Outpost Universe Forums

Off Topic => General Interest => Debate => Topic started by: juedino on March 16, 2004, 05:38:18 PM

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: juedino on March 16, 2004, 05:38:18 PM
Hey anyone.
Which colony do you like best?
I think Eden has the military advantage, but plymouth has some heavy hitters to.
By the way, anyone wanting to play a game let me know. I want to play some Outpost2 baby!
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Leviathan on March 16, 2004, 05:56:46 PM
I play op2 wen evea i have the chanch. best way 2 get a game with me is 2 get on the forum chat room, #Outpost2 on QuakeNet if ur familiar with IRC.
if not download this (http://www.insurrectionlan.co.uk/Outpost2IRC.zip)

the best wep in the game are thor's and only eden have them. but but but in 90% of games, eg 1v1s, small maps (128x128 or 256x256) etc eden simply wont last to get them.
reason for this? a Ply microwave which is upgraded near the start of the game will own a Eden laser.
if u start playin full time ur b using Ply not Eden
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Hooman on March 16, 2004, 11:50:21 PM
I generally like playing long games with Eden. I rarely ever play short games or use Plymouth. Mind you, I don't get to play multiplayer much.

That and the Eden structures are just more interesting to look at.  ;)

And yes, Lasers do kinda suck and I hate being stuck with them for any period of time.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on March 17, 2004, 03:49:01 AM
I still prefer Eden over Plymouth.

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kal on March 17, 2004, 03:56:02 PM
Both Eden and Plymouth have their strong points.  Thor's Hammer is hands down the most powerful weapon around.

Back in high school (and then one day a few months ago) a Friend and I used to play a lot of Op2 games together.  He would always play as Eden, and I would switch between the two.

I won more with Eden, because of the sheer power - but I found that playing as Plymouth was a lot more fun!  Ever smiled with glee as you stole all of your opponent's ConVecs and Cargo Trucks as you blast his Vehicle Factory to smitherines with a Supernova?

Playing Eden you have the same basic approach - overwhelm your enemy.  Plymouth's lack of a killer weapon (such as the Thor's Hammer) forces you to experiment with ways to make up for that lack.  Guerrila tactics and theft are much more fun than simply blowing up your enemy.

After I introduced my friend to the Thor's Hammer by levelling his entire colony with one small wave, he couldn't understand why I ever chose to play as Plymouth...until I turned around and cleaned his clock just as badly, with different tactics.

And besides, why build Thor's when you can just steal them and bolster your Plymoth Vehicle Fleet?  :D
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: juedino on March 19, 2004, 02:44:42 PM
ya plymouth is pretty superior. Besides, you can take all of eden's weapons by using spiders!
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Duckie on March 20, 2004, 03:59:03 AM
he, yeah :D

granted it was years since I played (still trying to get the game again)
But I always loved playing plymouth best.
Once when playing with a friend, I didn't build and troops at all, just spiders, and all the upgrades for them, and just waited for mah mate to attack.

So when he came he was all like mocking me cauce I couldn't see any troops, then I sen't out like 1 billion spiders on him and pretty much took everysingle vehicle he had  :lol:

Know you can't usually can't play like that, but still, was damn funny to do ^_^
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 10:47:37 AM
I like the philosophy of the plymouth colony.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on March 31, 2004, 11:59:41 AM
Philosophy? What part of the philosophy do you like? I llike Eden because of sheer power of the thor hammer. (thumbsup)  
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 02:11:23 PM
The philosophy that, instead of trying to change the planet to what it isn't, they should try to live on it with how it is.  Eden's philosophy is that they should control all and the planet should change to suit them.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on March 31, 2004, 02:31:43 PM
I see your point, but if you can make things better for yourself, why not try? We do it all the time here on Earth and we wouldn't be as far advanced if we didn't.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 03:28:50 PM
which is what sickens me.  Technological advancement is our decline, yet few realize the dangers it posses.  Instead of using only what we need and nothing more like our primitive ancestors, we waste a lot of stuff.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on March 31, 2004, 05:30:49 PM
I think Plymouth are a bunch of hippies,  with wanting peace and that :lol:

And Eden is a group of intellectuals, thus them love technology. :D

If I was to put into a colony I would chose Eden.  :)  
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on March 31, 2004, 07:40:46 PM
Eden is a group of power hungry jerks, plymouth is a group of people who can see the natural beauty of a place and appritiate all the parts of it.  If you've ever been rock climbing at someplace like Joshua National Park, you'd understand this.  Eden would look at it and say, "Let's change the landscape and take all the resources we can find."  Plymouth would see it for it's true natural value and beauty.  You should see
it at sunset, the sun slowly decending behind the 130' cliff that you just spen most of the day rappeling down. (we need a happy crying smiley)  It's beautiful.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on March 31, 2004, 07:59:27 PM
Sure if Eden was on earth or any other M-Class Planet, I'm sure they would try to preserve the natural beauty of the Planet.

