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Off Topic => General Interest => Debate => Topic started by: Kiith Somtaaw on February 26, 2004, 07:57:36 PM

Title: religion and such
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on February 26, 2004, 07:57:36 PM
I Hate Religion, I think its a complete waste of time, it totally annoys me..

ARRGH..  :angry:
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on February 26, 2004, 08:03:02 PM
although I am against religion, I will give it this:  It has inspired many people to change their lives.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on February 26, 2004, 08:04:27 PM
It only inspires me to get stressed about religion.

Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on February 26, 2004, 08:11:20 PM
well, right now it's helping out my family...

woops, almost gave away TMI
Title: religion and such
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on February 26, 2004, 08:11:58 PM

What TMI?

Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on February 26, 2004, 08:13:54 PM
too much information
Title: religion and such
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on February 26, 2004, 08:15:51 PM
I thought it was "The Main Ingredient"  or something

Title: religion and such
Post by: Luweeg64 on February 27, 2004, 07:40:41 AM
Think about it though, without relegion where would humans be? We would be lost and lonely wanderers walking a lie thought out the world. If there is no afterlife, well what is the point of life? I mean you work to get money to support you family, so they can get a good job and support their family, right? It justs never ends! So I think there has to be a good, or else all reality is pointless! Amen!
Title: religion and such
Post by: Zircon on April 08, 2004, 05:44:59 AM
*sigh* With all this hate/dislike, discrimination and letting a book over two thousand years old guide your actions humanity will never progress -_-

I for one is happy that in 100 hundred people only one of them go to church in Sweden and that the rest of Europe is rapidly losing "faith"
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 10:25:44 AM
Maby this thread was a bad idea.  Then again, nobody thought that the IDsoftware game Heratic was a bad idea.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Zircon on April 08, 2004, 10:37:28 AM
I've never read the bible, but i believe that all people are worth the same even if they are of a different race, color, gender or whatever kind of sexual relations they may have.

Is that not included in the bible ?

As a note, im not screaming "Let the gay marry" im screaming "Why do you care if they marry or not?"
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 10:43:18 AM
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 11:27:16 AM
Man am I glad I never got involved with religion.
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 08, 2004, 01:45:28 PM
You should. What do you have to look forward to after you die if you do not believe? I believe without a doubt that I will go up to Heaven.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 01:51:37 PM
I have the next life to look forward to. (I remember a few things from past lives, not one of them have to do with religion)
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 08, 2004, 01:54:15 PM
You remember things from past lives? Now that is impressive, tell us some of the things you remember.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 01:59:18 PM
You don't want to know, most of them are full of death, and right now death is not something I want to be thinking about.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 08, 2004, 02:47:53 PM
Me neither I hate religion, and burn bibles. Not that I worship the Devil or anything,
Mainly because I don't believe in it, it's a bunch of baloney.

It gets right on my bean :angry: , lol :lol:

Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 08, 2004, 02:49:49 PM
Well, that's just so sad to hear Kiith.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 03:04:23 PM
kiith, that reminds me.  Some bible toters were walking around campus the other day and I heard someone say, "it's your hell, you burn in it."  that just made my day :)
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 08, 2004, 03:21:45 PM
You poor souls. I trust that God will forgive you.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 03:30:31 PM
"let's make a deal: you pray to your God for help, and whenhe shows up I'll stop..." - the Count of Monte Cristo.
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 08, 2004, 03:38:04 PM
God is not a physical being, so he cannot just "show up"
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 08, 2004, 03:49:55 PM
God's there right now. You just can't see him. But even if you could, you still wouldn't have believed.

"The word of the Lord is foolishness to those who do not believe; those who are dying."

You don't want to know, most of them are full of death, and right now death is not something I want to be thinking about.

Everyone has to die sometime.

Also, Patton believed in reincarnation, and I don't see anyone walking around claiming to be him.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 04:24:07 PM
Tell me this: if you cannot prove his existance, then how do you know he does exist?

I feel there is a highere existance, just not a god
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 08, 2004, 04:49:09 PM
I don't have to prove he exists.
You have to prove that he does not exist.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 05:14:03 PM
I have already proven that to myself.

