Author Topic: Wanderers find their own way. . .  (Read 1807 times)

Offline Piscean_Knight

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Wanderers find their own way. . .
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:48:08 PM »
The chance to summarize my original introduction shall not be missed.  Although this is shorter in-scope, the longer version shall not be missed.

Outpost 2 came into my possession several years ago.  It lay amongst several neglected bargain bin software titles, and looked to be the best of the lot.  I brought it home, played as many games as my older brother would let me (over an extended period of time).  My OP2 enthusiasm waned a year or so before 2001 due to my growing selection of gaming diversions and my 'governed' playtimes.

Early 2001, my family packed up and moved.  I inherited (pirated, through persuasion) my older brother's 200MHz system soon as we unpacked, and from then on lived on games for two years.  From among my collection, my favorite titles came to be Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire (expansion), Sid Meier's Civilization (One & Two -- with its expansions), SubSpace/ContinuĆ¼m, and Wulfram 2.

Outpost 2 came a little later when I realized I had come close to completing it... but had not yet done so.  It reattracted me to the elements this game supported.  With my interests in the OP2 world reinvigorated, I sought out artifacts of what appeared to be a long-dead multiplayer past.  One obsolete, defunct website led to another, while some led no where, until appeared amongst my search results (Googled the same way so many others did).

I was formerly registered, though inactive and lurking, as DR~Romhos.  I recently decided to reinstall OP2 after neglecting to do so after buying a new hard disk thirty-three times larger than my old hard drive.  The new hard disk is so roomy, it's made me a little lazy...  Moving on, now that my origins are defined...

My playing style?  I prefer low-ego opponents who can play a dynamic, fair, friendly, clean game (unless we agree to cheat, for whatever reason  :yawn:).  I never participated in the Sierra-hosted multiplayer match-ups, nor do I expect to be a regular multiplayer competitor... until later, perhaps, after I get familiar with the community and multiplayer sessions in general.
I look forward to participating.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 01:33:42 AM by Piscean_Knight »
Outpost 2 - Divided Destiny [Soundtrack Hosted on]

Greetings, Citizens.  We are living in the age in which the pursuit of all values -- other than: Money, Success, Fame, Glam

Offline Leviathan

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Wanderers find their own way. . .
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 03:42:44 AM »
Big warm welcome to the forums :D

Great to have you with us.

Post any questions, were glad to help.

Hope to see you on IRC for some games of Outpost 2.

Offline Sl0vi

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Wanderers find their own way. . .
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2005, 03:05:13 PM »
Welcome !!!  B)  