. But I think it would be more beneficial to release a
working demo rather than a graphic engine demonstration. I want to release a game that is not yet complete but give a really good feel to what the final product will actually be (note Outpost2 and Quake3Arena pre-release demos). Yeah... that kind of calibur.
When will it be done? I haven't got the slightest. I just have to get through everything and take each element of the game one at a time.
Thanks for the patience and support.
:op2: Leeor Dicker