I do not like religioun, there are two many instances ere it caused only sorrows.
for example:
1) the crusades, both only left hundreds of thousands, maby even millions, dead just because the two sides were different religons and coldn't get off their high horses and come to an agreemen.
2) Joan Tarc (a.k.a. Joan of Arc), one of the greatest French heros, was killed by the English on religious basis.
3) Jesus was killed by the Romans because he was against their religion.
4) In the past century, there have been many suicide bombings because of the religion of the offenders
5) Hitler used religion (yes, it was a religious belief that Germans with blond hair and blue eyes were supirior) to justify his actions
6) Finaly, not that it's the only other one just that I don't want to go on, since back in the days around when England controlled the passage between the Mediterranian and Red seas there has been a religious struggle in jeruselem for contro over a small area, one side wanting to rebuild a temple to see if their savior will come down to earth.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 08, 2004, 08:05:21 PM
1) the crusades, both only left hundreds of thousands, maby even millions, dead just because the two sides were different religons and coldn't get off their high horses and come to an agreemen.
Well, first of all, it was not because of a religious dissagreement. The religion of england at the time was called Christandom (A sect of christianity). And they sent ruthless criminals to take over the city of Jerusalem in exchange for a pardon for their crimes. Sad to say, the criminals went insane and began ruthlessly slaughtering muslims on their way.

That church pretty much was skewed from actual christianity by the king at that time.

2) Joan Tarc (a.k.a. Joan of Arc), one of the greatest French heros, was killed by the English on religious basis.

Joan of Arc, who claimed to be a Christian, claimed that someone (God or otherwize told here to kick the English out of France.) Which goes against the very religion that she believes in which the Bible says: Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you.
Likewise, she was tried by the corrupt religion of Cristendom in England.

3) Jesus was killed by the Romans because he was against their religion.

First of all, the Romans could care less who Jesus was, it was the Jewish high priests who had a problem with him. Pontious Piolet (The man who had Jesus put to death) said "I find no fault with this man."
The Jews then kept saying Crucify him, and Piolet washed his hands of the matter. "His blood is on your hands" he said to the crowd of jews. "Let his blood rest on us and our children!" they replied.

It was prophesised in the Old Testament (Called the Torah by the Jews) everything that would happen to Jesus including his death.

However, Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do." even while dying on the cross.
And the plan was that Jesus was meant to die, and he knew he would die on the cross, even when he started his ministry.

4) In the past century, there have been many suicide bombings because of the religion of the offenders

Muslims, who are pretty much the only group that has taken credit for suicide bombings on a regular basis, was created by the man Muhammed for whatever reason, and he added his hate for "Christianity" (Which the kind he reffered to was Cristendom), and the Jews, who claimed to be God's chosen people as said in the old and new testements.
This is why the Muslim religion is the most violent (not the most peacefull) religion known today. The word "Islam" means "Submission" not peace.

5) Hitler used religion (yes, it was a religious belief that Germans with blond hair and blue eyes were supirior) to justify his actions

Hitler was proven to be mentally ill, and the German people were to afraid to challenge his rule.

Well, I g2g, I'll reply to the rest later.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 08:18:46 PM
You have yet to prove to me that a God exists.  I don't give a flying monkey if you say you don't need to prove he exists.  You do have to prove it.  And the faith of however many people does not count as proof.
Title: religion and such
Post by: alice on April 08, 2004, 09:54:29 PM
I have a few examples, but i choose not to post them. (They are personal, or within my family or friends)

The day you come up with  "proof" that he does not exist, I will counteract you and prove you wrong. :P

I have experienced the power and presence of God.  You cannot say that he is not real.  Attend one of my church services once.  You will change. :)
Title: religion and such
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 08, 2004, 09:57:28 PM
Did someone Rename this Topic?

Title: religion and such
Post by: xfir on April 08, 2004, 09:58:54 PM
Topic Split. You were going off-topic.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 08, 2004, 10:00:09 PM
garret, I have been to church before, it has only strengthened my conviction that there is no God.  Like you, I have chosen not to post my number one example because it is personal and in my family.  There are only two, maby three people on these forums who found out what it is, and that's more than I wanted.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 09, 2004, 12:21:58 AM
Neways, CK9, you are posting things that have happened in the world, and not in your personal life.

God is personal and cannot be decided upon by outside events. Whatever happened that made you say, "There is no God," happened in your personal life, and that's ok. But to blame it on the world is kindof silly since it is a personal choice.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 09, 2004, 03:52:04 PM
What has happened in my personal life is for me to know.  I have no intention of mixing it in with this forum.
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 10, 2004, 12:12:29 AM
I know that this isn't a very good argument, but give me proof that he doesn't exist.

