Outpost Universe Forums

Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: juedino on March 17, 2004, 07:14:54 PM

Title: Help!
Post by: juedino on March 17, 2004, 07:14:54 PM
I've tried again and again to play a internet game, but it won't work.
Please help!!!!
Title: Help!
Post by: xfir on March 17, 2004, 10:37:34 PM
Okay.. what are you connecting to?

The SIGS button will not work.

The Client, at the moment, is failing to work.

In order to arrange a game, get on the IRC channel by downloading the Outpost 2 IRC (http://www.insurrectionlan.co.uk/Outpost2IRC.zip) (Or logging onto #outpost2 irc.quakenet.org)

Also, make sure you have the updates:

http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt1.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt1.exe)
http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt2.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt2.exe)
http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt3.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt3.exe)
http://www.xfir.net/files/OP2NewMapsPack1.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/OP2NewMapsPack1.exe)

Install in that order.
Title: Help!
Post by: Leviathan on March 18, 2004, 05:51:37 AM
if u have a router which cant enalble dmz or port fowarding u cant play tcp ip

there r other reaasons y ppl cant play tcp ip

this will all be fixed for every one once op2sock is done.