Today we had a user paste a script containing a $decode into #outpost2. We decoded it ourselves ($decode is a command in mIRC to decode base64-encoded data) and found that it would allow a user to take over your IRC client remotely. You should NEVER run a command that you don't know what it does, and anything with a $decode should raise a major red flag. (There are few legitimate uses for this command).
The user who did it (nick Rechocto, hostmask pasted a script that would allow anyone to execute any arbitrary command in your client if you happened to have it loaded and they typed "ee <command>" into any channel or /msg that you were in. If you received such a command from this user, I STRESS THAT YOU DO NOT RUN IT.
If you think you ran it, let one of us know and we will help you remove it.
This user has been permanently G-lined. Furthermore, the rules have been updated. If you paste anything with a $decode in it, expect a G-line (even if it is not malicious). We will not be giving warnings.
Let us know if you have any questions.