Outpost Universe Forums

Off Topic => General Interest => Debate => Topic started by: ZeusBD on March 13, 2004, 12:13:37 AM

Title: Obesity
Post by: ZeusBD on March 13, 2004, 12:13:37 AM
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration Friday announced a campaign to combat the epidemic of obesity in the United States through improved product labels, health education, and a partnership with restaurants to help steer people toward healthier menu choices.

This was a big headline on cnn.com

So what do you think, is it the people or the industry. I personally think that since each person has a choice on what they eat and when they eat, it is the indiviual's fault.  I think that it's just another way that people are trying to blame someone else besides themselves.

If you don't care then hey, it only took you about a minute to open this topic and then move on.
Title: Obesity
Post by: plymoth45 on March 13, 2004, 01:35:41 AM
It is of course our eating habits, not the food companies, and it is also how our bodies are.
Title: Obesity
Post by: ZeusBD on March 13, 2004, 07:28:04 AM
Good point, our bodies aren't made to take in that much grease. Eating at fast food places is okay 2-3 times a week, better if less, but there are people who are eating it everyday, sometimes 2-3 times a day. Don't blame the restuarants because you chose to eat there.

9995 posts. 5 to go till 10,000 :D  
Title: Obesity
Post by: xfir on March 13, 2004, 09:22:48 AM
One little thing we should be aware of:

Whose hand is reaching into the KFC (insert other food chain/product here) bucket?
Title: Obesity
Post by: Oprime on March 13, 2004, 03:20:48 PM
I'm gonna use myself as an example  :heh:
I blame it all on myself for gaining 30IB. I was once a young lad that ran 2 miles daily for fun....but, (<----notice I said but) when people become a high school students people get lazy  :whistle:. Now I'm stuck at 208IB and having to start to lose 33IB  ;) I think that it's totaly the persons fault.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Luweeg64 on March 24, 2004, 04:15:01 PM
I blame computer gaming, and lack of outdoor activity. (the suns evil  :ph34r: ) . . . op for instance. . .  
Title: Obesity
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on March 24, 2004, 04:43:55 PM
It may be Video Games, but in my case it's not.

I've been using computers for 12 years.

*My Eyes :blink: *

I don't go out much; I eat a lot of Cookies :P

I weigh 56kg and have less then 6% body fat.

I’m a perfect Physical Specimen

*Brag Brag*  :D
Title: Obesity
Post by: xfir on March 24, 2004, 06:40:12 PM
I blame computer gaming
Shifting blame again are we?

Whose fault is it that you don't go outside? I'm pretty sure that its not that hard to go outside, take a walk, or even ride a bike.

I mean, c'mon, what are you going to do when you're out of the house? Eat all day and sleep in a cardboard box at night?
Title: Obesity
Post by: Betaray on March 24, 2004, 06:52:05 PM
I mean, c'mon, what are you going to do when you're out of the house? Eat all day and sleep in a cardboard box at night?
hay, you are insulting my way of life!!!
Title: Obesity
Post by: ZeusBD on March 25, 2004, 12:03:09 AM
It is clearly the person's fault. If they can't go out into direct sunlight, they can go out at night, if they can't walk, well then they aren't going to the restuarant anyways, so it has to be the person's fault since they have a choice of wether or not the go outside.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Oprime on March 25, 2004, 11:17:23 AM
:huh: Just as a small question...How much do all of you weigh and how active are you guys and gals? It really isn't that hard to lose 1 pound weekly when you think about it. Yes it would take me about 30 weeks to lose weight, but that's only cause I'm not a crazy health nut. There are a lot of crazy health nuts out there that look at other people and wonder how they got fat.  They always try to talk people in to doing things that they feel they really don't want to do. Some people just because they think their fat feel they should work-out 25 hours a day. I hate how some people keep talking like it's something that can be solved with a lot of exercise...Being fat isn't all that bad when your OK with it as long as you know how much is too much.  
Title: Obesity
Post by: Kiith Somtaaw on March 25, 2004, 11:31:32 AM
I am 5' 10" Tall and Weigh 125 Lbs
That's 70" and 56 Kgs

But It's Mainly Muscle

1 Pound = 0.45359237 kilograms
1 Foot = 12 Inches
Title: Obesity
Post by: xfir on March 25, 2004, 03:00:04 PM
I'm about 5'10" and weigh about 150lbs. I work everyday (almost) but also I have a controlled diet, seeing as how I am diabetic.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Oprime on March 25, 2004, 05:10:24 PM
5' 7 1/2" 208IB Heavy build. I havn't done much running, but I still retain a lot of my leg mucles. I'm supposted to be around 170 to 175IB for my hight making it my target wight. ;) Losing wight really isn't that hard, all ya have to remember is that the way you gained it is the way you lose it which is slowly.  
Title: Obesity
Post by: ZeusBD on March 26, 2004, 07:38:34 AM
I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with being fat, I'm just saying don't blame the food industry.

