what about somthing simmiler to the op1 system? it has what ezekel talkd about, it isnt nessacery to train workers but it helps alot, plus it has more classes than just child, worker, scientist, it has things like retired and such
I doubt that pop engine was very diffucult because it was put onto a floppy disk, so it cant be that big
btw I like the fact of the micromanagement of training scientists, but I would like a redundent feature built in that it would automaticly train a scientist or 2 if there numbers drop too low for the structures that need them (like if it only has 1-2 more than are absolultly needed, not counting reshurch) so if a coloney has a cc, a university, and a nursery, the university would make sure that the coloney would have at least 4 scientists
that would remidy the common problem faced in multy where the person forgets to train, and all of a sudden his university dies due to lack of scientists and he cant get more so he is screwd
btw has anyone notised that the cc can still run even without the scientisit that is needed for it?