Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Leviathan on March 21, 2004, 04:27:11 AM
I hope the IRC channel will bring together Outposters to play many games.
The main games im thinking of are:
- Outpost 2
- StarCraft BroodWar
- Homeworld 2
hmm, don't forget CS and UT2000 too.
If you have mIRC (or another IRC client that can recognize links, use this link to quickly get to the channel:
If not, download an IRC client such as mIRC(here's a quick download (http://www.insurrectionlan.co.uk/Outpost2IRC.zip))
and get on
Channel #Outpost2
(If you're new to irc - pick a nick and connect, then type /join #outpost2 to get to the channel)
I can't seem to join any servers on CS,
I need help with that.
Also I have
- Outpost1
- Outpost2
- Homeworld
- Homeworld Cataclysm
- Homeworld 2
- Halo: Combat Evolved,
- Half-Life, CS, OF, BS
That all I can think of that you might play.
ooo I got op2 of course i aslo have Halo and i cant find homeworld 2 any more :(, casue i want to get it
Do you have Steam installed for CS/ the other HL mods?
Steam is their new multiplayer network, and from now on to upgrade and play the mods you have to use it.
If you're using an old version of CS like 1.5 or lower, you can't play... until you D/L steam.
go to www.steampowered.com and download the steam client.
Register in the program, be prepared as the 1st time you log on it will take forever (steam is horribly slow, unfortunately)
Then you want to go to Games on the main menu. Double click the mods you want in Available Games, and be prepared to wait at least an hour as it converts your existing games into the Steam Cache. (It is a huge disk space hog too - Steam with just HL and CS installed is around 1.2 GB on my computer)
Once that dialog goes away double click the new entry under My Games. It will bring up another dialog and start downloading the upgrades.... It will let you play after a while, you start the game thru steam and you're in at the main menu of the game.
Be Warned: if you have anything less than a 600 mhz it can get really bogged down... You don't want to run other stuff while steam is running games/downloading.
You can use it (I've played CS with my 333 P2) but it takes forever to join a game (seems like 5-10 min at times) However once in game the lag isn't too bad. (Using my p2 333mhz with a stb velocity 128, yes, crappy dated comp, my ping is around ~150)
I'm not worried I have a 3.2GHz Intel Pentium Processor with HT Technology.
and over 200GB Hard drive space!
Wow, nice system Kiith. Once I get the internet hooked up at home I'll be playing OP2 mainly, some Diablo2, STA2 and probably some CS
Thanks Zeus
If mentioned what else I have It'll bring tears to your eyes, lol
Also Steam Sucks!
And I play Quake III too.
What, the new ATI Radeon video card? 2 gigs of Ram? Both of which would make me cry, but to have both, that would be awsome.
Try the New Nvidia Geforce FX 5900 Ultra 256MB
And 4GB of RAM
Amazing! :D
4GB? What motherboard can handle 4 GB's of memory? Also, what kinda memory? DDR, SDRAM, RAMBUS, what? I need to know what I'm envying.
Why the Intel MotherBoard 875P PGA478 of Course!
Speaking of Other Games...
Does anyone know of or own a copy of Europa Universalis by Paradox/StrategyFirst?
That game is an absolute blast to play multiplayer, but it's pretty fun in Single player also. Should cost 9.99 at your local Babbages or GameStop.
Anyone? Anyone? :-D
Nope, I don't. I've never even heard of the game. What's it about exactly?
It's a Historical game with several campaigns, the main one being a campaign that runs from 1492-1792 where you lead one of eight major powers (England, France, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, Poland-Lithuania) to global colonization and war with the other major powers and over 50 minor powers. There are royal marriages and alliances, State religions, Centers of Trade, etc...
A group of people made an "Improved" Grand campaign for the game, in which players can control any power, not just the major ones...it also more closely depicts the historical picture than the original campaign.
I couldn't find the official game website, but here's a review:
Europa Universalis (http://www.gamingexcellence.com/pc/games/00046/index.shtml)
One problem with the game is that it is LONG. You can't feasibly sit down and play a full grand campaign at one time.
Hmmm...sounds like Civilization. I can't see the web-site from work (stupid secure filtering).
Hmm Looks Good, It's Basiclly like
Microsofts Rise of Nations
A Game which I Play alot.
It's Cool...
Split the topic before starting an AMD vs Intel flame war.
edit by op2hacker: topic split. AMD vs Intel stuff can be found in General / Off Topic forum.
My comp does not like IRC for some strange reason.
As for games. Well, the ones I currently have installed are.
-Breed (Its a good game to tinker around with)
-UT2004 (Main source of entertainment)
-Outpost 1
-Sim City 4
plz download and install Outpost 2
try and get irc working.. dl a client from the site or try mirc from mirc.com
I have OP2, I have it in the CD-Rom. It will even be one of those games that, once I get a bigger harddrive, I may burn to the HD. I may not install it because I will probably both get a new harddrive, and reformat this one.
op2 is only 11mb, u can get it from
www.outpostuniverse.net/op2dl (http://www.www.outpostuniverse.net/op2dl)
I am a little skeptical of that, because for some strange reason, my OP2 CD takes up 450 Megabytes.
Outpost2 is only 70mb without the sounds/music. Compressed using a program like 7-zip, you can knock it down to 12mb. No idea how they got it to 11mb, and made it self-extracting. :D
Damn, I need something that can compress that much.
Maybe you should download 7-zip....it is freeware.
http://www.7-zip.org/ (http://www.7-zip.org/)
Maybe, why not?