I'm 6'3" 220 lbs. I'm not real muscular, but I've got some pretty solid arms. I must admit that I do have quite a bit of chub though.
Title: Obesity
Post by: mustang09-06 on September 04, 2004, 07:03:58 PM
It's the individual's choice whether or not to eat the junk food.  (lol.  landslide vote)

(gpgarrettboast was thinking of adding Outpost 2  to the list.  J/K  lol)
Title: Obesity
Post by: PlayingOutpost0-24 on September 05, 2004, 03:15:34 AM
50 kgs... half-muscle :P
Title: Obesity
Post by: Einhander on September 06, 2004, 09:23:18 AM
actuly in alot of cases (not all) it isnt eather the persons fault or the industries. it is mainly based on how the persons body precesses what it eats. For example, i can eat healthy only have 3 meals a day and that what not but ill still gain weight, not beacuse of the food but how my body processes what you put in it (and beacuse im just sitting on my butt doing nothing, which dosent help eather).

in short terms, just beacuse some ones metobolic rate isnt really fast (or is slow as he**) dosent mean that we need to balme it on us or thefood industry. it is jsut something that you cant controll.

(this is being stated as if you didnt do any excersize what so ever and did minor thing like walking short distances and that what not)

(and NO IM NOT FAT!!! actuly by writing this i have lost 2 pounds [i only weigh 125 pounds] lol)
Title: Obesity
Post by: ZeusBD on September 15, 2004, 07:46:16 AM
Actually you can speed up your metabolism by exercising on a daily basis. Just sitting around will slow it down, so really it has nothing to do with fate or whatever....it is all up to you if you wanna be fat or if you wanna do something about it.
Title: Obesity
Post by: alice on September 15, 2004, 09:58:01 AM
Well, some people have hormone disorders in which they do not produce enough Thyroid Stimulating Hormones (TSH), like Thyroxin. (Lol. learning this in biology right now.)  When this happens, the people's metabolism is low, so they're body does not utilize the food they eat. (Even if it's just a little). So, the food industry and individuals are not the only problem.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Betaray on September 15, 2004, 08:51:14 PM
well technicly its still the individual, its just a faulty biological process, and not the persons own overindulgence
Title: Obesity
Post by: CK9 on September 15, 2004, 11:17:26 PM
You cannot blame the food industry for this one, they are just taking advantage of the weakness of people to make a profit.  It is the fault of one's self if one becomes obese, as only they can control when, where, and how much they eat.
Title: Obesity
Post by: ZeusBD on September 16, 2004, 01:45:50 PM
Ahhh the almighty dollar.....Who cares what you have to sell, as long as it makes money.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Betaray on September 17, 2004, 03:53:01 PM
what capatilism is all about
Title: Obesity
Post by: CK9 on September 17, 2004, 06:16:21 PM
our economy only works because we believe it does, lol
Title: Obesity
Post by: jesusfreak06 on April 14, 2005, 08:11:53 AM
wow, i just found this topic.. well, i weigh 115, and i'm 5'3 (i no, i'm short, mustang and GPG pick on me bout it all the time) lol. i weight 105 befor track started, but after track i started to over eat, and i no run (w/ all my events) the mile, the half mile, and i tripple jump. we were eatin at a resturant and i couldn't decide what size of onion rings to get and i asked the waiter how big the portions were and my cousin said "she eats like a grown man!" and the waitress said "a large it is!" lol, i do eat a lot, but i'm SO active w/ 3 dance classe and track almost every day plus runnin on my own, plus weight lifting when i can, i can afford to (and the 10 pounds is muscle, my max bench is 100 lbs.. ) but i do believe that it's all the person... places like Mcdonalds don't help by puttin salt in all their food products, but it's the individual's fault for eating there (and if the person has a thyroid problem, y r they eating fast food if they can avoid it?)  
Title: Obesity
Post by: Mez on April 14, 2005, 10:37:07 AM
It is partially self control yes.

