Outpost Universe Forums
Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: Jgamer on April 18, 2004, 02:08:33 PM
I know some of the people here are reealy good with programming so i tought about asking something, can someone make an version of op1 that needs no cd nor disk to run?
I guess no one cares for this, i didn't get any messages
If I knew any programming, Id help you. You might try www.megagames.com they may have it.
I'd be willing to try, except I don't have the original, and never made a CD crack before.
Hey, never mind. I just tried megagames, and they only have it for op2.
I guess someone will just have to make one for op1. lol.
I wish you good luck krammy
Copy the BITMAPS, MUSIC, and VIDEOS directories from your Outpost CD into the same directory where you installed the game, usually C:\SIERRA\OUTPOST.
Change the OUTPOST.INI file located in the same directory where the game has been installed to point to directories on your hard drive where you have copied the BITMAPS, MUSIC, and VIDEOS. When you are done the first part of the file should look something like this…
Leave the other settings as they are. Now the game will play without the CD. This actually was an install option in the original release of the game – later removed in the last (Sierra Classics) edition. Hope this helps.
Yeppers. That should do it.
Although a CD-Crack may be a neat idea... <scratches head>
I think I've been up too late...
Go beddy by now...
Clain's method should work.
Er, this sounds like useless spam. Which I'm doing a lot of. :P