Outpost Universe Forums

Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Add On Missions => Topic started by: Vagabond on February 14, 2019, 09:12:40 PM

Title: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: Vagabond on February 14, 2019, 09:12:40 PM
I was coding with someone else who doesn't frequent the forum recently. The results were a pleasant new multiplayer map. It is a 4 player cooperative land rush resource race with off screen AI attacks. Difficulty scales, so it should play well with 2, 3, or 4 players. Most testing occurred in 3 player mode since I had 2 consistent beta testers.

Download Scenario: https://github.com/Brett208/OP2MissionYukonTrail/releases/tag/v1.0.0

Winning conditions:
 - Stage 20,000 * player count common metal in trucks at northern waypoint
 - Stage 10,000 * player count rare metal in trucks at northern waypoint

The mission is designed for play with morale unsteady and no initial tanks. If normal is too difficult, try adding initial tanks and maybe steady morale.

 - Normal: High Resources
 - Hard: Medium Resources
 - Veteran: Low Resources


 - Semi-randomized enemy tech tree research
 - Randomized enemy squad objectives and start locations
 - Enemy EMP missiles when they reach it in their tech tree research
 - Smart disaster mode where colony killing disasters will not occur around your main base and no disasters will occur until your base is established.
 - Semi-Randomized ore locations

 - When all human players choose Eden, the enemy missiles do not actually launch. (I don't know why?)

Single Player:
The scenario may be beatable solo if you play well enough and set resources to high. You might have to transfer some trucks to the dummy player to have enough vehicles.

If anyone decides to play, would be interested in feedback on how it goes. Trying to make Resource Races cool since 1997. Feel free to report bugs here or on GitHub.

Source Code: https://github.com/Brett208/OP2MissionYukonTrail

Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: leeor_net on February 15, 2019, 11:20:30 PM
Woot! Always love seeing new maps and missions being made! :D
Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: Hooman on February 16, 2019, 02:59:34 AM
Yes indeed, nice to see a new mission, and with source up on GitHub. :)

I checked briefly into the SetEMPMissile code. I didn't see anything obvious that might cause that.

The unknown parameter 3 should be creatorIndex in:
Code: [Select]
static void __fastcall SetEMPMissile(int launchTileX, int launchTileY, int setToZero, int destTileX, int destTileY);	// Set third param to 0

Apparently the "setToZero" name is indicating player 0 should own the missile. Maybe try setting that parameter to the AI player number.
Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: Vagabond on February 16, 2019, 07:19:02 AM
Thanks Leeor.

Hooman, I just tested and indeed it worked when setting the third parameter to the AI index (who is set to Plymouth). I suspect this function only allows an EMP missile to fire if the selected player is Plymouth. We should update Outpost2DLL to reflect this. Thanks for investigating.

I'll post a new version maybe later this weekend.

Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: Hooman on February 16, 2019, 12:09:49 PM
PR submitted. Another long standing mystery solved.  ;)

I believe there are still a number of unknown parameters in the Outpost2.exe API.
Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: Vagabond on February 19, 2019, 07:24:26 PM
Thanks Hooman. Code change made its way into this scenario already.

Played another round of Yukon Trail this weekend. Set everyone to low resources but with 12 initial vehicles. Were creamed pretty badly by the AI player despite fairly valiant efforts by all three of us. It looks like 3 decent players can barely win on Medium.

In light of that, we made low resources a bit 'less low' and slightly slowed the tech growth of the AI player. Even with these changes, I think beating it on low resources for me is out of the question. Maybe not for a group of crack players that practice the scenario a few times though? Not sure if that sort of talent is still around to play.

Plan to test again this weekend with medium resources. If everything goes well, plan to consider the scenario done outside of bug fixes. Will try to jump on the forum briefly to see if anyone else is interested. Likely Friday night Eastern US time.

Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: leeor_net on February 20, 2019, 05:57:03 PM
I'd be interested to give it a try. I should be feeling up to it (physically I mean, been a rough couple of months).
Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: Vagabond on February 21, 2019, 08:22:50 PM
I'll try to be on the forums around 8:30PM Eastern Time on Friday. We will be using the development build out of the SVN repository for Outpost 2. I'll have to send you the files manually as I haven't updated everything on GitHub yet.

Title: Re: 4P, RR, 'Yukon Trail'
Post by: Vagabond on February 22, 2019, 07:50:46 PM
OP2 Delta