But they are on New Terra, A Cold, Dry, Nearly Airless, derelict Planet,
With nothing but Natural Disasters for them to look at.

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: alice on March 31, 2004, 08:02:53 PM
Yeah, but who caused the natural disasters.  If Eden didn't try, there would be NO problems!!!
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 01, 2004, 07:02:27 AM
The world was a reck when they got there. They tried to make it better. If you never try, then you will never succeed.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 01, 2004, 07:40:55 AM
Disasters of New Terra

Natural Disasters...

1. Volcano
2. Earthquake
3. Lighting Storm
4. Vortex
5. Meteorite

Natural Disasters are caused by the Planet itself.

Man Made Disasters...

1. The Blight

The Blight is the only Disaster Eden Made.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 01, 2004, 07:48:45 AM
Yes, but CK's look at it will be that there were only 5 disasters when they got there and now there are 6. But if we never do anything to better our lives, then we will be in the stone age forever.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 01, 2004, 11:51:42 AM
What!?  I never said that!

and it is true that Eden caused the disasters.  The planet was, for lack of a better word, hibernating.  When Eden started Terra-forming, it awoke the planet and the natural disasters started happening.  (read the in-game novella people!)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 01, 2004, 12:01:10 PM
I know that you never said that, but I'm 2 steps ahead and I knew what a response would be from you. Do you disagree that you didn't think that at all?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 01, 2004, 01:34:13 PM
no, I dissagree.  The planet was old, and non-functioning when it came to disasters.  When Eden started Terra-Forming, it caused the planet to awaken with the furry of the disasters it had hidden.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 01, 2004, 01:42:56 PM
I meant do you disagree with what I thought you would say.

Yes, but CK's look at it will be that there were only 5 disasters when they got there and now there are 6.

This is what I thought you'd say. They didn't know that that would happen. If you play it safe all the time, you won't get very far life.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 01, 2004, 04:02:35 PM
it's okay to take risks, but you can't go messing around with technology that you do not fully comprehend.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Arklon on April 01, 2004, 08:38:26 PM
Terraforming is an admirable goal, but many risks shouldn't be overlooked.

But I'll vote for Plymouth because Plymouth's structures look cooler. :)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 01, 2004, 11:08:03 PM
ASnd for that same reason, a but ugly candidate with great ideas will never become pres:  people go by looks too much.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: TH300 on April 02, 2004, 03:44:47 AM
I like Eden more, although I'm convinced that Plymouth is better.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: alice on April 02, 2004, 07:11:28 AM
New Terra was dormant when they arrived.  When eden started terraforming that's when problems started.

1. Volcano - When the blight began to break down the crust, it gave the underlying magma a way to escape.  Thus we have volcanos.

2. Earthquake - Again.  From the blight.  The blight broke down some rock from the fault line, which caused the firm structure to be able to move more freely.  The plates would become caught on each other, causing tension. Soon, the elasticity of the rock was overcome, causing it to break.  Large amounts of energy were released, causing earthquakes.

3. Lighting Storm - The release of gas from the magma caused a medium for the storms to travel on.  Due to lack of moisture in other parts of the atmosphere, there was increased static electricity, causing lightning.

4. Vortex - Almost the same as the storms, but when a low and high pressure zone occur along a border, the zones slowly shift locations.  It speeds up causing tornadoes! :P

5. Meteorite - This one is a real natural disaster, but even we on earth cope with it. It's more durastic on New Terra, due to the lack of a thick atmosphere
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 02, 2004, 11:11:53 AM
I forgot about meteors, lol
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 02, 2004, 07:35:01 PM
Mmmm Meteor.(http://www.angelfire.com/ut2/enterprise/forum/op2/meteor.gif)
Something I made a while ago.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 03, 2004, 10:42:43 AM
Plymouth is better because of two simple reasons,

1. Yes Eden can get Thor's Hammers, but Plymouth can capture a lot of them with EMP and Spiders.

2. The microwave is better than the laser. So you could easily beat a Eden player as long as you keep on top of reaserch.

And there may be other reasons that I haven't thought of yet, beu overall, Plymouth is better.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 03, 2004, 04:59:27 PM
Build a meteor defense or have enough thor's to defend again incomng spiders while the other thor's are disabled. Not hard to defend against an emp-spider attack.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 03, 2004, 05:11:01 PM
Eden, Enough said.

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 03, 2004, 05:12:58 PM
Lol, straight and to the point eh Kiith?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 04, 2004, 12:43:26 AM
Well, unless you use an emp missle on Eden's base, then that would put a damper in their defence.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Hooman on April 04, 2004, 06:06:44 AM
A meteor defense can defend against EMP missles, not just meteors. And the EMP/spider combo I've almost never seen used effectively. Capturing a Thor's Hammer doesn't tend to work very well unless it's alone and then one Thor's Hammer usually wouldn't be much of a threat. Also, there are ways of evening things out between microwave and lasers so I don't think Plymouth really has much of an advantage there. Besides, My favourite levels are for Eden. (That's probably my biggest reason.)

