Author Topic: Newsletter 2  (Read 2601 times)

Offline Leviathan

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Newsletter 2
« on: April 27, 2005, 04:53:26 PM »
Newsletter 2

Welcome to the second OPU newsletter!

- Hamachi (OP2Sock fix)
- Outpost 2 Reunion
- World Domination
- 1v1 Ladder
- New Map Editor
- Community Projects
- End

Hamachi (OP2 Sock fix)
Annoyed that you can't play Outpost 2 over the internet and join in with us because your behind a secure network, or something else that stops you from playing? Now you can! We are now using a program called Hamachi which enables you to connect to a virtual network and play Outpost 2 over it! Why 'virtual'? Because it's just like being over network with people, but it's really over the internet. Now more people than ever can play Outpost 2 over the internet, so come and join in the games. For setup guide check the website.

Outpost 2 Reunion
The date is set! The next Outpost 2 reunion held at #Outpost2 on QuakeNet IRC will be happening May 7th - 8th, that's less than two weeks away! As always we will be bringing you an Outpost 2 update. The countdown to OPU5 begins!

World Domination
We will finally be starting World Domination games on IRC at the reunion and it will keep running after that.

1v1 Ladder
We will be starting a Outpost 2 1v1 Pie Chart ladder at the reunion and it will keep running after that, as it is a ladder it won't be reset.

New Map Editor
Version 2 of the Outpost 2 map editor is now in its alpha stages and ready to use by anyone. It has many improvements from the old mapper. So get mapping.

Community Projects
A new project, the OPU Tool has been started and reached beta release stage. leeor_net (the maker of Outpost: Missing In Action) has taken over the project from Leviathan and is creating a great application which includes an IRC client, web browser and easy access to Outpost Universe content! Mission 3 coding for Outpost: Renegades is nearly complete, which means a public release soon, and mission 4 coding is underway.


Well until next time, keep playing Outpost 2 and posting on the forums!
- The Outpost Universe Team
IRC: #Outpost2 @