The first command center looked a bit like a prison.
Agridome is cool. Looks almost like it's filled with fireflies.
Fair enough on the prison look. I was aiming for utilitarian, but not oppressive.

It took me a second to realize what you meant about the fireflies. Those spots are reflected stars on the glass, though it's way too much detail to appear on the small version.
Definitely digging the agridome. I would suggest making the support structure lighter in color so that there's more contrast with the background (like the original images) and maybe slightly thicker so that it shows up in the scaled down version better.
I fully agree! I might also look at reducing the number of support beams when I thicken them up.
One thing I am considering is the scale. That agridome is something like 200 ft x 200 ft, and 110 ft tall. That's not too big is it? I suppose not if it "looks" okay.
As for 100 people in the tube section, would that be standing up or laying down?
Well, I did the calculation for a cross-tube setup. If the scale is such that the tubes are 80m long and 10m wide, I subtracted 10m out of the tube middle leaving 70m. If each person was allocated a 3m x 3m block of floor space, that would be enough room for a cot or sleeping bag and some basic personal possessions...which I imagine they would have few of right off the ship. Since the tube is 10m wide, you can fit one person on each side of the tube per 3m of length, and still have space down the middle to walk. This yields roughly 23 people per side of a tube, two sides to the tube, and two tubes. So that's around 90 people.
So that's about 90 people each having their own 10ft x 10ft space, which is pretty generous during an emergency situation but probably necessary to keep the peace. Reality is that's still barely half the folks, and I figure you probably need another 50% to 100% more space for things like supplies, bathrooms, eating/social areas.
Of course, the tubes aren't really shielded at all. So long term is a bad idea.
The other thought I had is if they have an actual building, a 3x3x3m room could probably bunk up to four people...meaning they would need 50 of these rooms. And again, double the space for things like supplies, bathrooms, etc... For a shielded building, that's roughly 30x30m and three stories tall. That's actually not too big considering the size of the tiles is 80x80m, but I just keep thinking "What would they need all that excessive space for when not in "emergency" mode." It's a huge resource expense that would go completely unused later. I could make up all kinds of rationale (they hide supplies and offices in there), but the command center runs later with 3 to 5 people. That's when I thought the tube rationale might be a good idea, because it seems less wasteful.
Which also made me think that a command center graphic that took up most of the tile space would be (like the agridome) a massive 200ft x 200ft.
Or maybe I'm just overthinking all of it and it's not that big of a deal...I'm rather analytical though, and irrational scale kinda messes with my head.

Theres a song on youtube, Dynatron-Propulsion Overdrive, that has a cover art, of either something inspired by Outpost 1, or is the cover art for Outpost 1, that you could grab some visual inspiration from:
That's totally the cover of the OP1 disc case, though I completely forgot about it. That's really good inspiration indeed. Looks futuristic but also very simple. That is, in fact, a bitchin' find.