Say, has anyone got caught in a Plymouth/Plymouth game where you just sent missles at each other until the cows came home? I've noticed Plymouth doesn't seem to have a way of defending against those.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 04, 2004, 03:47:10 PM
A plymouth team verses an Eden team.  Enough said, plymouth wins.  Selfdestruct and I even tested that.  We each had 7 - 10 spaceports on la corridor, and we both aimed at the vehicles protected by a meteor defence, at about the same time.

Plus, Eden is controlled by people that are very corrupt and almost as bad as that 1 nut austrian nazi (I refuse to say the name of such an evil and corrupt man).  It is said so between the lines in both novellas.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 04, 2004, 04:45:13 PM
Lol, I see I'm not the only one!

And besides, if you have a bunch of emp panthers, not tigers, with upgraded rate of fire, you could easily capture an eden base.

cause I have done it b4.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 04, 2004, 06:18:35 PM
I almost died in that game, had it not been for my thick-walled entrance that I made.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 08:18:29 AM
CK9, your argument is invalid. If if you live long enough to build 3 or more space ports and can have them all up and running, then I would have at least 4-5 meteor defenses to protect my guys. But that is a big IF you live that long. Your test says that the eden player would only build one meteor defense to the plymoth's 3+ spaceports. So now that that point is shot down....I still say without a doubt, eden is much better.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 10:44:59 AM
However, it takes more time for eden to research Thor's hammers, then for plymouth to research EMP and Spiders (If you have two standard labs).

And a lot of emp panthers mixed with esg and stickfoam can easily overwhelm an oppononet.

I do however, like eden more when I am playing single player missions, on multiplayer though, it's plymouth.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 10:47:23 AM
No, that is incorrect.  I accidentally stumbled upon a research order that allowed me to have space ports long before the Eden players had Meteor defence.  and because I mine ALL becons in my area on that map, I had the resources (as well as the population to support it.  Ask anyone who has been my ally, the only time a building is disabled during a Last One Standing in my base is due to a power structure blowing up or an EMP attack).  And I used six of my ten missles on that.  Then I built a small army of ESG Tigers that I had on defence and Self and I took care of the Eden colonies.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 10:51:45 AM
Your also assuming that all the player's thor's will be group all together. And if you fire more than one EMP missle, then one will hit, disable the vecs, then another will hit an re-enable them. If you have smart player (like me) and you only fire one missle, then I just shoot my own guys with my emp's and that way when the missle's hit, it just brings them back online. Plus, if the player is good, he'll have Thor's by mark 100 (I used to be able to) so no...an effective attack force of EMP missle and spider is not a proven method.

Come on now, give me an argument that I can't so easily shoot down. All of your arguments so far assume that the player is either

1. An absolute idiot
2. first game ever playing
3. CK9 (lol)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 10:55:20 AM
It usually takes 2 emp's to take out a Tiger, but since I have Panthers, they can usually last for that long.

I use panthers as opposed to Tigers because they cost less so you can get more for your money, plus it gives a lot of units.
(Especially if you have three vehicle factories)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 10:58:09 AM
Your also assuming that all the player's thor's will be group all together. And if you fire more than one EMP missle, then one will hit, disable the vecs, then another will hit an re-enable them. If you have smart player (like me) and you only fire one missle, then I just shoot my own guys with my emp's and that way when the missle's hit, it just brings them back online. Plus, if the player is good, he'll have Thor's by mark 100 (I used to be able to) so no...an effective attack force of EMP missle and spider is not a proven method.

Come on now, give me an argument that I can't so easily shoot down. All of your arguments so far assume that the player is either

1. An absolute idiot
2. first game ever playing
3. CK9 (lol)
and you're assuming I only fire at one group.

I fired at one group untill they were sure that was my only target, then I fired at a different one.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 10:59:11 AM
I get tiger's since they're dual turret. So I would probably beat you in a head to head match up even though I haven't played the game in over 2 and a half years.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:01:23 AM
Your also assuming that all the player's thor's will be group all together. And if you fire more than one EMP missle, then one will hit, disable the vecs, then another will hit an re-enable them. If you have smart player (like me) and you only fire one missle, then I just shoot my own guys with my emp's and that way when the missle's hit, it just brings them back online. Plus, if the player is good, he'll have Thor's by mark 100 (I used to be able to) so no...an effective attack force of EMP missle and spider is not a proven method.

