Author Topic: War of 2400 I Online  (Read 6782 times)

Offline OP2Patriot

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War of 2400 I Online
« on: April 20, 2004, 01:55:52 PM »
I do not have the first chapter at my novella website. I will upload the entire novel when it is finished. I have released the updated Prologue and Chapter 1 here:

I am 1/45th through! Woo hoo! That is more than 2%! I got less than 98% to go!

Edit: I just fixed up Chapter 2. It is online now.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2004, 03:18:59 PM by OP2Patriot »

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Offline OP2Patriot

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War of 2400 I Online
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2004, 08:36:17 PM »
I have been very occupied lately. One of my friends is emotionally unstable, and another friend is considering running away from home. I also somehow got involved in an election, and got elected as School President of an online school of 1,000 or so people. I have however, managed to write the fourth chapter for my novel. I am sorry I cannot participate more here. Anyway, my novel's new place is at:

The Forbidden Outpost 2 Forum ... they don't want you to know about it.
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