But like was said, it doesn't matter if you believe or not. If you don't and the day of reckoning comes, you will go to hell (That isn't a cuss word, it is a place). It is said that he will return and those who believe will go to heaven and those who don't won't. So condem your soul for all I care, but I have yet to hear and argument from you that would ever make me think that there isn't a God.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 10, 2004, 12:23:15 AM
Well, I find that a little harsh Zeus, even though it is true.

As for CK9, if you don't want to post personal things than that's fine with me. I suggest though, since those can be your only true reasons/feelings against religion, that you hold off on posting in the subject. At least until you feel that you could explain your reasons better.

Seriously, I don't judge anyone by what is said in this topic. But I do want to warn everyone, that if suddenly billions of people dissapear suddenly from the earth, to realize that there is a God in heaven, and to give your lives to him before it is too late.
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 10, 2004, 12:43:33 AM
I don't judge people either. I'm not saying that CK9 or Kiith or whoever else that doesn't believe is a bad person. Just like people who believe in another God, I don't hold anything against them. I just hold things against people who put down my God or who say that it is stupid for me to believe. It is my right and I do believe. Religion isn't stupid, it gives us who do believe someone to turn to (you pray and talk to God), it gives us something to look forward to after death, and it gives us a reasurrance that we are safe and if we die, then there is a reason (A greater cause if you will).

If you don't believe then that's fine, but don't say that Religion is stupid or that it is stupid to believe or anything to that affect.

Edit: The below picture is just for fun.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 10, 2004, 03:10:49 PM
tell me this:  If you are supposed to take the bible literally, how can you?  It says that he is an all-forgiving god, yet quick to send you to hell if you worship a different figure.  You can't be spiteful and all forgiving at once.

and yes, hell is a place, a very cold place.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 10, 2004, 04:36:03 PM
Well Zeus, that picture may be a joke, but unfortunately it is true. Although I don't take my advice from critics, just from the box office.

It says that he is an all-forgiving god, yet quick to send you to hell if you worship a different figure.

first of all, it does not say that he is "Quick to send to hell."

Since the beginning of time, the people of this earth have sinned. This separates us from God. Every other god on this earth besides God of the bible was made up in order to fullfill the selfish desires of the person who made up the religion.

He gives everyone the choice to go to hell or not, it is everyone's decision to accept him or not.

He is willing to forgive an infinate amount of debt if we believe in him.

Those who go to hell, go there because of their choice to not believe and not accept God. Out of their pride and arrogance.
However, even if someone accepted God with a dying breath, God would forgive them and bring them into heaven.

You can't be spiteful and all forgiving at once.

Well, first of all, God isn't spitefull, he is Just. He gives that wich people deserve.

Here is an example for today, Lets say Saddam Hussein is on trial, and lets say that the Jury finds him guilty and sentinces him to death on the charges of mass murder.
Would not it be just for the judge to act on this according to the law of the land?

God does the same thing, however, he also give the option of a full pardon.

Even Saddam Hussein, if he was repentant and gave his life to Christ, then when he dies, he will have assurance of going to heaven.

In conclusion, the Bible was written just as it was made to be taken, litterally.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 10, 2004, 04:50:13 PM
caught you in a lie right there.

Both of my parents come from very devout catholic families.  And I know for a fact that the bible says that he is a vengeful god (couldn't think of that word last post) yet is an all forgiving god.  if both true, then he's an oxymoron.

as to your comment on multiple god religions, that is not true.  If you knew half as much as I do about ancient Egypt, you would realize that.  The stories of the bible have some truth behind them, but are greatly exadurated to add in those 'miricles'

give me one and you'll get an example.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 10, 2004, 11:05:51 PM
caught you in a lie right there.

Both of my parents come from very devout catholic families. And I know for a fact that the bible says that he is a vengeful god (couldn't think of that word last post) yet is an all forgiving god. if both true, then he's an oxymoron.

spite    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (spt)
Malicious ill will prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate.
An instance of malicious feeling.

vengeĀ·ful    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (vnjfl)
Desiring vengeance; vindictive.
Indicating or proceeding from a desire for revenge.
Serving to exact vengeance.

As you can see, they are two different words, and I do not appreciate being called a liar.

God has Righteous Vengance, which is, all of the reasons for his sence of "Vengance" are based on his justice.