Come on now, give me an argument that I can't so easily shoot down. All of your arguments so far assume that the player is either

1. An absolute idiot
2. first game ever playing
3. CK9 (lol)
and you're assuming I only fire at one group.

I fired at one group untill they were sure that was my only target, then I fired at a different one.
Of course, your assuming that

1. I'm not already firing at my unit to make them immune to EMP missle
2. I'm not already knocking on your door killing you
3. That I don't know how to play so that I've never seen any of your tricks before[/size]

Mainly #3 out of them all.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 11:05:12 AM
Well, the thing is, that tigers can only focus on one unit though, and since I could get a lot more panthers in the equivalent time to build your tigers, I think that that would be up for debate.

Once I get op2sock!!!!  :x:  
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:07:30 AM
But your panther's must take more shot's at my tiger than my tiger at your panther. So your panther would be dead before it could finish off my tiger. I would take 6 tiger's over 10 panther's any day.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 11:07:53 AM
Zeus, I was being attacked at the time.  That's why I fired the missles at his in-base units, to get the ones attacking me to disable themselves.  to quote a book that has taken a nice spot on my selves:
It is stratedgy that will win over sheer numbers and brute force.

plus, it would have taken 32 supernova's to destroy that wall enterance I had up.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:11:13 AM
Ahh yes, but I have seen and experienced that strategy before, so I do not disable all of my guys, I leave enough so that if the missle does hit, I have enough to defend or if it doesn't hit, I have enough to defend. I don't use just Tiger's, I use lynx thor's as well, so they kinda sit back just incase such an emergency arises, they can come to the defense of my tiger's.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 11:12:37 AM
but you are also assuming that I am not using stickyfoam. And am not attacking from two fronts, and..

ok, I'm just rambling now.

Ok, I think both races are good, but I just am more accustomed to Plymouth. lol

If I had spent more time with eden, then I would be eden. lol

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 11:13:37 AM
and when they do attack, I still have the other 4 missles, plus six more being built.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:19:38 AM
I play plymouth  on Pie, but Eden on longer term games.

Again CK9, meteor defense....so even if you did some how manage to hold off my attack, you wouldn't have enough to get to my base before I had another army built up. My meteor defense would make sure that my vec facts are up and running to get another army before you could attack with anything at all. It was like playing with Archangle<NH> one time with Ttam watching. He was plymouth, I was Eden. He kept trying your tactic's but between having to use missle's on me, he didn't have enough to disable my 3 groups 3 vec facts each. So I just kept building too fast for him to get though. The game went so long that it just lost sync and stopped. I soubt that you are as good as he was then, so I doubt that you could do what he did. When I get my internet working at home, I will play a few games to get back in the groove of things and then play you.....plymouth vs. Eden. I will be way outta practice, but Eden is so much more powerful, that it will make up for it.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 11:25:17 AM
Yah, I'll give them credit for their Thor's Hammers, but overall, I still prefer Plymouth.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 11:25:36 AM
Zeus, you poor pathetic soul.  Don't you know why I do better on a team?  Normally people like you go after me.  Meanwhile, my teammates are building up incredibly large forces, having had enough built earlier to easily keep you out.  The whole time your units are attacking, it takes longer for back-up to get to them from your base than it does for me to produce more and more units to defend, not to mention I know how to aim a missle just right to hit your units and not mine.   Sometimes I even launch them into nothing-ness just to scare my opponents.  I was once good enough to call myself a higher-level intermediate.  Then I stopped playing for a while, thinking it would make me better when I got back on (worked on a different game) and I found my self on the novice-intermediate border.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 11:27:49 AM
I think he's talking about 1vs.1 though

But I rarely play those games lol.

I have had no experience with op2 multiplayer for 4 years, but I can tell you that on every other strategy game I have, it is the team, not the race, that wins games.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:29:10 AM
Ahhhh...now I see CK9. You don't play by yourself. So you really don't have an argument. Your argument is that your teammate would come in and kill me, but what do you think my teammate would do. If your playing 1on1, then it is Eden over plymouth. If it is 2on2, then Eden team would kill the plymouth team, if they're equally skilled players. But you realy on your teammate to win the game so you don't really know how to win.....do you.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:30:26 AM
I think he's talking about 1vs.1 though

But I rarely play those games lol.

I have had no experience with op2 multiplayer for 4 years, but I can tell you that on every other strategy game I have, it is the team, not the race, that wins games.
Yes, I'm talking about 1on1 since that is where the true test of skill is. You don't realy on your teammate to win the game, you have to use your skills or you get beat.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 11:35:03 AM
my argument is that I trust the fate of my colony to those I trust enough to be my allies.  Besides, I'm still saying plymouth is better becuase of the philisophical part.  I don't remember where I found this (heard/read, can't remember which), but it holds true for this:

"One should never look at a place and say, 'I don't like it here, I'll make it more to my liking.'  Instead, one should be thankfull to have found such a place that makes them appritiate what they do like."

