Outpost Universe Forums
Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: Duckie on March 17, 2004, 05:49:39 PM
right, so i'm going to start study animation and game programming and stuff like that next term, But would like to start learning bout it now :)
So if you guys seeing as you are making a whole game could give some advice on where to learn, what programs to get etc...
all help would be greatly appreciated :)
I would highly reccommend looking at C++ as a programming language.
Not only will this give you a head start on school (I.E. College) but also help in other aspects, like website coding..
I need to learn how to use Fireworks now :P
thanks, well ya that's what I was thinking, it both give me a head start and should prolly boost up my grades B) but would also like to so it simply cauce i'm interested in it.
Though I have no idea whatsoever what C++ is ^_^
C++ would be the increment of C...
Or something..
It's a programming language that is widely used. You may have heard of VB6 (Visual Basic 6) too, but they say C++ is faster (by like a nanosecond).
Anyway, look in your local bookstore for an introduction to programming.
Be shure to buy glasses cuz programing will ruin ur sight.
my eyes!?
my beautfull beautifull eyes!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
C++ is probably the way to go although VB is pretty much unmatched for grphical user interface generation under windows. If you're interested in C++, there are many free compilers you can download off the net. Just google it. I saw DJGPP pop up when I did, which I actually used in a course, but I have to admit it's really not very user friendly and doesn't work well under Windows XP. If you need anything to get started, you can always PM me.
hey, thanks mate
appreciate it :)
but I gather, since I know nothing bout it I would end up asking you about everylittle thing, lol
Need to find a guide or manuel or something
just go to your local municipal library and search for a book about C programming language or C++. I'm sure you'll find many books that will help you.
Well, C++ isn't bad for interface generation.
Event driven type programming is VERY easy with MFC (even tho MFC is slower -- faster than VB though) For the interface design you use the dialog editor.
Even without MFC you can use dialogs...... still VERY easy in VC++.
If you don't want to go to the library, get an account at www.netlibrary.com
and do Advanced Search for Subject "C++".
(If you can't access any books, tell me - I can register a new account thru my school)
man i used c++ in teh higschool and all we did was make dos prompts, we never made any games or any thing fun. I haven't coded in so long, the last thing i made was w finnacing program, kinda easy to make i was bored and wanted something to do. I don't even think that i could make a class any more :blush: it's been sol long
cout >> "how long has it been since you've programed?" endl;
cin << way to long!!
tried to check out that netlibrary but the screen only said it was a server/runtime error.
I'll go down to the library when i get time, though I'm a bit sceptic since most alott swedish programing books sucks pretty hard...
they are allways badly translated english versions...
Then try to get MSDN. You can read the C(++) tutorials.
Look at C/C++ a lot. They'll be your best friends.