However, he is all forgiving. He gives us the chance to turn to Him every day. However if we do not except, then we are telling Him that we don't really care that He is willing to forgive us.

Since the beginning of time, the people of this earth have sinned. This separates us from God. Every other god on this earth besides God of the bible was made up in order to fullfill the selfish desires of the person who made up the religion.

I assume that you are talking about this quote. It has been proven time and time again that the gods of other religions were not able to stand against the God of the bible.

As for God being an Oxymoron, well, even if He was, so what? If He is Omnipotent, then He could do that. You can't try and comprehend what you can't understand.

But anyways, I'll pray for you CK9.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 10, 2004, 11:33:38 PM
I don't want to be prayed for, but if you must pray, I'll PM you who I would like you to.
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 11, 2004, 12:18:05 AM
Okay CK9, he will send you to Hell for your sins if you do not ask for forgivness. He doesn't just say "I don't like you very much, go to Hell." You must believe in him as your God and ask for forgiveness of your sins. You can't take things to literally, he is vengful in the fact that if you sin and do not ask for forgiveness, then he will send you straight to Hell, but he is forgiving in the fact that if you do ask for forgiveness, he isn't hesitant to forgive and let you into Heaven.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 11, 2004, 12:22:11 AM
Hey Zeus, you are kinda being a Fire and Brimstone preacher there. Yes, the alternative to accepting God's gift of forgiveness in Christ, but we aren't supposed to cram it down people's throats. lol.

God dislikes it very much when we reject his forgivess, because he loves us, not because he wants to see us burn.
Title: religion and such
Post by: ZeusBD on April 11, 2004, 12:24:12 AM
Well, if you do not ask for forgiveness, you do not recieve it and therefor will be judged for all of your sins. I hate to say it, but it's true.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 11, 2004, 12:38:24 AM
Yep its true Zeus.

Sometimes I get frustrated with people, yep, it's true. I don't know where any of you are coming from, and I know its none of my buissness. But here is something that some need to hear, not because I want to make sure that you are going to hell. I am posting it because I'd like to see people in heaven instead of hell.

And yes, hell does exist. People have flatlined, and have come back saying that they had gone there. And this has happened many, many times.

Well, here it is:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised"
-Jesus Christ

Well, its your guys' choice. Its between you and God, and furthermore, its none of my buissiness what you think and why you think it. Like I said b4, its between you and God.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 11, 2004, 09:44:41 AM
You can't go someplace if you do not believe in it.

"It's your hell, you burn in it."
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 16, 2004, 08:18:39 PM
One last question for you, if you are up to trying to answer it completely:

Why should I go with a religion that used me and my kind as the symbol for all things bad and evil?
Title: religion and such
Post by: Luweeg64 on April 17, 2004, 12:44:26 AM
You can't go someplace if you do not believe in it.

"It's your hell, you burn in it."
That's like saying if I don't want it to happen it won't, well, I may not want to get a "D" on my report card, but it will happen if I don't study, you can say there is no hell, but hey if there is one, big mistake. Why not just take the insure and join a relegion?
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 17, 2004, 01:43:10 PM
I repeat:

Why should I go with a religion that used me and my kind as the symbol for all things bad and evil?

if you guys thought I was just playing around when I said I was a dragon, I have news for you:  I know I was a dragon in a past life.  I have seen memeories, and they were memories because my imagination has a much different feeling than true memorie, that have shown me the form.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 17, 2004, 06:05:23 PM
Why should I go with a religion that used me and my kind as the symbol for all things bad and evil?

I have no idea what religion you are talking about.
Dragons were seen in such stories as Beowulf which is in Norse mythology I believe..
Title: religion and such
Post by: Arklon on April 17, 2004, 07:50:45 PM
People ask about the meaning of life, how we got here, and why we are here. Religion is probably theories trying to explain some of these mysteries. I am sure mankind has asked those questions for quite some time.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 17, 2004, 10:06:30 PM
lets see:
the christian religions
many of the minor religions

The only religon that I know of where dragons are not depicted as evil when they are mentioned, is the religion of the Chinese
Title: religion and such
Post by: plymoth45 on April 21, 2004, 12:42:41 PM
lets not get that involved in this CK.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 21, 2004, 03:33:39 PM
*pushes plym away*

No, I'm serious here.  Why should I have to conform to the teachings of a belief system that depicts the kind of my past self as the symbol of all things bad and evil?
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on April 21, 2004, 04:57:43 PM
You are saying that on the basis that you believe that you were a dragon in a past life, and that dragons, in general, exist.