Plymouth is happy to have been able to find such a place, while Eden is like a spoiled rich kid, believing everything is their way or else.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:43:18 AM
Ahhh.....but I would trust my allie as well, one that actually knew how to play Eden and we'd beat the living **** out of Plymouth

And to your quote, let me ask you,

Do you drive or ride in a car regularly? If so then your a hipocrite since that hurts the enviroment, but it makes things easier on you. Have you or a family member ever planted anything, then your a hipocrite since your changing it from its natural state to make it more to your liking.Do you live in a house? Then your a hipocrite since your changed the way nature was to be more to your likings, your didn't just put something on top of it, a hole was dug, pipes were ran, tree's were cut down, so then you accepted the change in the enviroment because it made the place more to your liking.

Edit: TOS violation: language
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 11:52:04 AM
I am not a hypocrate, for I cannot control what I am forced into (that's right, forced)  I plan to live on campus when I go to colledge so I can just ride my bike everywhere.  I do not plant things.  What my family does cannot be reflected on me for a reson that is stated in another quote (don't you guys wonder where I get these things?):

"The judgment of the past generations should never be placed on the presant generation, for how can they learn from others' mistakes when they are the ones being punnished for them, and thusly will want to make those same mistakes to gain revenge."
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 11:52:23 AM
Yah, the philosophical part is what I'm all for, I think It was in the novella that came with the game (I remeber I printed the whole thing out and my dad got ******!)

but anyways, Eden created the blight that started the planet falling apart. So, yah..

Building houses, and whatever else, hasn't destroyed the world and its been thousands of years.

Edit: TOS violation: language (can't edit one and not another)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 11:56:51 AM
So CK9, what do you think that campus was built on? What do you think those book's are made of? For our own comfort and well being, change has to be made. And until it is done, the effects can never be truely understood. They made a mistake, but at least they tried.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 12:00:56 PM
Who ever said learning was a comfort?  If I had a choice, we'd all still be our primitive selves.  Not only would we once again have the paradice, but the HIV virus would die with 1 group of people.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 12:04:09 PM
Let me ask you something....are you part of one of those fanatic groups that are to nature what PETA is to animals?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 12:04:43 PM
I dont think that word should have been removed! Its not a cussword! lol.

Or mabey it is and I didn't know it?

anyways, man must build shelter in order to survive. And since man is the dominant speicies/race/anything on this planet, we kindof have a right to find ways to survive and prosper.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 12:07:42 PM
So you agree that progress is a must Phantom? Aside from your choice of who to play in the game, which do you think has better idea's? Eden, which believe in progress or Plymouth, which believe in picking bugs out of each other's hair and throwing sticks at the enemy?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 12:10:30 PM
Yah, I do agree that it was a good attempt, however It didn't need to be done, because they would have survived just the same without terraforming the planet.

Or, they should have built a spaceport, and tested the terraforming on a distant moon or somthing. lol.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 12:11:35 PM
Zeus, I will warn you once and only once: judging someone based on their moral beliefs is considered abuse and will not be tolerated.

and to answer your question, no.  There is on;y one organization I am part of, and #@^* proud to be part of too.  I am a Boy scout, rank Eagle.  I worked hard learning from that (also went to some awesome places and got to do things I wouldn't normaly have had a chance to.)

And since you mention PETA, I'll give you one guess on that one.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 12:19:39 PM
Yah, I was in the boy scouts, then I quit and joined Civil Air Patrol Air Force Auxilliary.
I got to Technical Sergent.
I also got to fire an M16-A2.

But ne ways,  
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 12:20:20 PM
So your going to use your mod stick to be a bully?

I am not judging anyone on anything. I couldn't remember the name of the group so I described it. (The group is called Green Peace or ALF) So don't accuse me of something that I'm not guilty of. They have their own beliefs and I am perfectly okay with that, as long as that's what it stays at, beliefs. When they start destroying things, like cars or some other kinda property, then it is considered a fanactic group. ALF is considered by the US government to be a terrorist group, so that is what I was referring to.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 12:21:46 PM
Yah, I was in the boy scouts, then I quit and joined Civil Air Patrol Air Force Auxilliary.
I got to Technical Sergent.
I also got to fire an M16-A2.

But ne ways,
I'm in the real Air Force and I got to fire the M16-A2 as well. I was in the Boy scouts and got some merit badges, but didn't make it to Eagle, I got bored with it.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 12:22:00 PM
LoL, amen to that!

Beliefs are Beliefs, but actions are another thing!

Note: The boy scouts are a good group, and I uphold there positions.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 12:25:45 PM
Zeus, the last thing I am is a bully.  You have to remember the wording of your posts has a lot to do with the acusations.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 12:27:13 PM
Yah, cmon people, can't we all just get along?

lol, ok, that was corny.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 12:28:43 PM
Okay, sorry for miswording. I do not hold anything against anyone just due to their beliefs. They have to act upon it in a harmful way or start to really speak harmfully against me for me to not like them. Like in Iraq, I have nothing against their religion, just the people who are using revised forms of it to try to validate their killing American's. Islam is a religion of peace, but these radical's are making their own version's of it and are using this false religion to kill us.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 05, 2004, 12:34:22 PM
I really hate Religion, Devoting your time and sometimes life to something that doesn’t exist,  :angry:
i.e. God.