Yes salt is put in food by chefs and at resturants, which isn;t needed at all.
You do not, EVER need to add salt to food, there is enough salt in the food already.
Then you have the problem of people eating far more than they need to, you dont need to eat untill you are full. You need to eat as much as your body requires.

People ask how do you do that?  Well the feeling that you are full is actually your stomach saying dont feed me any more or ill be sick , not im full and dont need any more food.  By abusing this reaction/feeling and stuffing more down your face then you will get fat as you are training the reaction not to occur and in turn make your stomach bigger.

We as a society would be much better off if we got rid of the eat until your full or eat everything on your plate culture. Why do you think it is culture in the East to leave food on the plate -- To signify you dont want anythign else.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Hawk on April 15, 2005, 05:34:17 AM
Under normal circumstances, one does not need to add salt to their food.  There have been many times I've come back from sector with salt stains on my clothes from sweating so much.  In an enviromnemt like where I am, you need the extra salt to replinish what you lose through sweating.  Don't believe me?  Spend some time in the sandbox.  I, personally, do eat rather unhealthy.  Back in the states, I'd typically eat fast food at least once everyday, but I had a "healthy" lifestyle to go along with it (some would disagree).  I've seen people hit the gym nearly everyday, drink nothing but water and eat relatively healthy that are active, but still can't get rid of their gut.  Genetics puts the gut there.  Maybe it can be reduced.  I know for sure the individual can take off the flab around the arms, legs and neck.

??? lbs
Best 2 mile time: 13:15
Latest 2 mile time: 14:35 (hard to run in the sandbox)
Title: Obesity
Post by: Mez on April 15, 2005, 06:28:22 PM
The gut is also determined by your metablolism - which as u say is geneitic
Title: Obesity
Post by: jesusfreak06 on April 26, 2005, 08:16:01 AM
well, all the woman (my mommy and my aunt) took after their father who was VERY tall and skinny but i took after my dad's side... lol, short (i have a fast matabolism and eat like everyfing in site and STILL get hunger pains...) lol, i just got braces and can't eat nefing and i'm like FREAKIN out.. lol... but neways, my brother takes after my mom (he's 8 and like a ft shorter than me... it's not kool... lol) and he's very skinny (and he complains that he's fat when he weighs like 55 lbs..) it's kinda scary b/c he does his best to get outta eating and it worries me that he tries to skip meals or just messes around when he eats b/c he's worried about weight... hmm, what's this world commin to when an 8 yr old finks he's fat?... hopefully it's just a phase.. a girl in my class was belemic (she's now getin help) but u could literally c EVERY bone in her body and she could wrap her hand around her bicep (u should NOT b able to do that..) but then again, how could a parent no say nefing when their already skinny (smaller than me and i'm tiny) daughter starts losein weight majorly?... who no's.. but i'm glad that she's gettin help

ppl eat b/c they're too fat, ppl don't eat b/c they're too fat... wait, where's the gray area where everyone's happy w/ themselves???? not in today's society, the gray area died when Mc Donalds and Wal Marts opened and ppl used them as an excuse to get lazy and fat...
Title: Obesity
Post by: Ezekel on April 26, 2005, 08:42:18 AM
both and neither.

its the individual's fault - but only to a certain degree. after all its a nature requirement to eat.
and the food companies... well i'd rather not put the blame squarely on them, but on the ppl who give the liscenses, after all the food companies are trying their best to make profit as mush as possible.

basically its everyones fault more or less.

parents should be included in it too -it's their responsibility to read the packets when their kids are young and when the kids get older then they will develop good habits like avoiding bad food habits
Title: Obesity
Post by: Leviathan on April 26, 2005, 08:48:36 AM
its the individual's fault.

its down to personal choice.

and body type is down to genetics, there are only a few different body types.  
Title: Obesity
Post by: Freeza-CII on April 26, 2005, 04:25:49 PM
i think Genetics and Psychological are an excuse.  As for people being fat.  If they want to be fat let them.  If they dont get them off the bad foods and drinks.  It really comes down to a choice to be fat or not to be fat.
Title: Obesity
Post by: jesusfreak06 on April 28, 2005, 10:02:08 PM
my mommy always said that if a person eats b/c they r fat and unhappy and they get even fatter from this, then it's their fault... u don't have to eat to make urself happy, but rathereat till ur body has the nutrients it needs... like those ppl on talk shows that say that life got so tough that they resorted to food to make fings better... not smart...
Title: Obesity
Post by: Phantom on May 04, 2005, 03:42:33 PM
I don't mind the campaign, and I also agree, It is the individual's fault. Sure the fast food companies make the food, but who chooses to eat their instead of going to the grocery store? Me! And who is it that gets the Large #6 Combo with a large mozzerella sticks instead of fries at Arby's? Me!