And I haven't seen a Christian religion that depicts dragons as evil, they don't even think they exist.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 22, 2004, 07:53:06 PM
How about right out of the Bible?  Ever read the part about Babylon and how it was destroyed?  (I was bored)
Title: religion and such
Post by: Betaray on April 22, 2004, 08:04:16 PM
When in doubt, go with George Carlin, I've read both of his books, and his view on religion makes since (in kinda weard sort of way, but thats how it turns out when you use logic)
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 22, 2004, 08:55:02 PM
and what does he say?
Title: religion and such
Post by: Betaray on April 22, 2004, 09:00:11 PM
go to the library and rent "Brain Droppings" and "Napalm and Silly Puddy"

I cant quote Carlin because Xfir would not approve the language lol.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on April 22, 2004, 09:01:22 PM
you can PM it to me (I have no transportation for a while, and I'm still only on my permit)
Title: religion and such
Post by: Betaray on April 22, 2004, 09:05:08 PM
well its writtian in the book and its a couple hundred chapters, and I dont know hoe much longer my dad will let me on, so sry
Title: religion and such
Post by: Luweeg64 on May 27, 2004, 07:13:26 AM
Tell me this: if you cannot prove his existance, then how do you know he does exist?

I feel there is a highere existance, just not a god
Well, we can't be sure because if there is a god ( i think there is) he wouldn't have left any proof. This is because faith is exactly that, faith, and whenever you have evidence your not beleiveing, your knowing. But how in the world do you explain how this planet got so lucky, just the right size, right distance, right temperature, it has to be a act of god.  OR just the very existence of life itself, i'm not talking about multi-celled organisms, but the first ones, why did the single celled organisms appear in the first place.  And that's why there's Darwins Theory, so those that can't or won't beleive, have something to beleive in.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Luweeg64 on May 27, 2004, 07:23:01 AM
I repeat:

Why should I go with a religion that used me and my kind as the symbol for all things bad and evil?

if you guys thought I was just playing around when I said I was a dragon, I have news for you:  I know I was a dragon in a past life.  I have seen memeories, and they were memories because my imagination has a much different feeling than true memorie, that have shown me the form.
Now I'll call upon my Dad's psychiatriac knowledge, first have you ever used drugs in your life. Because if not I beleive your schizophrenic.  If you do not know what schizophrenic is it is when your mind fabricates stories, or events, or people or memories.  These people will talk to things, see things, and listen to things that aren't there and that don't exist.

And if your not,  where is the proof that dragons existed??? Even If Sir Galahad killed the last dragon and burned his body, the bones would have still exixted, and with all the construction in the last 100 years, remains would surley have been found.  And don't tell me that they have been mistaken for a dinosaur, because any 3rd grader can tell you the difference between a dragon and a dinosaur. And if you do still beleive that dragons exist, well tell me when Elvis gets back from his tour of the galaxy with the aliens that crash landed at Roswell, trying to pick up their stranded friend Bigfoot.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on May 27, 2004, 01:26:59 PM
Man, I don't know if I could add to that, that pretty much sums it up.

Dragons are a made-up mythological creature, and only that. So it is not a crime to label a mythological creature as "evil"

And as for babylon, the "Dragon" is another name for Satan, he is also called snake, wyrm, serpent, etc.

So pretty much, people in medival times made up an idea in their heads of what a "Dragon" could look like. Satan is the only reffered "Dragon" in existence, there was never a speicie on this planet.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on May 31, 2004, 02:29:27 PM
Luweeg and Phantom, the two I never would have expected to disrespect the beliefs ofothers.  I can respect that you believe in God, it makes you feel good.  There is no complete proof that Dragons don't, have never existed:

Fact: there are millions of planets in the universe
Fact: much of the earth's crust is un-excavated
Fact: I am not a schitzo (I was actually found of 'sound' mind, lol)

BTW, this is from the link Ark provided:

Signs that the bible was not divinely inspired
If you've read all of the above, it should be pretty obvious (I hope) that the bible is not the word of god, or at least not the word of any god worth worshipping. It seems obvious that the bible is a collection of folklore, tall stories, and fairy tales handed down from generation to generation, blown way out of proportion along the way. Some parts of the bible reveal the ignorance of mankind at the time it was written. For example:
According to Nahum 1:3, clouds are actually not particles of water vapour in the atmosphere, they are dust kicked up by god's footprints.
According to Job 37:2-3, thunder is not the rapid expansion of air caused by the intense heat of a lightning bolt, but the voice of god.
According to Jeremiah 30:23, a tornado is not the product of a large weather system, but a weapon god uses to kill those who sin.
According to Isaiah 13:13 and Psalms 18:7, earthquakes are not the result of tectonic plate activity, but a weapon god uses against sinners when he is really pissed off.
According to Hosea 13:15 and Psalms 107:33-34, a river drying up is not the result of a dry season, but a sign that people near the river must have sinned.
Likewise, according to Deuteronomy 28:22-24, drought is god's reaction to sinners living in the area.
Other parts of the bible are just too stupid to have been divinely inspired, and almost certainly indicate the views of the (very human) author(s):
According to Genesis 9:13-15, rainbows are god's way of reminding himself not to brutally slaughter everyone on earth again. (Kind of like the cosmic equivalent of tying a string around your finger, every time you look at it you say, "oh, yeah, I'm NOT supposed to drown almost every living thing on the planet!") One question - why would god need to be reminded of anything?
According to 1 Timothy 4:1-3 and Romans 14:2, vegetarians are weak-minded heathens who must worship other gods.
According to Judges 1:19, an army under god's direct command can be defeated by a group of iron chariots. Can you imagine god trying to justify this? "Well, I know I created the universe and all that, but come on, they have IRON chariots! Chariots made of actual IRON! I can't beat that!"
According to Acts 5:1-10, people who fail to give all their money to god shall be struck dead. Now this is just silly. What's god going to do with money? This must be the biblical equivalent of those annoying television evangelists: "please, send us money so we can spread the word of god..."
According to Leviticus 19:1, farmers who plant two kinds of seed in a single field anger god. Also, people who wear clothing made from more than one kind of material anger god. Why would god care what we wear?
According to Deuteronomy 23:12-14, if you need to go to the bathroom, you should go outside the city, dig a hole, do your business, cover it up, and return to the city. Failure to do so will cause god to turn away from you. Hey god, if you find human waste offensive, why did you make us this way? Come to think of it, how could god find anything offensive?
Still other parts of the bible seem to have been inserted by governments or ruling parties - they seem designed to maintain control over all christians. Look at some examples:
According to Romans 13:1-4 and Peter 2:13-14, you must obey the local goverment at all times, since they were placed there by god. Apparently, god hates rebellions. Riiiiight.
According to Colossians 2:8, god doesn't want you to learn things outside the church. Riiiight
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on May 31, 2004, 02:32:35 PM
ooh, and here's the next section, just love it, lol

Ten commandments? Which ten commandments?
Christians are quick to condemn others, especially atheists, for their lack of moral and ethical integrity. I've even heard some Christians claim that it is impossible to have any ethics at all without religion. However, what is the Christian moral code? Is there a list of rules by which god has commanded Christians to live by? Yes, the bible tells us a story of how god once handed down ten commandments for his people to live by. However, the vast majority of Christians, as usual, have not bothered to read this story for themselves, instead blindly believing whatever they are told. The odd truth of the matter is that god actually handed down twenty commandments, not ten, and most churches, for some reason, completely ignore the last ten commandments handed down by god (probably because most of them make no sense in the modern world compared to the first ten).
Our story begins in Exodus 19. There was a guy named Moses, who was the current leader of the Israelites. Moses went up Mount Sinai to talk to god. The mountain shook, there was smoke, and trumpets, and god spoke! (Why does this never happen anymore? Hmmm). Anyway, god gives moses two stone slabs with the infamous ten commandments written on them. They are:

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy god in vain.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house or wife.
Now, for most Christians the story ends right there. However, the bible has a way of not knowing when to stop, and true to form, this story continues on. It seems that Moses, the klutz, ends up breaking the stone tablets that god gave him. No problem, in Exodus 34 god tells moses to carve out two new, blank stone tablets so that god could again carve the ten commandments onto them. Here's the catch - this second set of ten commandments doesn't even remotely resemble the first set. Here's the second set of ten commandments:
Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee: but ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves.
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
Thou shalt make thee no molten gods.
The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month Abib: for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt.
All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male.
But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall appear before me empty.
Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest.
And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year's end.
Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.
The first of the firstfruits of they land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
So what happened here? Specifically, what happened to "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt not commit adultery"? I mean, the first ten were clear, concise, and to the point. This set of ten commandments isn't nearly as catchy nor as quotable. Any guesses as to what significance "thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk" might have in today's world? If you guessed "none at all", you'd be pretty close to the truth.
How is it that the bible can contradict itself in so few pages? In Exodus 20, we receive a set of commandments from god dictating how we are to live. In Exodus 34, we receive an entirely new set of commandments. So which set is correct? Let's walk through the possibilities.

