Outpost Universe Forums

Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: Arklon on March 21, 2004, 02:33:02 PM

Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Arklon on March 21, 2004, 02:33:02 PM
Anyway, I emailed Dan yesterday about a few things... I asked him about the 5 "cheats" that you could turn on in the memory.

Note that I did have the real memory addresses in the email, but I'm not giving them to you here. :P

> 1) I found 5 memory addresses while playing ingame, that, when set to 01,
> will do things.
> 00[NOYOUCAN'TKNOWIT] - Maximum storage, buildings do not get disabled (at least not
> to power or Command Center link)
> 00[NOYOUCAN'TKNOWIT] - Can produce all of the units of the colony being played as,
> doesn't let you research
> 00[NOYOUCAN'TKNOWIT] - (Very) fast vehicles, ConVecs can move when building structures
> 00[NOYOUCAN'TKNOWIT] - No production/research/training time, all construction sites
> act like they're built on prebulldozed ground, and I think some other
> 00[NOYOUCAN'TKNOWIT] - Trail maps. When a vehicle is moved, it will make a line
> the path it will take, and where it will stop.
> Are these for debug?
Wow, very industrius...  Yes, these are debug settings, so we could see
routing, and test late game problems, and just build.  We had lots of issues
when maps were completely full, (basically out of game memory).    Of
course, in multiplayer playing with these dubug settings will the wreck the
game, and cause them to get out of synch.

I was right on my assumption that they were for debug purposes...

And yes, this was almost entirely useless. o_O
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: sky-sol on March 27, 2004, 01:25:31 PM
so why won't he post up how to do the cheats????? it you can't use them in mutiplayer why not let us enjoy some of these things by our selfs...
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: xfir on March 27, 2004, 06:50:16 PM
I think it's mainly to do with Xfir wanting to keep the Cheats, or how to cheat on Outpost Games a Secret from the Public.
It wasn't me. Arklon did the censoring himself.

Like we keep saying, we are trying to keep the game fair.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Luweeg64 on March 31, 2004, 07:25:26 AM
But I want to destroy the computer player. lol
My car goes fast....wait I don't have a car.....stupid Malox, giving me elaborate dreams again.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on March 31, 2004, 09:21:59 AM
I know 3 of the 5 cheats, and it was a shame everytime someone used them. The 3 I know always sent out a message to everyone in the game saying ruff ruff
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 11:01:21 AM
you mean Woof! Woof!

I like to type Woof! just to wake up my opponents
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on March 31, 2004, 11:58:08 AM
Oops, yes I meant Woof, I never used them, just had them shown to me. God it's been a long time since I've played OP2 multiplayer. As soon as I get the internet hooked up at home I will. Within 3 weeks hopefully.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 02:15:29 PM
gl to you.  The last game I played Lev, he was getting distracted so I typed:
Woof! Woof! Woof!

He thought I cheated, then looked at the message again.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on March 31, 2004, 02:33:12 PM
Lol, it was Drako that showed me the cheats, just so that I'd know what to look for if someone else cheated.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 03:29:32 PM
then he killed ya, right?

Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Leviathan on March 31, 2004, 05:04:01 PM
The last game I played Lev, he was getting distracted so I typed:
Woof! Woof! Woof!

He thought I cheated, then looked at the message again.
i didnt think u cheated. i have more intelligence than that.