So remember, don't blame other people for your problems.

I do think it is somewhat sacriligious that they are making cookie monster eat less cookies. And for cookie monster, cookies should not be a "Sometimes Food", I mean come on! He's freakin' cookie monster for heavens sake! Yep. the evil s.s. dictators (S.S. for Seseme Street, lol) is blaming cookie monster for obesity in youth, and are denying him a large portion of the only food that sustains him! I also heard that they are going to have him eating healthy foods, but healthy for WHOM may I ask? Oh sure vegtables and fruit may be good for us, but to a mythical creature such as the Cookie Monster, it is poison I say, poison! Which leads me to believe that there is a pre-existing plot to "take out" the cookie monster so that the evil seseme street buracrats can give more time to Elmo's World, which, In my opinion, is most likely a front for an illicit drug smuggling corporation based in Colombia.[/rant]
Title: Obesity
Post by: OP2Patriot on May 11, 2005, 12:52:13 PM
*quick soapbox trip*

See, the reason why people get fat is most likely they somehow get addicted to eating food. Now is that the food's fault, no.

Saying it's the foods fault for someone getting addicted on it is like saying it's the cocaine's fault for the drugee getting addicted on it.

*end of trip*
Title: Obesity
Post by: Phantom on May 11, 2005, 02:52:55 PM
Its kind of like the add that DARE and those people use:

"Just Say No"

They should also add:

"Don't blame everyone else for your problems you freakin pansy"
Title: Obesity
Post by: ZeusBD on May 20, 2005, 10:28:42 AM
Wow, this topic has lasted 2 months over a year....I guess I really hit a sweet spot. Well, like I said before, I blame the individual. I recently stopped drinking pop (only drink one once and week for the last 6 weeks) and stopped eating sweets. I work out more and what do you know, I've lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks. Now, I wasn't a heavy guy, but now I think I look great. The moral of my story is that when I started to watch what I ate I lost weight that was only there because I didn't eat right.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Hooman on May 20, 2005, 03:43:20 PM
So what do you say to the underweight people who'd like to gain weight? Either extreme can be quite unhealthy.
Title: Obesity
Post by: Phantom on May 20, 2005, 05:34:11 PM
Underwieght people should probably hold off on the cardio (If they are doing a lot of it), and eat a little more, not nessessarily unhealthy foods, but chicken and stuff like that.

Back on topic: I switched over to Diet soda, and reduced the amount I drink, this wasn't really a problem for me because I usually drink non-fat milk and water.

And I found out that juice isn't that great for you to have all of the time. It is loaded with sugar.

I do need to start getting in shape though, but I'm too lazy. lol.
Title: Obesity
Post by: CK9 on July 07, 2005, 10:36:30 AM
I have one last thing to say about this topic:

"I turn on the tube and what do I see
A whole lotta people cryin’ ’don’t blame me’
They point their crooked little fingers ar everybody else
Spend all their time feelin’ sorry for themselves
Victim of this, victim of that
Your momma’s too thin; your daddy’s too fat

Get over it
Get over it
All this whinin’ and cryin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it

You say you haven’t been the same since you had your little crash
But you might feel better if I gave you some cash
The more I think about it, old billy was right
Let’s kill all the lawyers, kill ’em tonight
You don’t want to work, you want to live like a king
But the big, bad world doesn’t owe you a thing

Get over it
Get over it
If you don’t want to play, then you might as well split
Get over it, get over it

It’s like going to confession every time I hear you speak
You’re makin’ the most of your losin’ streak
Some call it sick, but I call it weak

You drag it around like a ball and chain
You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain
You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown
Got your mind in the gutter, bringin’ everybody down
Complain about the present and blame it on the past
I’d like to find your inner child and kick it’s little ass

Get over it
Get over it
All this b****in’ and moanin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it

Get over it
Get over it
It’s gotta stop sometime, so why don’t you quit
Get over it, get over it "