Possible explanation #1: The first set is correct - let's say the first set of ten commandments is the "real" set of ten commandments. This theory is supported by the fact that pretty much every Christian church in existence today only quotes from this set of ten commandments. If this theory is correct, why then did god give moses ten essentially useless commandments as replacements when moses broke the tablets containing the first set? Did god make a mistake? If so, how is that possible? Was god playing a trick on his people, kind of like an april fool's joke? If so, why? And why did he never rescind these commandments? Or did Satan fool moses into thinking that this second set actually came from god? If so, how? Or did whoever wrote the bible make a mistake, writing down nonsense in Exodus 34 instead of the real ten commandments? If so, why did god allow such a glaring error to be entered into his holy book? We aren't talking about a minor typographical error here, this is a fundamental core concept of Christianity.

Possible explanation #2: The second set is correct - let's say the second set of ten commandments is the "real" set of ten commandments. If this theory is correct, why does the Christian church not acknowledge this fact today? No Christian ever seems to quote "the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb", but how many times have Christians screamed "thou shalt not kill" while gunning down abortion doctors? Further, if this theory is correct, why does Exodus 20 contain such a glaring error? This book is supposed to be the word of god, so where did those first, incorrect, ten commandments come from? Satan? Or did god make a mistake? If so, how is that possible?

Possible explanation #3: Both sets are correct - let's say that the Christian church is wrong, and that there are actually twenty commandments. If so, why did god originally only give moses ten? Why does the church not acknowledge the second set? And why is it that so few Christians are even aware of this glaring problem in the bible?

But let's ignore that glaring discrepancy (as the church seems to have decided to do). Take a look at the first set of ten commandments, the set that most Christians claim to live by. Are these useful? At all? The first four are merely instruction on how we are supposed to worship god. How does this make life better for anyone? The last six are too vague to be of any real value. Thou shalt not kill. Does that include abortion or not? Even Christians can't agree on that. Is killing in self defense okay, or is that also forbidden? How about people in the line of duty, like police officers or soldiers, can they kill to defend themselves or others? Is it okay to kill someone if they want to die? Assisted suicide, euthanasia, does this count as killing? Those four simple words are far too vague to answer any of these questions. Let's try another. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife or possessions. What's wrong with coveting? If my neighbor has a really nice car, am I not allowed to feel jealous? Why not? Do I injure my neighbor by feeling jealous? Do I injure myself by feeling jealous? What if my desire for my neighbor's car causes me to work really hard so that one day I can buy one for myself, is that wrong? To suggest that the ten commandments represent the epitome of moral values is ridiculous. Anyone could draft up an arbitrary set of commandments that would be more useful than that, try these out:

Thou shalt not kill someone who does not wish to die, unless you are defending your life or the lives of others. Women who conceive a child that they do not want or can not support may violate this commandment so long as they do it before the child is born. Otherwise, consider adoption.
Thou shalt not take something that doesn't belong to you without first paying for it, then thanking the person you are buying it from.
Thou may worship whatever god or gods you please, in whatever manner you please, so long as you do not attempt to force your religion on others against their will. Or, if thou pleasest, thou may worship no god at all.
Thou shall try to show respect for people in positions of authority over thyself. If thou canst, thou shall at least try to be civil.
Thou may have sex with whomsoever thou pleasest, in whatever manner thou pleasest, so long as the other person(s) are willing participants. If thou canst not procure thyself a mate, thou may pay for one at the brothel of thy choice. However, thou shalt not bring a child into the world unless thou are certain thou can support it and love it.
If thou must get drunk, thou shall do it in a safe manner, and in a safe place, where none will be offended or injured by thy drunkenness.
Thou shall try not to be an asshole.
I could go on, but it's a fairly useless exercise. The notion that it's even possible to draft up a short list of morals that will govern how people live their lives is naive. The church claims that their vaunted ten commandments, plus their "golden rule" (interesting that their golden rule isn't included in their ten commandments) are all you need to live life ethically. What a joke.  
Title: religion and such
Post by: Zircon on May 31, 2004, 04:08:38 PM
Fact: there are millions of planets in the universe

