Outpost Universe Forums
Off Topic => General Interest => Topic started by: zeritou on April 08, 2004, 08:53:25 AM
does this page have anything to do with your name
http://www.neuro.psychologie.uni-saarland....c/doc/xfir.html (http://www.neuro.psychologie.uni-saarland.de/eepdoc/doc/xfir.html)
"It allows the interactive design of the filter coefficient sets which are needed by cntfilter, xcnt, avrfilter and xavr to filter signals."
I don't understand a tad bit of that. Is that any indication to you?
just wondered, typed in "xfir" in my search engine to see what i would get, allwell, atleast i tried
It's an acronym if you read the 1st paragraph after the links..... No real correspondence....
That looks something like programing to me
dunno what it is or what it says, i just typed "xfir" into the msn search bar and copyed the link