Author Topic: War and Religion  (Read 14730 times)

Offline ZeusBD

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War and Religion
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2004, 12:06:43 AM »
Okay, if a nation is giving fund to terrorists.....Not showing us all of their weapons like was agreed....Was developing nuclear capabilities (They supposedly stopped after the first time we went there).....had a dictator who was torturing his citizen's.....and who made threat at us for years, why shouldn't we stop him? Besically what your saying is that he didn't have WOMD, but let me ask you this, even if he didn't, you want us to wait till he does? So that even more people die? I think that he already did but sent them across the border. But regardless of wether he did or didn't, he needed to be stopped. So there's a reason why we should invade if he didn't have them and a reason if he did (is that politics for ya?).
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War and Religion
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2004, 12:12:45 AM »
That pretty much covers all the whole range Zeus. lol.

Offline TH300

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War and Religion
« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2004, 01:25:48 AM »
It's one of my pricples, not to act until there is a prooven reason for doing so. What will you say, if someone prooves that you've been wrong?

I see your point, but would you also invade, lets say Italy, if they suddenly stopped giving away infomration about there weapons?

And I tell you, our sociaty is so manipulated, that you can believe only yourself.
All powerfull people (like Bush) try to manipulate the public opinion and for that purpose they hide facts which can harm their image.


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War and Religion
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2004, 01:30:51 AM »
Well, Italy is a lot less likely than Iraq to invade another country (Like Iraq did in Kuait)

And you can't really blame Bush, its really the CIA's responsability (It was heavily reduced in power during the Clinton years).

Bush can't go himself into Iraq and look for WOMD's can he? I don't think so! lol.

Offline TH300

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War and Religion
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2004, 06:37:37 PM »
And you can't really blame Bush, its really the CIA's responsability (It was heavily reduced in power during the Clinton years).

Bush can't go himself into Iraq and look for WOMD's can he? I don't think so! lol.
Responsible is always the person or institution which is less likely to experience any consequnces.

Offline CK9

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War and Religion
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2004, 08:43:14 PM »
This one's to the War part:

Thanks to Zircon, I found people like me, and found this similar topic:


 it's probably not just me but do you feel humans are....  
  2-26-04 9:56:20am  draconite
...corrupting this planet?? (sorry, couldn't fit this on one topic line).

just that they say they wanna make things better but make things much worse. i hate violence and wars, i feel humans are immature going into war to kill others of their kind, why can't they just get along??

   Re: it's probably not just me but do you feel humans are....  
  2-26-04 11:25:56am  HauntingGhost
that is such a classical question, with an easy answer i've find out.

jealousy, greed, and the need for power, or sometimes the reason can be of good sort, like just defending from invaders that wish to take your land and if the remaining people of their civilization want to fight because of their freedom to life in peace and so on. It could be of course something else too, but these i'm thinking of mostly.


   Re: (x2) it's probably not just me but do you feel humans ar  
  2-26-04 1:31:16pm  Shiari
and it's not just humans. Other species here wage wars, though not to the extent that
humans do. And I'm sure there's plenty of other planets with similar circumstances.

Also, another big factor is the fact that humans are so overcrowded. makes us more

Re: it's probably not just me but do you feel humans are....   
  2-28-04 8:31:37am  Chi Hurican
I definitely agree Draconite.

There are a couple questions about that that I cannot answer though. First, if we (as Dragons) had a choice to create our own society, would we be any different? Because of our civility, would we fall into the same constraints as humans do now, and believe that we do not have a choice in the matter but to keep doing the things that we are, trying to improve, yet corrupting things even further?

At the moment, we can say we do not have a choice, because we are bound by human law, natural selection of our societies govt, etc... which is true for some aspects. But we can always remove ourselves, live in the wild, eat of the wild, and use things like solar energy for heat and electricity. Essentially build a community of our own. But realistically, how reasonable is that? No access to the things that brought us together in the first place, etc...

There are just alot of things to think about regarding that question.
Mn'An'dzat kchren'rae hwiss thaa' seth:
 Stihe he-stihe.
Stihu he-stihe.
Whrn'thae najh'stihehh.
Ousskh'thae najh'stiheh.
Mda't'dae bvh-sda't'dae mnek-e.
Rui'i'rae-sta haa'ae!
Ehh'ne lhhw'i'ae (What Dragons Say)
What it means

made me think

(BTW, here's the translation on the last one (javascript doesn't transfer)
What is, is
What was, is
Matter is an illusion
Meaning is an illusion
the Door opens bothe ways

Believe none of these!

« Last Edit: April 15, 2004, 08:49:24 PM by CK9 »
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