distracted ? its called multitasking and its key.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 07:43:19 PM
lev, you flat out accused me of cheating, then went, oh, oops, sorry
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 01, 2004, 07:00:03 AM
Yeah Drako always killed me when we played. I could beat most people on Op2 when I was seriously into it, but I could never beat him. I came close so many times, and then he'd find a way to beat me, without cheating.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on April 01, 2004, 11:53:30 AM
If you went 1 on 2 against me and self, you'd lose.  1 on 1 against me, I'd most likely lose unless it was a land rush on fractures.  For some reason I haven't been beaten with those settings.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 01, 2004, 11:59:41 AM
I once went 1 on 3 against some newbies and kicked their butt. It was great, but then again I never saw them playing online again. So maybe I shouldn't have beaten them so badly. Killed off one of them by mark 100 and was already attacking another. Ahh the memories. Now when I get on within the next couple of weeks, I'll be getting my ass handed to me at first, been too long and I've lost any touch that I had.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on April 01, 2004, 01:35:44 PM
see, I'm not very good alone, but when I'm on a team, I can get more done, as I have someone who can watch my back as I get more ore.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 01, 2004, 01:40:40 PM
I used to be that person watching the back of the other person. But I agree, I like team's. Also since if I was playing with someone I didn't know, I would let him get attacked (I was the bigger one, so they always went after my partner) and then I'd go in a kill at least one of them while my partner was getting killed. It was evil of me, but it got the game won. Man, not too much longer till I can get back on and play again.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on April 01, 2004, 04:05:11 PM
I onced was playing on WON with someone with the same rl name as me.  We were playing, at least I think, lev and falcon on handprint.  When we were being overwellmend, he broke the alliance and attacked me, so I sent a nova to his units and went all out on him when we got back into the WON chat.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: zeritou on April 01, 2004, 05:35:37 PM
you guys know that it isnt  hard to hide cheating, you just tell the game not to send mesages to anyone and type it in
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Luweeg64 on April 02, 2004, 07:05:58 AM
I like you Zeritou, you remind me of myself....If I cheated.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 02, 2004, 08:27:39 AM
I thought that it still sent the message. If it doesn't then you just have to trust that the other person isn't cheating. There are very few people that I would trust like that.

Hey Hacker, is there a way that you could disable cheats, and then make it a download that everyone would have to download and install to play?
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: TH300 on April 02, 2004, 09:27:45 AM
No bad idea. But I believe, op2hacker has things to do which are more important.

Of course cheating is BAD, but it seems to be no problem in this community. Most people, I have played against, didn't cheat.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 02, 2004, 09:31:31 AM
How do you know that they haven't cheated though?
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: TH300 on April 02, 2004, 09:55:00 AM
If they did, they didn't cheat well, bcz I won many games. And most ppl (like Lev) who defeated me are trustworthy.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 02, 2004, 10:11:55 AM
Hmmm....well I just hope that I don't encounter that. If Hacker can't do it, can't someone else? All you'd have to do is create something that deletes the line for the cheats from the code and then increase the version number so that if someone had a different version number it would mean that they still had the capability to cheat and they'd have to eliminate that capability in order to play.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on April 02, 2004, 11:13:32 AM
I like turning off the chat, that way I don't have to talk to people if I'm not in the mood to.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: BlackBox on April 02, 2004, 02:22:31 PM
Okay, let me stress this to you:

One, I am overloaded with work on OP2sock... That will be in a future upgrade of OP2sock though.

You do not have to edit the code, in fact the code is mangled so it would be extremely hard to find the cheats. But there is no need for that.

A program that calls GetKeyState() in a loop can determine typed keys, and for example, if "Dan's" is typed you can TerminateProcess() Outpost2 (ie. force OP2 to exit)

But I'm not going into this now.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 02, 2004, 02:57:49 PM
I was just wondering if it were possible and if in the future it could be done to completely eliminate cheating, without having to stop the game if used.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Arklon on April 02, 2004, 04:17:32 PM
Those hex addresses are NOT the "Dan's" cheats. (The "Dan's" cheats make you send a message saying "Woof! Woof!".) There are only four of those cheats. And hopefully, that last cheat will stay a mystery.

The "cheats" shown here are what I discovered to be debug options. Even though they cause multiplayer games to get out of sync/crash, I'm still not giving the memory addresses, because they can do evil things.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: ZeusBD on April 02, 2004, 04:20:53 PM
Hey, how did you get Dan's e-mail address?
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: CK9 on April 02, 2004, 04:41:28 PM
I don't know Luweeg, you have had some unexplained ore boosts...
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Arklon on April 03, 2004, 12:42:38 PM
From Dan's site?