I just think it’s a waste of time.

Some crazy Jehovah Witnesses came to my door the other day. Gave my a leaflet about there religious aspects, after they had left I went into the back garden and burnt it,  :lol:
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 12:37:09 PM
I agree with you kiith, I cannot believe in what I have no proof of the existance of (didn't we all learn that when we learned the truth about the holiday charactors?)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 05, 2004, 12:39:04 PM

Like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny :lol:

Also. Eden is the best Colony.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 12:42:44 PM
on what basis?

There are too many levels to say one is the over-all best:
moral standards
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 05, 2004, 12:48:30 PM
I think
Power, Technology and Weaponry are Edens strong points
and Philosophy, and Moral Standars are Plymouths

Eden 3 - Plymouth 2

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 12:52:32 PM
there are more than 5

stratedgy: plymouth
starship: plymouth gets it researched faster (trust me on this, I know from experience), but Eden has the RLV (tie)
defense: Plymouth (they live on volcanic ground for goodness sakes!)
inteligent colony placing: Eden (same reason as above)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 12:56:26 PM
Defense, Eden

Thor hammer gaurd post's baby.

And I believe in God. I don't have to see him to believe. I've seen the miracles he's worked with my step-mom in her 3 different types of cancer, and 6 surgeries. About to be another. But she has made it even though the doctor said that there was a 50/50 percent chance on 2 of the surguries. I have seen other miracles as well and I believe without a doubt
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 12:59:02 PM
...Devoting your time and sometimes life to something that doesn’t exist, 
i.e. God.
I just think it’s a waste of time.

Well, now THAT is your opinion.
I'm a Christian. But don't worry, I'm not offended.

Islam is a religion of peace

neways, here is what the koran says:

...the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.

And as for a religion of peace, they haven't proved it yet. I'm still waiting.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 12:59:16 PM
My two grandmothers were very devout (is that the right word?) catholics, one died in a car accident while pulling out of her parking spot at the church, the other from thyroid cancer.  I have had no reason to believe.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 01:04:08 PM
I was their time. If they had not died there, then what other worse ways could they have died. You only see what's in front of you, but what you need to see is what's beyond that that lies in front of you.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 01:05:22 PM
What I see beyond in front of me is a world of chaos, where people continue to go to war when there is no longer any reason to be at war.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 01:11:50 PM
If we don't go to war then war will come to us. Again, you only see what's in front of you.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 01:14:04 PM
How will war come to us when there is no more reason for any war?  Again, you assume that there is only one constant.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 01:16:32 PM
In this universe, there are constantly people in other parts of the world trying to start a war with us. One's that actually pose a threat to us we take out before they do it to us.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 01:18:49 PM
There will always be evil in the world untill the end times.

As long as evil exists in this world, there will be wars.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 01:21:23 PM
What you and I consider evil is good to other's, what they consider good is evil to us. So who's to decide which side is right. Even though I believe that they should all be blown straight to.....well you know....that doesn't mean that someone else think the same of us...

Something to think about.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 01:22:28 PM
Yet another reason why there will always be wars.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 05, 2004, 01:22:55 PM
Shouldn’t this be in the Debate Forum?

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 01:24:41 PM
Well then, sombody create a new topic in the debate forum.

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 01:25:07 PM
Yes, not just from what we've been saying, but the whole basis of the topic should make it in the debate forum.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 01:25:38 PM
Well then, sombody create a new topic in the debate forum.

An Admin can move it
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 01:25:58 PM
Yah, that's true,

ok, whose the guy who started this topic neways?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 05, 2004, 01:27:49 PM
That would be juedino
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 05, 2004, 01:32:34 PM
Yes Please Continue the discussion HERE (http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.php?showtopic=773)

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 05, 2004, 03:47:05 PM
I forget, what's the topic and how far off topic are we?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: xfir on April 05, 2004, 06:50:03 PM
I forget, what's the topic and how far off topic are we?
6 pages...

Topic title: Which colony is the best?
Off-topic meter = ~86%
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: BlackBox on April 05, 2004, 06:55:25 PM

Plymouth is by far the best. The story line isnt the big deal, its the superiority in game play.

If you do it right, Plymouth is much better. You don't need Thor's Hammer to win. Thors Hammer is for people who need it to survive..... You get good at the game, and you can win on microwaves.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 05, 2004, 10:17:36 PM
I agree with op2hacker.

