Hmm, yea, that would be a good idea, with a shared DLL. (We could just include it in one of the updates, and everyone would have it)
We'd have to be certain that there was compatibility for these functions. (We couldn't do stuff like change the # of parameters, etc because existing DLL's would break).
We'll have to plan it out and be sure that we insert the 'reserved' params where needed, etc.
Another option (though it might be kind of gross) is to add exports to the EXE. This is fairly easy to do (actually, probably easier than adding imports) and could be cleaner.
But anyway.... now Eddy-B is digging into the map files.
We need to be careful. Do know that that GetFactoryCargo() func was pasted directly into the channel (thankfully the only other ppl there bsides him were ops) when he gave it to me.