I don't think Dan wants 2389795 people bothering him, so I'm not giving it. Go find it yourself. :P
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: xamlit on May 26, 2004, 01:15:43 PM
you guys know that it isnt  hard to hide cheating, you just tell the game not to send mesages to anyone and type it in
Classic... Very intuitive Zeritou.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: BlackBox on May 26, 2004, 05:30:16 PM
But you can kind of tell when some one is cheating... like if they're using the ore cheat and no trucks are going to the mines...
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Arklon on May 27, 2004, 07:37:28 AM
You can only notice Dan's bike in combat. Dan's car can't be detected at all.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: zeritou on May 27, 2004, 09:11:58 AM
but you can tell your trucks to set the route to cover up dan's dog
dan's bike cna be covered by not researching the rate of fire improvements
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Arklon on May 27, 2004, 09:19:21 AM
Dan's bike can be done multiple times.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: BlackBox on May 27, 2004, 02:50:56 PM
The most foolproof way to detect a cheat would be to get them to run an anticheat program, that detects what is placed into the input buffer.

(Since they could cheat a keyhook by copying directly to the buffer and forcing an update instead of firing WM_CHAR messages.)
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Hooman on May 30, 2004, 01:17:03 AM
Well, I I think I sound like a pessimist here but there really is no foolproof way of stopping cheating. Besides, downloading and installing anticheating software is a bit of a nuisance. Plus, the existence of such software could potentially make it easier for a hacker to find out what the cheats are.

Well I guess some anti cheating software can make it harder to cheat. I just hope it doesn't end up like some games that just get anti-anti-cheating-software cheats.  :huh:  The last thing we need is a cheating arms race.

Anyways, is cheating really a problem in this game. It never struck me that it was.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Sirbomber on May 30, 2004, 05:58:20 AM
"Dan's bike" is really only a problem earlier on because it gives the player's combat units incredible attack speed, but, has anybody noticed that things like Heat Dissipation Systems no longer take effect after using it? "Dan's car" needs to be put in about 500 times to be useful, and "Dan's dog" isn't useful if somebody's REALLY cheating with it (not build a rare ore mine, etc.) becuase the cheating player will probably only build a Rare Storage and only get 5,000 units of Rare Ore whenever he uses the cheat.

So, why cheat when they're all useless? And I doubt anybody here uses cheats in multiplayer. So, we don't need anticheating software or to reprogram the game or whatever, because none of the cheats are worth using.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: zeritou on May 31, 2004, 11:25:06 AM
when and IF i cheat i always ask first,

exept on one of my newb, friends it keeps me up on the "god pedistal" to him, ya know, the whole power trip.  then i talk to lev and go back to just a mere mortal
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: xfir on May 31, 2004, 11:45:01 AM
We could always say that cheating is best left to single player games.

I think it does take away from the multiplaye experience if someone is basically cheating their way all the way through.

(Note: Arklon says he is having problems with the forums and submit. Please alert me to whether this is happening to you or not. Post a thread in the Suggestions forum)
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: BlackBox on May 31, 2004, 05:37:15 PM
I think using cheating in any way spoils the fun, single or multi modes. It makes the game boring to play, since you don't have to work at it to get good at it. It makes it too easy.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: OP2Patriot on June 03, 2004, 08:45:42 PM
It is fun to find new ways to cheat ... to a point. I have not really made much progress because finding new ways to cheat is not as exciting as it used to be.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Hooman on June 04, 2004, 06:16:45 PM
Hmm, I find cheating can spoil the fun. I find it also makes you suck at the game since it's no longer as challenging so you don't get as good.

On the other hand, when you've played a game to death it can sometime be fun to "chagne the rules". I'm talking minor tweaks here, not like death buttons.  :heh: It's best if the game is still balanced. I remember having a lot of fun with Red Alert. Helicopters dropping torpedoes into the water to kill subs and boats.  (thumbsup) Granted, there can be some fun in things like death buttons, (or Vulcan Cannons on jeeps, V2 rockets on infantry, Nukes in the Cruiser shells, Para-nukes, etc.) but that sort of things can get boring fairly fast.