Microwaves with increased rate of fire are great, on the Microwave Tigers, it is a constant fire of microwave energy!
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 06, 2004, 09:18:48 AM
Even in a rush game though. I used to get thor's before mark 100 even on pie. So I got rail guns even faster. Rail gun's will mess up any micro that get's in its way. If your a good player then Eden is the best....no doubt.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 06, 2004, 11:37:12 AM
When it's lev playing on Pie chart, plymouth is the best for him.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 06, 2004, 11:52:31 AM
Anyone remember Rondt_Panther....now he knew how to play any race, any type of game. He was a one person team, just like Prince_Paco. I would have loved to have seen a 1on1 between them two. I mastered Eden at one point, but was only good with Plymouth.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 06, 2004, 11:58:16 AM
Anything that is too easy, isn't worth doing, that's why I like Plymouth best on space race.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 06, 2004, 12:17:50 PM
Now that I think of it, I don't really care who is the best, frankly because I like to play as both Eden and Plymouth.
They both have interesting and unique strategies.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 06, 2004, 12:57:17 PM
Actually we we're off topic up there since we were arguing a point made to decide which was the best colony. CK9 said Plymouth because of their love of the planet and such and we were just arguing that point.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 06, 2004, 01:11:01 PM
That's true. On the moral standpoint, Plymouth is the best colony.

However, Plymouth is not in the stone age as someone put it, How would you explain the Spiders? I mean Eden doesn't think to make un-reprogrammable vehicles? I mean thats just wierd.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 06, 2004, 01:22:24 PM
I was challenging CK9's standpoint. He said that they believed in nature and not Tech advancements like Eden. So I used the stone age thing to bash him.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 06, 2004, 01:27:00 PM
lol, ok, lol.
Yah, doesn't every1 believe in nature though? I mean it's right in front of your face! lol.

And for Eden morals, it was mostly the political leaders that were corrupt, the scientists were trying to do something good.
If the terraforming thing worked, every1 would have had the benifits, including Plymouth.
I still think however that they should have tested it on another planet first, lol.

Ok, neways, I like Plymouth more, just cause I'm used to playing with them more.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: BlackBox on April 06, 2004, 01:31:34 PM
In the story they shouldn't have shielded the whole terraforming from the public.
Instead of just doing stuff with it and suddenly everyone is dead.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 06, 2004, 01:42:12 PM
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 06, 2004, 01:45:11 PM
I do agree with that. I think that they should have tried, but they should have warned everyone before doing it. What'd they think, that everyone would wake up one day, see grass as far as the eye could see and think nothing of it?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 06, 2004, 01:55:04 PM
I do however give them credit for trying, but they still should have been more careful.

"Um, ok citizens, we are doing experaments that will do one of two things: Successfully terraform the planet, or doom us all."

I think the story would have been much different though.lol.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 06, 2004, 03:18:41 PM
Isn't this more of a debate than anything else?  I'm trying to decide whether or not to move it

(btw, I never was much good at determining which spelling of whether went to which meaning :mellow:)
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 07, 2004, 05:55:19 AM
Isn't this more of a debate than anything else?  I'm trying to decide whether or not to move it

(btw, I never was much good at determining which spelling of whether went to which meaning :mellow:)
Of course this is a debate; the title of the topic kind of gives it away.

Anyway Nature is for the birds, lol

The only way human life can advance though life is through technological advancement.

Also, Eden is best.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 07, 2004, 09:45:26 AM
I agree with Kiith, without tech advancement's, we will never get anywhere. We must have them in order to survive.

And I also agree the Eden is the best.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 10:23:41 AM
technology is good, but only when you have the know how to survive when it fails you.

Also, if any of you watched the Dinotopia movie (yes I know, I'm kinda pathetic) they say that weapons are enemies, even to their owners.  I think this game greatly shows that when you lose an attack vehicle to a spider-EMP combo.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 07, 2004, 10:30:02 AM
I think this game greatly shows that when you lose an attack vehicle to a spider-EMP combo.

That is an incomplete sentence or just a really screwed up one. What were you trying to say there?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 10:32:17 AM
that the game proves the statement from that movie, what are you, the grammar police?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 07, 2004, 10:34:16 AM
Yes...put your hands up, you have been charged with killing a period and trying to put a question mark in its place.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Zircon on April 07, 2004, 11:13:44 AM
The reason Edens plan failed was because the organisms Nguyen were using were too dangerous...

He should have calmed down and taken more precautions...

As Kiith said "The only way human life can advance through life is through technological advancement." and i believe it's true, you have to take it slowly though.

Like with genemodified crops, what is needed is testing testing and more testing.
And then some more tests made by outside forces.
When that is done you can begin using the crops with great success otherwise it's like running around with a bottle of nitroglycerin.

