Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Divided Destiny => Topic started by: SimplyChaos on December 04, 2023, 01:50:21 PM
I found this forum and was curious if anyone here was around for the original online multiplayer community? I went by SimplyChaos or StalkingPanther most of the time. That had to be around 25 years ago! Hoping there are still a few of the old crowd around!
We mostly hang out on Discord these days. Here's an invite link: https://discord.gg/kDz5Q3t
Hope to see you there!
First visit back in years, I saw the title and felt immediately called out, haha.
I started playing the game in 2001, and at 14 wasn't allowed unsupervised internet access at the time. I played on LAN with my brothers and dad, though.
"Player 2 has broken the alliance!"
"We are under attack!"
"Structures destroyed! Our people are dying! Morale is terrible."
Speaking of Dynamix games...anyone ever play The Incredible Machine?
The Incredible Machine was awesome