So yeah, no cheating in multiplayer games, and beware that cheating/changing the rules in any game type makes the game get boring a lot faster (if you aren't already bored with it). And for those misguided people, "changing the rules" without telling the other person is cheating!
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: OriginalOP2 on June 05, 2004, 07:19:32 AM
About the cheats:
They're no secret, i can find them on websites that archive cheats.

Oh, and as long as someone uses them silenty (disabling chat b4 entering the cheat so others dont see you say Woof! Woof!) and is not obvious about it, you cant tell someone is using them.

Most of the cheats start with the word Dan.

I used them once against a friend (a real friend that i went to school with) and laughed my ass off.

But that was the very 1st last time.

Im very oppossed to multiplayer cheating, more so since ive been playing Counter-Strike the last couple months, and thats one FPS thats full of cheaters.
They even have servers specificly for cheaters to show off there cheating abilities!!!!

Anyway back to the main topic, the cheats are no secret, i found them on several game cheat websites, those cheats are what ruined op2 in the 1st place (by the time WON went down there were hardly any players), do not blame the cheaters tho, blame the op2 programmers for including multiplayer cheats in the retail game, and the web sites that posted them.

You all dont know me, i played op2 from 1997 (pre-realease-post release-retail game) to 2001. I am an original diehard ship school, hacking into the internet via dialup jus to play op2 all night op2 Guru.
Favorite colony? Plymouth. Y? cuz if i used playmouth i could not lose a game :)

Ive been waiting very VERY!! paitently for 2 years for anything useful to come from knux and the new OP2-3 programmers i see here now.
I will continue to check back every 2 - 4 months to keep track of progress. See you all later!!!
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: zeritou on June 05, 2004, 08:21:35 AM
there are only 3 cheats on the internet that work,
disabling the chat doesnt compleatly cover it up,
they ALL begin with dan, he was the programmer that put them in there DUH,
if your so apposed to multiplayer cheeting, get better so you can beat  the cheeters,
and its not the programmers fault that some people have insecure personalities so SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE

sorry if i offended anyone other than the target: OriginalOP2

edit: my "p" key doesnt work well
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: cspeye on June 20, 2004, 08:36:19 PM
the cheats seem to be a lot bigger problem with my friends - almost all (all, actually) stopped playing because of both the hosting problem (to be solved by op2sock, i believe) and the cheating problem. unlike this community, they all know all the cheats, and a lot of them like to start using them just when they're about to be killed, and all the fun disappears...

so maybe if op2sock is done and your all not busy anymore, i'd think that you could try making some sort of "anti-cheat" version of the game. maybe it could actually work with the op2sock protocol and kinda filter out the cheats, so that you could host cheat-free multiplayer games (maybe there could be an extra option in "create game" or something if you could do that.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: RedXIII on June 20, 2004, 10:26:33 PM
Yeah, there is no point censoring. I just figured out three out of five by just doing a quick google search. Dans Dog is almost on every cheat website.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Leviathan on June 21, 2004, 05:27:22 AM
a anti-cheat program would be very usefull because we could make sure that no 1 was cheating.

cspeye I hope u and ur friends come to our comunity once again.

im working on a anti cheat app -
www.outpostuniverse.net/projects.htm (http://www.www.outpostuniverse.net/projects.htm)
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: Arklon on September 18, 2004, 03:12:26 PM
Does every thread here get slightly to majorly off topic?
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: HaXtOr on September 21, 2004, 08:23:41 PM
I think cheats should only be used uin game developement. bbut i do find the cheat to maske every wepon fire like crazy very funny if everyone is useing it.
Title: The reason for 5 of the cheats you see in...
Post by: xamlit on September 23, 2004, 04:47:03 PM
wow...I don't like cheats... why was this thread bumped?