Other then this and the "masters" within Eden they would be the perfect colony.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 12:10:22 PM
Plus you can't forget that Plymouth treated their Elders better.  The Eden commanders wouldn't even listen to Axen.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 07, 2004, 12:21:56 PM
True that! lol
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 07, 2004, 12:28:38 PM
Well, isn't it the young minds that thought are generated? So if they disagreed with their elder's, they should do it? The elder's can be wrong and they have the right to make their own decision. So the did what they thought was right.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 12:29:03 PM
Je pense par conséquent que je suis...

Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 07, 2004, 01:20:30 PM
They did however forget that it was because of their elders that they were on New Terra neways.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 07, 2004, 01:43:33 PM
Very good point there Phantom
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 07, 2004, 02:25:21 PM
Just the facts man, just the facts.. lol
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on April 07, 2004, 02:37:39 PM

Eden is the best.

Although Plymouth has a pretty good looking Rare Ore Smelter.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 07, 2004, 02:39:52 PM
Yep, it is a pretty nice rare ore smelter, mabey it's environmentaly friendly. lol, just kidding.

Actually though, Plymouth is just as interested in technological advacnement as Eden, just no the Terraforming part of it.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 02:44:30 PM
speeking of asthetic values, anyone else think eden looks strange as red?
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 07, 2004, 02:53:50 PM
Yeah, kinda. I do think that Plymouth looks better as red than Eden does.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 07, 2004, 04:09:25 PM
That's true, I think eden looks good as blue or green or teal.
Plymouth is good as red, and um, that's all I can think of right now.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 04:15:57 PM
you mean Cyan, there is a difference you know.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Oprime on April 07, 2004, 04:21:25 PM
Plymouth is better when it comes to battles....Didn't I already say this?

 :evil laugh: I'm planing on getting my myself a higher speed connection. So, when I'm done with my little project I'll be on IRC playing for hours.  :'(  I've missed out on so many good games.
Plymouth hooo haaa!!! I love those little microwave lynx
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 04:26:22 PM
I got to find ttam and try to get a game against him, from what it tells me I might have a chance of winning.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Oprime on April 07, 2004, 04:32:38 PM
hmm...CK9 only battle people he could beat.  :P  CK9 Why don't ya battle me again sometime  B). Maybe a rush game. Just to keep on topic Plymoth is faster at getting high powered wepons much faster then Eden. So I wouldn't battle anybody like leviathan or Paco with out being anything else then Plymoth.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 07, 2004, 04:40:36 PM
Yep, plymouth is better, that is if you know how to play.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Oprime on April 07, 2004, 04:45:13 PM
:huh: Plymoth isn't that hard to learn how to play with. I haven't been able to play games latly cause a)been busy b)My ISP is using something that lags games:( c) I've been G-lined so I can't get in to IRC at the moment.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 07, 2004, 04:48:09 PM
Yah, I think I learned how to play as plymouth faster than eden.. That is one of the reasons why I play as them the most.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: CK9 on April 07, 2004, 07:36:26 PM
OP, you got me all wrong, I'm playing everyone.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: ZeusBD on April 08, 2004, 10:34:34 AM
Plymouth is better if you don't want to take anytime to learn the game, you just want a wuick fix (kinda like if you chose paladin on almost any game that has it where you pick your character. He is average on everything so he is easier to play) But Eden is like the other players, if you take some time and learn how to play them, they would whoop Plymouth any day of the week.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Phantom on April 08, 2004, 03:59:01 PM
And if you wanted to play a long drawn out game.lol.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Kramy on April 17, 2004, 12:54:52 PM
I prefer playing eden in single player, and plymouth when I used to play multiplayer.

I haven't played multi for a while, so I'm sure I suck. :P
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Sirbomber on May 09, 2004, 07:07:16 AM
Well, Plymouth has faster, low-tech weapons, were as Eden has slower, High-Tech weapons. Plymouth does have Supernova and can destroy a Command Center instantly, but Eden could always blow it up before it gets there. Also, Eden has longer-ranged weapons, so I say Eden is better.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Betaray on August 04, 2004, 07:36:05 PM
if you know what you are doing and can get heavy weps out pretty early, wile having a nice clump of 20-40 lynx lasers to defend you (what I try to do) get rare fast and start making lynx thors and emps, eden is pretty strong

plus it has the metior defence, wich is good because if your plym you have no defence against somone emping your smelters/vec facts

plus its the coloney I normally play on, so I would say Eden, even though I can still get my butt handed to me on a sliver platter lol

I am just a high tech kinda guy
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: PlayingOutpost0-24 on August 11, 2004, 11:19:27 AM
Eden in single
Plymouth in multi
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: Vexhare on March 21, 2006, 04:42:51 PM
I'm gonna vote plymouth, they understood you have to cooperate with the environment not conquere it.
Title: Which colony is the best?
Post by: lordly_dragon on March 22, 2006, 08:25:24 AM
OUCH a two year necroing ...I would have to go with eden because they are freak and I like freak  (thumbsup)