Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: juedino on March 17, 2004, 07:14:54 PM
I've tried again and again to play a internet game, but it won't work.
Please help!!!!
Okay.. what are you connecting to?
The SIGS button will not work.
The Client, at the moment, is failing to work.
In order to arrange a game, get on the IRC channel by downloading the Outpost 2 IRC (http://www.insurrectionlan.co.uk/Outpost2IRC.zip) (Or logging onto #outpost2 irc.quakenet.org)
Also, make sure you have the updates:
http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt1.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt1.exe)
http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt2.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt2.exe)
http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt3.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/op2updt3.exe)
http://www.xfir.net/files/OP2NewMapsPack1.exe (http://www.xfir.net/files/OP2NewMapsPack1.exe)
Install in that order.
if u have a router which cant enalble dmz or port fowarding u cant play tcp ip
there r other reaasons y ppl cant play tcp ip
this will all be fixed for every one once op2sock is done.