Author Topic: Problem On Plymouth Mission 10  (Read 1781 times)

Offline Prometheus

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Problem On Plymouth Mission 10
« on: November 24, 2006, 06:35:20 PM »
I recently started replaying the campaigns after a long break from the game, mostly because I wanted to be able to see the end movies whenever I wanted.  I beat the Eden campaign on, but I'm having trouble on easy with Plymouth mission 10 (the raid on Eden).  I've been targeting their patrols with my emps and spidies but the AI eventually sends out everything it has and I dont have enough to deal with this rush.

Offline Tellaris

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Problem On Plymouth Mission 10
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2006, 08:15:56 PM »
The problem:   The AI simply builds vecs, reguardless of if it has the ore to do so or not.   So interdicting the ore lines won't stop them.   As a  result, it slowly builds up a massive army, and once its done that, you're screwed.   You simply cannot steal vehicles at the same rate the AI can build them.
The Solution:
Assult the base.  


Try to go in on the side or the north cliff face.   These aren't too heavily defended, and you won't have to deal with that damned Acid Guardpost.   If you do decide to go through the entrence, its a nice choke point.   Use a single vehicle to lure the AI's tanks away a few times, and hit them with ESG.   They'll turn around and go back over the mines.   Use 2 or 3 EMP Lynx to first disable the front line guardposts, then bum rush them.   This will get you in the base.   NOTE: You will want to save your Supernovae for later in this mission.
Once you are in the base, immediately destroy the closest Vehicle Factory, and Command Center, if you can.   Your main target is the AI's power plants.   This includes the CC.   They are not heavily defended, and you can slip by the guardposts with a supernova and blow all of its power plants.   Once you have blacked out the base, make sure all CCs are promptly destroyed.   They provide power, and can keep the Guardposts online.    At this point, destroy or capture all remaining Eden tanks.   Acheive your mission objectives and get the hell out of there.

If you are haveing a problem getting by the final retalitory attack on your retreating vehicles, destroy all Garages.   The spawning of the AI final wave is entirely reliant on the garages existing.   Note that in the story line Brook Panati mentions a heavy build up of Eden units being dumped into garages rather then active service.   So that explains where the army comes from.
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