Incorrect, this solar system has 8-10 planets (depending if you count pluto and sedna)
Overall you could say each solar system has 4-5 planets. (overestimate underestimate i dunno)

Beyond our solar system there are other solar systems among other Alpha Centauri (4.3-4.4 light years from here) Alpha Centauri is believed (theory) to have one planet that could support life. They have also seen planets where oxygen is streaming from and other tests have shown that water isnt very uncommon in solarsystems.
(water eats certain spectras therefore you can with a mediocre accuracy predict that there are planets with possible water in solar systems)

To get back on the point, if we zoom out alot we get to see the beginning of the "milky way" and the spiral arm we are part of. That single part of the spiral arm consists of billions of solarsystems. That the entire milky way it becomes a lot of solar system with a medium of 4-5 planets. And then if we zoom out even more we will begin to see other "spirals" or discs, if we go even longer these spirals will also begin to form a bigger pattern of its own. This final pattern is formed like a shockwave that is growing. In other words the "universe"

So we have 4-5 planets per solarsystem, which is within a spiral arm consisting of billions of solarsystems which are within a spiral which has several "arms" and the spirals are part of the ever expanding universe. So we have something near infinity multiplied by a billion multiplied by a billion billions multiplied by 4-5.

Counting that there may be one habitable planet in one billion planets (very small amount, there are probably more habitable planets in this number) there are still a pretty big amount of habitable planets out there and perhaps alot of lifeforms.

Take this times for example "the quantum foam" that speaks of the "ovals" A Universe like ours is just a small part of the big picture.

This should correct both CK's understatement *gleee*  ^_^ and stick a hole within luweegs "But how in the world do you explain how this planet got so lucky, just the right size, right distance, right temperature, it has to be a act of god. OR just the very existence of life itself, i'm not talking about multi-celled organisms, but the first ones, why did the single celled organisms appear in the first place." balloon.

It's like lottery, the chance is very small. But it does happen. And with so many planets the chances are incredibly good :) In other words, it is rather an impossibility that there would be no other habitable planets.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on May 31, 2004, 04:20:54 PM
wrong, Z, new galaxies are created each day, and along with them come planents in the solar systems.
Title: religion and such
Post by: Zircon on May 31, 2004, 05:14:28 PM
I only said it in a jokingly manner, it all depends upon how deep you want to go :blush:

I see it more like resetting something, because as the rule goes you cant create something out of nothing.
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on May 31, 2004, 05:16:11 PM
that...didn't...sound right
Title: religion and such
Post by: Zircon on May 31, 2004, 05:19:30 PM
*looks around*
You lost me...  :mellow:

This universe has since long stopped it's "building" period, it still expands though. And nothing stops the cycle within that creates new suns etc, an old sun throws off matter, the matter compresses and starts the process anew...

With jokingly i meant, not like criticising "just a million planets" just that there are a lot more...


Self realisation: I make no sense (as usual) am i *sob*
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on May 31, 2004, 05:42:26 PM
"it all depends upon how deep you want to go" just doesn't sound right (I got to stop hanging around my friends...)
Title: religion and such
Post by: Betaray on May 31, 2004, 06:09:22 PM
we go from quoting the bible at great length, to thinking immuture thoughts about a veague expression

wow, we are a very versitle race
Title: religion and such
Post by: CK9 on May 31, 2004, 11:03:02 PM
makes you think, don't it?  yep, I need to stop talking with my friends for a while...
Title: religion and such
Post by: Phantom on May 06, 2005, 01:38:49 AM
Luweeg and Phantom, the two I never would have expected to disrespect the beliefs of others. I can respect that you believe in God, it makes you feel good.

Woah, hold on their man! This sound familiar?

"It's your hell, you burn in it."

There is a very distinct double standard in the world today, where a non-believer can "Talk Smak" about Christianity having no proof, yadda yadda. Yet when a Christian states that another person's religion/belief is false, well then all hell breaks loose. People rarely like a taste of their own medicine.

Oh, and the link ark provided, that guy doesn't have much proof. Pretty much its the ramblings of someone who does not know what he is talking about. The guy obviously only took from scripture what he needed, and then skewed it to fit his agenda.